
Call of Duty 5: World at War => Tutorial Desk => Scripting => Topic started by: Scobalula on August 25, 2016, 07:08:10 pm

Title: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: Scobalula on August 25, 2016, 07:08:10 pm
shaders are not included. :gusta:

Updated HUD for danke display effect. Looks similar to BO2/3, gussssttttaaaaaaa.

Copy _zombiemode_powerups.gsc to your mods folder (or edit it from raw, don't really care, that's your call).

Find this and remove it:

Code Snippet
level thread powerup_hud_overlay();

Find the function called "init_powerups()" and replace it with this:

Code Snippet
if( !IsDefined( level.zombie_powerup_array ) )
level.zombie_powerup_array = [];
if ( !IsDefined( level.zombie_special_drop_array ) )
level.zombie_special_drop_array = [];

// Random Drops
add_zombie_powerup( "nuke", "zombie_bomb", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_NUKE", "misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke" );
add_zombie_powerup( "insta_kill", "zombie_skull", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_INSTA_KILL", undefined, "specialty_instakill_zombies", "zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time");
add_zombie_powerup( "double_points","zombie_x2_icon", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_DOUBLE_POINTS" , undefined, "specialty_doublepoints_zombies", "zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time" );
add_zombie_powerup( "full_ammo",  "zombie_ammocan", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_MAX_AMMO");
add_zombie_powerup( "carpenter",  "zombie_carpenter", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_MAX_AMMO");

// add_zombie_special_powerup( "monkey" );

// additional special "drops"
// add_zombie_special_drop( "nothing" );
add_zombie_special_drop( "dog" );

// Randomize the order

level.zombie_powerup_index = 0;

We have 2 new psh at the end:

Code Snippet
add_zombie_powerup( powerup_name, model_name, hint, fx, shader, timer_var )

We shall define our shader and timer variable here for danka obtaining effect.

Now find the function "add_zombie_powerup()" and replace it with this:

Code Snippet
add_zombie_powerup( powerup_name, model_name, hint, fx, shader, timer_var )
if( IsDefined( level.zombie_include_powerups ) && !IsDefined( level.zombie_include_powerups[powerup_name] ) )

PrecacheModel( model_name );
PrecacheString( hint );

struct = SpawnStruct();

if( !IsDefined( level.zombie_powerups ) )
level.zombie_powerups = [];

struct.powerup_name = powerup_name;
struct.model_name = model_name;
struct.weapon_classname = "script_model";
struct.hint = hint;
struct.shader = shader;
struct.timer = timer_var;

if( IsDefined( fx ) )
struct.fx = LoadFx( fx );

level.zombie_powerups[powerup_name] = struct;
level.zombie_powerup_array[level.zombie_powerup_array.size] = powerup_name;
add_zombie_special_drop( powerup_name );

Now find the function "powerup_hud_overlay()" and replace the entire function with this set of functions:

Code Snippet
RemovePowerUpHud( powerup_name )
for(i = 0; i < self.powerup_hud.size ; i++)
if(IsDefined(self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name) && self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name == powerup_name)
self.hud_is_being_deleted = true;
self.powerup_hud[i] notify("hud_gone");
// IPrintLnBold(self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name ); // Debug Purposes
self.powerup_hud[i].alpha = 1;
wait 0.1;
self.powerup_hud[i] FadeOverTime(0.5);
self.powerup_hud[i].alpha = 0;
wait 0.6;
self.powerup_hud[i] destroy_hud();
self.powerup_hud[i] Delete();
self.powerup_hud = array_remove(self.powerup_hud, self.powerup_hud[i]);
self.current_powerups = array_remove(self.current_powerups, self.current_powerups[powerup_name]);
self.hud_is_being_deleted = false;

for(i = 0; i < self.powerup_hud.size ; i++)
self.powerup_hud[i] thread MoveThyHUD(i, self.powerup_hud.size);

CreatePowerUpHud( powerup )
self.current_powerups = [];
if(!IsDefined( self.powerup_hud))
self.powerup_hud = [];

while(IsDefined(self.current_powerups[powerup])) // Check because from testing if the player is fast enough (Though very rare for it to happen), 2 elements can spawn for same HUD.
wait 0.05;

self.current_powerups[powerup] = create_simple_hud( self ); // Made Client HUD so we modify per player for things like Minigun, etc.
self.current_powerups[powerup].powerup_name = powerup;
self.current_powerups[powerup].foreground = true;
self.current_powerups[powerup].sort = 2;
self.current_powerups[powerup].hidewheninmenu = false;
self.current_powerups[powerup].alignX = "center";
self.current_powerups[powerup].alignY = "bottom";
self.current_powerups[powerup].horzAlign = "center";
self.current_powerups[powerup].vertAlign = "bottom";
self.current_powerups[powerup].x = self.current_powerups[powerup].x;
self.current_powerups[powerup].y = self.current_powerups[powerup].y - 35;
self.current_powerups[powerup].alpha = 0;
self.current_powerups[powerup] setshader(level.zombie_powerups[powerup].shader, 48, 48);
self.current_powerups[powerup] scaleOverTime( .3, 32, 32 );
self.current_powerups[powerup] FadeOverTime(0.3);
self.current_powerups[powerup].alpha = 1;
self.current_powerups[powerup] thread LowTimeFade();

self.powerup_hud[self.powerup_hud.size] = self.current_powerups[powerup];

for(i = 0; i < self.powerup_hud.size ; i++)
self.powerup_hud[i] thread MoveThyHUD(i, self.powerup_hud.size);

self endon("hud_gone");
self.timer = level.zombie_vars[level.zombie_powerups[self.powerup_name].timer];
if(self.timer < 5)
fade_time = 0.2;
else if(self.timer < 10)
fade_time = 0.6;
wait 0.1;

self FadeOverTime(fade_time);
self.alpha = 0.1;
wait fade_time;
self FadeOverTime(fade_time);
self.alpha = 1;
wait fade_time;


MoveThyHUD(i, array_size) // Mjáá
self MoveOverTime(0.5);
self.x = (24 + (-24 * array_size + (i * 48))); // Jáám
self.y = self.y;

The 2 functions "CreatePowerUpHud()" and "RemovePowerUpHud()" will allow us to create and remove our shaders, more info below.


Now we need to edit the Double Points and Insta Kill to use this so find the function called "insta_kill_powerup()" and replace it with this:

Code Snippet
insta_kill_powerup( drop_item )

power_up_name = drop_item.powerup_name;
level notify( "powerup instakill" );
level endon( "powerup instakill" );

// array_thread (players, ::insta_kill_on_hud, drop_item);
level thread insta_kill_on_hud( drop_item, power_up_name );

level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] = 1;
wait( 30 );
level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] = 0;
players = get_players();
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] notify("insta_kill_over");


Now find "insta_kill_on_hud()" and replace with this:

Code Snippet
insta_kill_on_hud( drop_item, power_up_name )
self endon ("disconnect");

// check to see if this is on or not
if ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_on"] )
// reset the time and keep going
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] = 30;

for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread CreatePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_on"] = true;

// set up the hudelem
//hudelem = maps\_hud_util::createFontString( "objective", 2 );
//hudelem maps\_hud_util::setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, level.zombie_vars["zombie_timer_offset"] + level.zombie_vars["zombie_timer_offset_interval"]);
//hudelem.sort = 0.5;
//hudelem.alpha = 0;
//hudelem fadeovertime(0.5);
//hudelem.alpha = 1;
//hudelem.label = drop_item.hint;

// set time remaining for insta kill
level thread time_remaning_on_insta_kill_powerup( drop_item, power_up_name );

// offset in case we get another powerup
//level.zombie_timer_offset -= level.zombie_timer_offset_interval;

You can see here were are calling it on ALL players, as you may have guessed the 2 functions above and all the stuff is player specific allowing use to have different shaders like Death Machine, etc. while other players don't, and allowing it to scale depending on what player has what for example a player has Insta, Death, and x2 but other will only have the 2 global ones it will show up fine specific to player and move specific to player, this has been tested in co-op and works. :)

Now find the function "time_remaning_on_insta_kill_powerup()" and replace with this:

Code Snippet
time_remaning_on_insta_kill_powerup( drop_item, power_up_name ) // Must pass on power_up_name from above for some reason or it won't work.
//self setvalue( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] );
level thread play_devil_dialog("insta_vox");
temp_enta = spawn("script_origin", (0,0,0));
temp_enta playloopsound("insta_kill_loop");

players = get_players();
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] playloopsound ("insta_kill_loop");

// time it down!
while ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] >= 0)
wait 0.1;
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] = level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] - 0.1;
// self setvalue( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] );

players = get_players();
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
//players[i] stoploopsound (2);

players[i] playsound("insta_kill");


temp_enta stoploopsound(2);
for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread RemovePowerUpHud( power_up_name );
// turn off the timer
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_on"] = false;

// remove the offset to make room for new powerups, reset timer for next time
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_insta_kill_time"] = 30;

//level.zombie_timer_offset += level.zombie_timer_offset_interval;
//self destroy();
temp_enta delete();

As you see from some reason we must pass on the power up name from the main function for the power up so make sure to do that.

Now for the Double Points replace the "point_double_on_hud()" and 2 functions under it with this:

Code Snippet
point_doubler_on_hud( drop_item, power_up_name )
self endon ("disconnect");

// check to see if this is on or not
if ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_on"] )
// reset the time and keep going
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = 30;

for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread CreatePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_on"] = true;
//power_hud_array[0] = true;
// set up the hudelem
//hudelem = maps\_hud_util::createFontString( "objective", 2 );
//hudelem maps\_hud_util::setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, level.zombie_vars["zombie_timer_offset"] );
//hudelem.sort = 0.5;
//hudelem.alpha = 0;
//hudelem fadeovertime( 0.5 );
//hudelem.alpha = 1;
//hudelem.label = drop_item.hint;

// set time remaining for point doubler
level thread time_remaining_on_point_doubler_powerup( drop_item, power_up_name );

// offset in case we get another powerup
//level.zombie_timer_offset -= level.zombie_timer_offset_interval;
level.devil_is_speaking = 0;
if(level.devil_is_speaking == 0)
level.devil_is_speaking = 1;
play_sound_2D( sound_to_play );
wait 2.0;
level.devil_is_speaking =0;

time_remaining_on_point_doubler_powerup(drop_item, power_up_name)
//self setvalue( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] );

temp_ent = spawn("script_origin", (0,0,0));
temp_ent playloopsound ("double_point_loop");

level thread play_devil_dialog("dp_vox");

// time it down!
while ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] >= 0)
wait 0.1;
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] - 0.1;
//self setvalue( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] );

for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread RemovePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

// turn off the timer
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_on"] = false;
players = get_players();
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
//players[i] stoploopsound("double_point_loop", 2);
players[i] playsound("points_loop_off");
temp_ent stoploopsound(2);

// remove the offset to make room for new powerups, reset timer for next time
level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = 30;
//level.zombie_timer_offset += level.zombie_timer_offset_interval;
//self destroy();
temp_ent delete();

And replace the main function for it called

Code Snippet
double_points_powerup( drop_item )

power_up_name = drop_item.powerup_name;
level notify ("powerup points scaled");
level endon ("powerup points scaled");

// players = get_players();
// array_thread(level,::point_doubler_on_hud, drop_item);
level thread point_doubler_on_hud( drop_item, power_up_name );

level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"] = 2;
wait 30;

level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"] = 1;

And that should be it, now for some explaining of the 2 functions.

Like I said these are player spefic, for general power ups like Double Points we simply call it like this on all players:

   for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
      GetPlayers() thread CreatePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

And remove it like so:

Code Snippet
	for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i ++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread RemovePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

You can also pass on the player from the switch statement and call it on them specifically and it will add and move only their HUD:

Code Snippet
player thread CreatePowerUpHud( power_up_name );

With the nature of pulling stuff out of GSCs there might be something I missed, let me know if there are any errors or bugs.


Spoiler: click to open...
Q: dis is my mums.

A: z__ :gusta: __z

Q: u stole this from me mum.

A: \_ :gusta: _/

Q: u stole this from my iwd

A: You script? \_________________ :gusta: _/

Q: I don't know how to use this with my custom power ups.

A: Contact me. :)

Title: Re: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: Tim Smith on August 25, 2016, 08:34:49 pm
Pretty nice Good work man +1. Was actually thinking of doing it :).
Title: Re: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: steviewonder87 on August 26, 2016, 04:19:27 pm
Was actually thinking of doing it

Title: Re: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: EmpGeneral on October 23, 2016, 11:05:00 am
Nice script man!But have a way to disable the insta_kill and double_points text when the powerup end?
Title: Re: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: Scobalula on October 23, 2016, 12:46:08 pm
Nice script man!But have a way to disable the insta_kill and double_points text when the powerup end?

Thanks, I must have left it in by mistake, in the Remove function remove the print:

Code Snippet
RemovePowerUpHud( powerup_name )
for(i = 0; i < self.powerup_hud.size ; i++)
if(IsDefined(self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name) && self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name == powerup_name)
self.hud_is_being_deleted = true;
self.powerup_hud[i] notify("hud_gone");
// IPrintLnBold(self.powerup_hud[i].powerup_name ); // Remove this by commenting it.
self.powerup_hud[i].alpha = 1;
wait 0.1;
self.powerup_hud[i] FadeOverTime(0.5);
self.powerup_hud[i].alpha = 0;
wait 0.6;
self.powerup_hud[i] destroy_hud();
self.powerup_hud[i] Delete();
self.powerup_hud = array_remove(self.powerup_hud, self.powerup_hud[i]);
self.current_powerups = array_remove(self.current_powerups, self.current_powerups[powerup_name]);
self.hud_is_being_deleted = false;

for(i = 0; i < self.powerup_hud.size ; i++)
self.powerup_hud[i] thread MoveThyHUD(i, self.powerup_hud.size);
Title: Re: [TUT] Updated Power Ups HUD
Post by: EmpGeneral on October 23, 2016, 12:56:37 pm
Thanks man  :) !