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Messages - Wolf_Silver

.obj is for blender

you need .ma for models and .seanim for anims. Can be extracted with wraith

wraith :

once you download that open at admin, put righ settings, open bo3 at one map with MR6 (zm,mp or sp don't care about it)

and extract model + anim for mr6 , you will have got all images, .ma .mel and .seanim usefull for this weapon
7 years ago
Wrong forum... if u want MR6 from bo3 you must download maya and export MR6 yourself or just a link where is already exported (cfg factory , here  ... but if you can export yourself :) it s really better
7 years ago

can't find a fonction to change player model and viewhands in game (in my case after buying an armor) here my script:
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_score;

function main()
 armor = getEnt("armor_model", "targetname");
 armor_model = "viewmodel_armored_player"; // le wiewmodel apres achat de l'armure
 viewhands_armor = "viewhands_armored_hands"; // les mains après achat de l'armure
 trig_armor = getEnt("armor_trig", "targetname");
 trig_armor setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
 trig_armor SetHintString("Maintenez &&1 pour prendre l'armure");
 cost = 2000; // Coût de l'armure mettre à '0' pour mettre gratuit.
 thread waittill_player(trig_armor, armor_model, viewhands_armor);

Function waittill_player(trig, model, viewhands)
trig waittill("trigger", player);
if(player.score >= cost)
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score(cost);
wait 0.1;
thread get_armor(player, model);

function get_armor(player, model, viewhands)
//player SetViewModel(model); // test
//player SetOffhandVisible(viewhands); // test

so these function must be located at get_armor()

thanks in advance :)
7 years ago
Thanks man: i was at try ton convert all xmodels from BO1 an COD5 zombie actually ^^
7 years ago
aaaaaah right! thanks! this app is just awesome!!
8 years ago
just a minor problem:

Content of console can't be copy/paste but your app is very great ^^ i can now compile like before
8 years ago
thanks i will test it this afternoon!
8 years ago
that you need to open more programs not closing them.

What's are programs needed for compile can you explain more please?
8 years ago
Same error xith me due to win10 certainely
8 years ago
for me , not fully working :/ and your method of .bat file doesn't work also linker_pc just stopped working in same time at error i have also try to unistall your launcher 1.1 DidUknowiPwn because you use an other linker_pc than original mod tools but same result with original therevore when delete
Code Snippet
that's worked but when zombiemode.csv is empty this errors appears so i am pretty sure that's not a problem with my zombiemode.csv...
thanks Theultimatezack ^^
8 years ago
have you:
Code Snippet
in any of your csv?

when you launch your map /developer 1 is activated? if yes disable it just enable it when you get an error and you don't know why or when your playing in your map and relaunch them for discover our bugs
8 years ago
if you don't make any modification to your .csv you can ignore this error but personaly i use it to reduce memory used by my map
8 years ago
thanks man that worked but now i get error -101073741819 all the time except for _patch
8 years ago
Hey guys , i know how appears this error (too less ressources in my computer to compile) so i have tried too close all background programs like chrome, restarting my PC a lot of time , doesn't nothing... and i really think that's just a bug with linker_pc because about 5GB of rams is enough (my precedent computer had 4GB rams in total so about 2.5 GB to compile and that's worked very well....) i have also try to insert a priority for this programs...
proove here with only chrome + launcher + task manager open:

PS: My OS is Win10 as you can see but that's not the problem because before i can compile...
8 years ago
problem of memory close useless programs
8 years ago
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