
Call of Duty 5: World at War => Help Desk => Scripting => Topic started by: kitos on August 07, 2017, 12:32:23 pm

Title: help with one script
Post by: kitos on August 07, 2017, 12:32:23 pm
I have this script it works 100% but I dont know why the souls not appears
 i have this error

how can I put the soul goes to door?

help please

Code Snippet
soul_door = getentarray( "soul_door", "targetname" );

for( i=0 ; i<soul_door.size ; i++ )
if( isDefined(soul_door[i].script_flag) && !IsDefined( level.flag[soul_door[i].script_flag] ) )
flag_init( soul_door[i].script_flag );

level thread zombie_soul_start();
trig = getent( "soul_trig", "targetname" );

zombies = getaiarray( "axis" );
for( i=0 ; i<zombies.size ; i++ )
if( !isdefined( zombies[i].soul_zombie ) )
zombies[i].soul_zombie = true;
zombies[i] thread soul_watch( trig );

wait 0.5;
self waittill( "death", attacker );

if( !isdefined( trig ) )

if( isdefined(attacker) && !isplayer( attacker ) )

if( self istouching( trig ) )
trig thread add_soul_to_door(self.origin);
if( !isdefined( self.souls ) )
self.souls = 0;

fx_pos = getstruct( "soul_fx_pos", "targetname" );
fx_tag = spawn( "script_model", death_origin+(0,0,30) );
fx_tag setmodel( "tag_origin" );
playfxontag( level._effect[ YOUR_SOUL_FX ], fx_tag, "tag_origin" ); // SOUL FX
fxtag moveto( fx_pos.origin, 2, 1, 0 );
wait 2;
fxtag delete();
playsoundatposition( SOUL_ADDING_SOUND, fx_pos.origin ); // SOUND WHEN A SOUL GETS ADDED

if( self.souls == 25 )
level thread open_special_door();
self delete();
soul_door = getentarray( "soul_door", "targetname" );

for( i=0 ; i<soul_door.size ; i++ )
soul_door[i] notsolid();
soul_door[i] connectpaths();
soul_door[i] moveto( (soul_door[i].origin+soul_door[i].script_vector), 2, 0.5, 0.5 );

if( isdefined( soul_door[i].script_flag ) )
flag_set( soul_door[i].script_flag );
Title: Re: help with one script
Post by: buttkicker845 on August 07, 2017, 04:31:24 pm
change fxtag to fx_tag. this issue you is when you changed it from including the "_" it no longer counts as the same variable as fx_tag
Title: Re: help with one script
Post by: kitos on August 07, 2017, 04:34:00 pm
Ir works now