
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 => Help Desk => Mapping => Topic started by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 07:01:31 am

Title: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 07:01:31 am
Alright so after researching and countless attempts of trying to fix this, no matter what I've try my map refuses to run. (As in playtest).

It loads up black ops 3, then as soon as the map is about to load, a command prompt comes up then it all closes.

I can't see what the command prompt says since it opens and closes within a millisecond.

This has only been happening since the update.

What i've tried:
- Verifying Game & Tool Cache.
- Restarting PC (Of Course).
- Updating my Scripts from the new ones in Share/Raw.
- Deleting any changes I made in my map.

Launching it from within Black Ops 3 does not work either.

Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 07:07:31 am
Zm_usermap was updated

Delete the copies you have in usermaps/yourmap/scripts/zm

Get the new ones from raw and reapply your changes
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 07:21:56 am
Zm_usermap was updated

Delete the copies you have in usermaps/yourmap/scripts/zm

Get the new ones from raw and reapply your changes
I said, I already done that.

Did you read the post, or the title?
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 09:33:07 am
I said, I already done that.

Did you read the post, or the title?

If you want help - don't give attitude to the person trying to help you

I KNOW that's the solution as I investigated just last night - you prob copied the OLD usermap gsc again

This has been the exact cause for everyone I've spoken to since the update - and if you compare the gscs you'll see exactly WHY
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 10:48:34 am

If you want help - don't give attitude to the person trying to help you

I KNOW that's the solution as I investigated just last night - you prob copied the OLD usermap gsc again

This has been the exact cause for everyone I've spoken to since the update - and if you compare the gscs you'll see exactly WHY
I double checked, yes I updated the .gsc and .csc to the new ones.

Also this is the thing that is happening, it's different to everyone else:

Spoiler: click to open...
It loads up black ops 3, then as soon as the map is about to load, a command prompt comes up then it all closes.

I can't see what the command prompt says since it opens and closes within a millisecond.
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 11:29:01 am
No that isn't "different" to anyone else at all

That's exactly what I and several people had - then I checked someone's usermap gsc and compared it to the new one and found it completely different

I redid the changes, sent it back, had em recompile - boom worked

Post your usermap gsc and zone file

Also of note - putting a busted "zbarrier" asset in your map will also cause the crash

For example the bobble gum machine prefab
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 12:17:15 pm
Ah well sorry, I was talking in multiple discord servers and none of them had the same issue as me.

I haven't changed my zone file for a fix.

Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\compass;
#using scripts\shared\exploder_shared;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;
#using scripts\shared\laststand_shared;
#using scripts\shared\math_shared;
#using scripts\shared\scene_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;

#insert scripts\zm\_zm_utility.gsh;

#using scripts\zm\_load;
#using scripts\zm\_zm;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerups;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weapons;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_zonemgr;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch_util;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_additionalprimaryweapon;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_doubletap2;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_deadshot;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_quick_revive;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_sleight_of_hand;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_electric_cherry;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_widows_wine;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_double_points;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_carpenter;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_fire_sale;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_free_perk;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_full_ammo;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_insta_kill;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_nuke;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_weapon_minigun;

// Weapons
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_bowie;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_bouncingbetty;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_cymbal_monkey;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_tesla;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_rocketshield;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_gravityspikes;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_annihilator;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_thundergun;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_octobomb;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_raygun_mark3;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_trap_electric;

// AI
#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie;
#using scripts\shared\ai\behavior_zombie_dog;
#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_dogs;

#using scripts\zm\zm_usermap_ai;

#precache( "fx", "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single" );
#precache( "fx", "impacts/fx_flesh_hit" );
#precache( "fx", "misc/fx_zombie_bloodsplat" );
#precache( "fx", "misc/fx_zombie_bloodspurt" );
#precache( "fx", "weapon/bullet/fx_flesh_gib_fatal_01" );
#precache( "fx", "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_glow_eye_orange" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_fatal_zmb" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_nochunks_zmb" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_neck_spurt_zmb" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb" );
#precache( "fx", "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak" );
#precache( "fx", "electric/fx_elec_sparks_directional_orange" );

#namespace zm_usermap;


function autoexec opt_in()

function autoexec init_fx()
clientfield::register( "clientuimodel", "player_lives", VERSION_SHIP, 2, "int" );

function main()
level._uses_default_wallbuy_fx = 1;

startingWeapon = "pistol_revolver38";
weapon = getWeapon(startingWeapon);
level.start_weapon = (weapon);
level.perk_purchase_limit = 9;
level.player_starting_points = 300;

level util::set_lighting_state( 1 );

level._effect["eye_glow"] = "zombie/fx_glow_eye_orange";
level._effect["headshot"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_fatal_zmb";
level._effect["headshot_nochunks"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_nochunks_zmb";
level._effect["bloodspurt"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_neck_spurt_zmb";

level._effect["animscript_gib_fx"] = "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb";
level._effect["animscript_gibtrail_fx"] = "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak";
level._effect["switch_sparks"] = "electric/fx_elec_sparks_directional_orange";

//Setup game mode defaults
level.default_start_location = "start_room";
level.default_game_mode = "zclassic";

level.giveCustomLoadout =&giveCustomLoadout;
level.precacheCustomCharacters =&precacheCustomCharacters;
level.giveCustomCharacters =&giveCustomCharacters;
level thread setup_personality_character_exerts();

//Weapons and Equipment
level.register_offhand_weapons_for_level_defaults_override = &offhand_weapon_overrride;
level.zombiemode_offhand_weapon_give_override = &offhand_weapon_give_override;


level._allow_melee_weapon_switching = 1;

level.zombiemode_reusing_pack_a_punch = true;

//Level specific stuff


if( level.dog_rounds_allowed )

level._round_start_func = &zm::round_start;

level thread sndFunctions();

function template_test_zone_init()
level flag::init( "always_on" );
level flag::set( "always_on" );

function offhand_weapon_overrride()
zm_utility::register_lethal_grenade_for_level( "frag_grenade" );
level.zombie_lethal_grenade_player_init = GetWeapon( "frag_grenade" );

zm_utility::register_melee_weapon_for_level( );
level.zombie_melee_weapon_player_init = level.weaponBaseMelee;

zm_utility::register_tactical_grenade_for_level( "cymbal_monkey" );

level.zombie_equipment_player_init = undefined;

function offhand_weapon_give_override( weapon )
self endon( "death" );

if( zm_utility::is_tactical_grenade( weapon ) && IsDefined( self zm_utility::get_player_tactical_grenade() ) && !self zm_utility::is_player_tactical_grenade( weapon )  )
self SetWeaponAmmoClip( self zm_utility::get_player_tactical_grenade(), 0 );
self TakeWeapon( self zm_utility::get_player_tactical_grenade() );
return false;

function include_weapons()

function precacheCustomCharacters()

function initCharacterStartIndex()
level.characterStartIndex = RandomInt( 4 );

function selectCharacterIndexToUse()
if( level.characterStartIndex>=4 )
level.characterStartIndex = 0;

self.characterIndex = level.characterStartIndex;

return self.characterIndex;

function assign_lowest_unused_character_index()
//get the lowest unused character index
charindexarray = [];
charindexarray[0] = 0;// - Dempsey )
charindexarray[1] = 1;// - Nikolai )
charindexarray[2] = 2;// - Richtofen )
charindexarray[3] = 3;// - Takeo )

players = GetPlayers();
if ( players.size == 1 )
charindexarray = array::randomize( charindexarray );
if ( charindexarray[0] == 2 )
level.has_richtofen = true;

return charindexarray[0];
else // 2 or more players just assign the lowest unused value
n_characters_defined = 0;

foreach ( player in players )
if ( isDefined( player.characterIndex ) )
ArrayRemoveValue( charindexarray, player.characterIndex, false );

if ( charindexarray.size > 0 )
// If this is the last guy and we don't have Richtofen in the group yet, make sure he's Richtofen
if ( n_characters_defined == (players.size - 1) )
if ( !IS_TRUE( level.has_richtofen ) )
level.has_richtofen = true;
return 2;

// Randomize the array
charindexarray = array::randomize(charindexarray);
if ( charindexarray[0] == 2 )
level.has_richtofen = true;

return charindexarray[0];

return 0;

function giveCustomCharacters()
if( isdefined(level.hotjoin_player_setup) && [[level.hotjoin_player_setup]]("c_zom_farmgirl_viewhands") )

self DetachAll();

// Only Set Character Index If Not Defined, Since This Thread Gets Called Each Time Player Respawns
if ( !isdefined( self.characterIndex ) )
self.characterIndex = assign_lowest_unused_character_index();

self.favorite_wall_weapons_list = [];
self.talks_in_danger = false;

self SetCharacterBodyType( self.characterIndex );
self SetCharacterBodyStyle( 0 );
self SetCharacterHelmetStyle( 0 );

switch( self.characterIndex )
case 1:
// Nikolai
// level.vox zm_audio::zmbVoxInitSpeaker( "player", "vox_plr_", self );
self.favorite_wall_weapons_list[self.favorite_wall_weapons_list.size] = GetWeapon( "870mcs" );
case 0:
// Dempsey

// level.vox zm_audio::zmbVoxInitSpeaker( "player", "vox_plr_", self );
self.favorite_wall_weapons_list[self.favorite_wall_weapons_list.size] = GetWeapon( "frag_grenade" );
self.favorite_wall_weapons_list[self.favorite_wall_weapons_list.size] = GetWeapon( "bouncingbetty" );
case 3:
// Takeo
// level.vox zm_audio::zmbVoxInitSpeaker( "player", "vox_plr_", self );
self.favorite_wall_weapons_list[self.favorite_wall_weapons_list.size] = GetWeapon( "hk416" );
case 2:
// Richtofen
// level.vox zm_audio::zmbVoxInitSpeaker( "player", "vox_plr_", self );
self.talks_in_danger = true;
level.rich_sq_player = self;
level.sndRadioA = self;
self.favorite_wall_weapons_list[self.favorite_wall_weapons_list.size] = GetWeapon( "pistol_standard" );

self SetMoveSpeedScale( 1 );
self SetSprintDuration( 4 );
self SetSprintCooldown( 0 );

//self zm_utility::set_player_tombstone_index();
self thread set_exert_id();


function set_exert_id()
self endon("disconnect");


self zm_audio::SetExertVoice(self.characterIndex + 1);

function setup_personality_character_exerts()
level.exert_sounds[1]["burp"][0] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[1]["burp"][1] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[1]["burp"][2] = "evt_belch";

level.exert_sounds[2]["burp"][0] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[2]["burp"][1] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[2]["burp"][2] = "evt_belch";

level.exert_sounds[3]["burp"][0] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[3]["burp"][1] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[3]["burp"][2] = "evt_belch";

level.exert_sounds[4]["burp"][0] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[4]["burp"][1] = "evt_belch";
level.exert_sounds[4]["burp"][2] = "evt_belch";

// medium hit
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitmed"][0] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitmed"][1] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitmed"][2] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitmed"][3] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitmed"][4] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[2]["hitmed"][0] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitmed"][1] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitmed"][2] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitmed"][3] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitmed"][4] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[3]["hitmed"][0] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitmed"][1] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitmed"][2] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitmed"][3] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitmed"][4] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[4]["hitmed"][0] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitmed"][1] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitmed"][2] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitmed"][3] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitmed"][4] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_4";

// large hit
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitlrg"][0] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitlrg"][1] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitlrg"][2] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitlrg"][3] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[1]["hitlrg"][4] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[2]["hitlrg"][0] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitlrg"][1] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitlrg"][2] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitlrg"][3] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[2]["hitlrg"][4] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[3]["hitlrg"][0] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitlrg"][1] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitlrg"][2] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitlrg"][3] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[3]["hitlrg"][4] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[4]["hitlrg"][0] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitlrg"][1] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitlrg"][2] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitlrg"][3] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[4]["hitlrg"][4] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_4";

function giveCustomLoadout( takeAllWeapons, alreadySpawned )
self giveWeapon( level.weaponBaseMelee );
self zm_utility::give_start_weapon( true );

function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);

#define JUGGERNAUT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "jugger_light"
#define QUICK_REVIVE_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "revive_light"
#define STAMINUP_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "marathon_light"
#define WIDOWS_WINE_FX_MACHINE_LIGHT "widow_light"
#define SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "sleight_light"
#define DOUBLETAP2_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "doubletap2_light"
#define DEADSHOT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "deadshot_light"
#define ADDITIONAL_PRIMARY_WEAPON_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "additionalprimaryweapon_light"

function perk_init()
level._effect[JUGGERNAUT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_juggernaut_factory_zmb";
level._effect[QUICK_REVIVE_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_quick_revive_factory_zmb";
level._effect[SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_sleight_of_hand_factory_zmb";
level._effect[DOUBLETAP2_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_doubletap2_factory_zmb";
level._effect[DEADSHOT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_daiquiri_factory_zmb";
level._effect[STAMINUP_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_stamin_up_factory_zmb";
level._effect[ADDITIONAL_PRIMARY_WEAPON_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_mule_kick_factory_zmb";

function sndFunctions()
level thread setupMusic();

function setupMusic()
zm_audio::musicState_Create("round_start", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "roundstart1", "roundstart2", "roundstart3", "roundstart4" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("round_start_short", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "roundstart_short1", "roundstart_short2", "roundstart_short3", "roundstart_short4" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("round_start_first", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "roundstart_first" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("round_end", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "roundend1" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("game_over", PLAYTYPE_GAMEEND, "gameover" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("dog_start", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "dogstart1" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("dog_end", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "dogend1" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("timer", PLAYTYPE_ROUND, "timer" );
zm_audio::musicState_Create("power_on", PLAYTYPE_QUEUE, "poweron" );

Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\audio_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\exploder_shared;
#using scripts\shared\scene_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;

#using scripts\zm\_load;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weapons;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_additionalprimaryweapon;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_doubletap2;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_deadshot;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_quick_revive;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_sleight_of_hand;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_electric_cherry;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_widows_wine;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_double_points;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_carpenter;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_fire_sale;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_free_perk;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_full_ammo;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_insta_kill;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_nuke;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_weapon_minigun;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_trap_electric;

// Weapons
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_bouncingbetty;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_cymbal_monkey;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_tesla;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_rocketshield;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_gravityspikes;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_thundergun;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_octobomb;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_raygun_mark3;

// AI
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_dogs;

#namespace zm_usermap;

#precache( "client_fx", "zombie/fx_glow_eye_orange" );
#precache( "client_fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_fatal_zmb" );
#precache( "client_fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_nochunks_zmb" );
#precache( "client_fx", "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_neck_spurt_zmb" );
#precache( "client_fx", "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb" );
#precache( "client_fx", "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak" );
#precache( "client_fx", "dlc0/factory/fx_snow_player_os_factory" );

function autoexec opt_in()

function main()
// custom client side exert sounds for the special characters
level.setupCustomCharacterExerts =&setup_personality_character_exerts;

level._effect["eye_glow"] = "zombie/fx_glow_eye_orange";
level._effect["headshot"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_fatal_zmb";
level._effect["headshot_nochunks"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_head_nochunks_zmb";
level._effect["bloodspurt"] = "zombie/fx_bul_flesh_neck_spurt_zmb";

level._effect["animscript_gib_fx"] = "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb";
level._effect["animscript_gibtrail_fx"] = "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak";

//If enabled then the zombies will get a keyline round them so we can see them through walls
level.debug_keyline_zombies = false;





function include_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);

#define JUGGERNAUT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "jugger_light"
#define QUICK_REVIVE_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "revive_light"
#define STAMINUP_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "marathon_light"
#define WIDOWS_WINE_FX_MACHINE_LIGHT "widow_light"
#define SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "sleight_light"
#define DOUBLETAP2_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "doubletap2_light"
#define DEADSHOT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "deadshot_light"
#define ADDITIONAL_PRIMARY_WEAPON_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX "additionalprimaryweapon_light"

function include_perks()
level._effect[JUGGERNAUT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_juggernaut_factory_zmb";
level._effect[QUICK_REVIVE_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_quick_revive_factory_zmb";
level._effect[SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_sleight_of_hand_factory_zmb";
level._effect[DOUBLETAP2_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_doubletap2_factory_zmb";
level._effect[DEADSHOT_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_daiquiri_factory_zmb";
level._effect[STAMINUP_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_stamin_up_factory_zmb";
level._effect[ADDITIONAL_PRIMARY_WEAPON_MACHINE_LIGHT_FX] = "zombie/fx_perk_mule_kick_factory_zmb";

function setup_personality_character_exerts()
// falling damage
level.exert_sounds[1]["falldamage"][0] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[1]["falldamage"][1] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[1]["falldamage"][2] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[1]["falldamage"][3] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[1]["falldamage"][4] = "vox_plr_0_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[2]["falldamage"][0] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[2]["falldamage"][1] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[2]["falldamage"][2] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[2]["falldamage"][3] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[2]["falldamage"][4] = "vox_plr_1_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[3]["falldamage"][0] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[3]["falldamage"][1] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[3]["falldamage"][2] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[3]["falldamage"][3] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[3]["falldamage"][4] = "vox_plr_2_exert_pain_4";

level.exert_sounds[4]["falldamage"][0] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_0";
level.exert_sounds[4]["falldamage"][1] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_1";
level.exert_sounds[4]["falldamage"][2] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_2";
level.exert_sounds[4]["falldamage"][3] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_3";
level.exert_sounds[4]["falldamage"][4] = "vox_plr_3_exert_pain_4";

// melee swipe
level.exert_sounds[1]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][0] = "vox_plr_0_exert_melee_0";
level.exert_sounds[1]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][1] = "vox_plr_0_exert_melee_1";
level.exert_sounds[1]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][2] = "vox_plr_0_exert_melee_2";
level.exert_sounds[1]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][3] = "vox_plr_0_exert_melee_3";
level.exert_sounds[1]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][4] = "vox_plr_0_exert_melee_4";

level.exert_sounds[2]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][0] = "vox_plr_1_exert_melee_0";
level.exert_sounds[2]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][1] = "vox_plr_1_exert_melee_1";
level.exert_sounds[2]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][2] = "vox_plr_1_exert_melee_2";
level.exert_sounds[2]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][3] = "vox_plr_1_exert_melee_3";
level.exert_sounds[2]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][4] = "vox_plr_1_exert_melee_4";

level.exert_sounds[3]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][0] = "vox_plr_2_exert_melee_0";
level.exert_sounds[3]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][1] = "vox_plr_2_exert_melee_1";
level.exert_sounds[3]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][2] = "vox_plr_2_exert_melee_2";
level.exert_sounds[3]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][3] = "vox_plr_2_exert_melee_3";
level.exert_sounds[3]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][4] = "vox_plr_2_exert_melee_4";

level.exert_sounds[4]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][0] = "vox_plr_3_exert_melee_0";
level.exert_sounds[4]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][1] = "vox_plr_3_exert_melee_1";
level.exert_sounds[4]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][2] = "vox_plr_3_exert_melee_2";
level.exert_sounds[4]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][3] = "vox_plr_3_exert_melee_3";
level.exert_sounds[4]["meleeswipesoundplayer"][4] = "vox_plr_3_exert_melee_4";

zone file
Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet


// BSP

// Audio


// Electric Cherry

Hope you can find something wrong.

P.S. I've had Electric Cherry in my map for quite a while, have had no problems with it.
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 12:31:38 pm
You haven't added your user map scripts to zone

So that'll be why - it's not being loaded

Otherwise I'd suggest putting the start gun back to the mr6
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 02:08:56 pm
I tried putting the start pistol back to the default already.

How would one add user map scripts to zone?
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 02:13:39 pm
Add the script parse lines like you did for cherry
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 02:20:30 pm
Add the script parse lines like you did for cherry

Like that?

I know nothing about scripting.
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 03:03:47 pm
This isn't scripting, it's just adding things to your mod

And yes that's right

For the gsc and the csc

Except it's


I believe
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 03:11:23 pm
Aight this is what I did, doesn't work though.

Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet


// BSP

// Audio


// Electric Cherry

// Usermaps
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 04:05:33 pm
Lol still wrong

Not your map name - the scripts are "called"


All you've done is called your maps scripts - twice now lol ( look six lines up )
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 04:24:40 pm
Oh lmao, well I did this, but still doesn't work :C

Code Snippet


// BSP

// Audio


// Electric Cherry

// Usermaps
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 04:33:11 pm
Lol geez man

I'll be home soon I'll post it coz all you've done now is remove them
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 20, 2016, 04:37:33 pm
Hahaha alright I have no idea what im doin :P
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 20, 2016, 05:39:30 pm
Code Snippet


// BSP

// Audio


// Electric Cherry

scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/zm_usermap.gsc // this you pleb
scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/ // this you pleb
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 21, 2016, 04:17:08 am
But thats exactly what I did????!?!?

Go back and re-read what i posted earlier.

Also, I copied your code and pasted it into my zone file (in case I made an error or something) and it still doesn't work.
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 21, 2016, 07:32:54 am
It isn't what you did, you had your map name in there twice...

Anyway as I said if still not working you must have out some busted asset in your map
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 21, 2016, 07:44:49 am
But it doesn't make any sense, it was working perfeclty until the update came out

with 0 changes
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 21, 2016, 07:46:06 am
Well what I described worked for me on two maps and multiple other ppl
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 21, 2016, 10:19:01 am
Is there any way to find this busted asset?
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 21, 2016, 12:17:12 pm
So far I can only garuntee that bad zbarriers will do it

Eh - the box, Windows and bobble him ones

But even then I'm told the old bobble gum prefab now works which was the cause for everyone else so far

Putting the old scripts back will reverse what treyarch did but you'll just be in this position again later
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 21, 2016, 12:21:44 pm
zbarriers? As in, Zombie Barriers?

Also, I removed Widow's Wine, I haven't placed down the Gobble Gum Prefab.

And, I don't have any box locations placed down.

Is there anyway I can get an error log or something?

I tried running my map with +set logfile 2 and +set developer 1.

I looked through the folders of black ops, the only logs I can find have retarded characters and no information apart from my pc.

I'd really like to get back to working on my map :/
Title: Re: Can't Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 21, 2016, 02:40:23 pm
No the insta crash is near impossible to trace for that very reason

And no not zombie barriers - it's a asset type called zbarrier

Look in the bottom of your entity browser and you'll understand

They are also used "for" the barriers tho
Title: Re: Can\'t Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: SponsoredByCloro on October 21, 2016, 03:21:05 pm
Ok........ how do I know which one to delete?

Should I just delete every barrier on my map or?

Like how do I even findthis in my map..

Double Post Merge: October 21, 2016, 03:27:35 pm
I added you on Skype.
Title: Re: Can\'t Start Map, Different Error, Tried many Fixes.
Post by: Harry Bo21 on October 21, 2016, 04:24:36 pm
Ok........ how do I know which one to delete?

Should I just delete every barrier on my map or?

Like how do I even findthis in my map..

Double Post Merge: October 21, 2016, 03:27:35 pm
I added you on Skype.
as i said its the only other cause i "know" of - but highly doubt those are the issue

if you had had the bobblegum machine down, i would have suggested removing that, as its one i "know" was broken

they should all now be working however, so im still thinking its a script error your over looking as that is what was changed with the update