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Messages - smasher248

Hey @smasher248 was trying to reach you, think you left the server, the other things were the freezing. It usually happened when I was spamming guns or there was alot of action. The freezing happened around 30ish times in the 7 - 10 playthroughs I done (This is one of the shorter playthroughs I done) and it was a long freeze like 10 seconds sometimes and it felt like the game crashed.

The invisible zombies also either left a "barrier" or it's the clipping of the map but I got stuck during the end...I don't know what this was but it seemed like a solid object. It happened after the zombies turned invisible so I don't know what it could have been.

There was a starting error which I took a screenshot of "Error WeapClass in weapon info zombie bullet stand for misc turret must be turret"

These were pretty consistant aswell which is why I'm salty as hell.
Thanks, will take a look at these, out of interest what's your GPU?
3 years ago
Other than invisible zombies what other bugs did you come across?
3 years ago

cool map but firesale crashes the map and grenades and just playing seem to trigger connection interupteds when playing with friends
What weapons did you have when the map crashed, and did you get an error?
Connection issues will not be related to the map
3 years ago
Nice update, but why is Double tap 7,000 and Quick Revive 700?
Double Tap 2.0 is literally double damage to all bullet weapons, so considering PAP doesn't even double the damage of weapons, I think DT2 should be much more expensive than 2k, and 500 is too cheap for an almost essential solo perk IMO.

TL;DR Balancing
3 years ago
There will be one more update after this but not sure when, it will be a rework of all the lighting and FX for the map thanks to C.H.N.

Patch notes for this release.

Patch notes
added MG turret - speed cola room & alley
cleaned up ugly intro alleys
added sound to cash pickup, ee song triggers teleport sounds
fixed broken portals
added bo1 kino vox to repalce dlc3
added new stuff to intro chopper scene
menu background changed
added missing gersch fx
speed up ripper reload
add weapon swap sounds
fixed thunder upgrade missing
added rpg
added desert eagle
added mpl
added stakeout
added l96a1
added dragunov
added aug
increase commando, famas, ragun 2d fire sounds
change heli coop wait
thundergun fx fade in/out
added random player chars
fixed panzer killed by nuke
fixed panzer sprints if left as final ai in round
changed main auto turret to little bird heli turret
increase lb cost
fixed pap pistol 3 gun glitch
fixed wall and box gun glitch when using m203 launcher alt weapon
lots of clipping improvments
added peipe fire and water fx when shot
some texture and lighting changes
more reflection probes
lots of map optimisations
improved char vox triggers
weapon cleanups
bunch of other stuff i can remember

3 years ago
This is exactly what I wanted in a mod, if you ever need help, let me know.
4 years ago
Hey guys, so this is definitely my last update  to this map, unless there is something game breaking, I am moving to BO3 now, so this is it.
Patch Notes
Panzer won't throw players out of map
Co-op loadscreen Fixed
M4A1 Grenade launcher switch anim working
Helicopter animation working co-op
Added animated pilots to Heli
Added animated soldiers to Heli depending on how many players
Removed hud and weapons on Heli intro
Fixed some weapon stats and sounds
Fixed Heli model to have bench + textures
Fixed a hole in the floor at stage
Fixed an EE bug
Removed Gun Game as it was broken and never saw anyone play it
Removed hitmarkers
A bunch of other stuff, I only documented changes made in the last week

4 years ago
Hey all, I wanted to clean this mess of a map up, should be alright now, still some issues that I can't fix, see below if you are interested. Let me know of any game breaking, issues and have fun.

Bugs I am aware of, but can't fix
Panzer can throw you out of map with it's claw
No Co-op loadscreen
M4A1 Grenade launcher sswich anim is not working
Zombies can hit you when teleporting back to mainframe in later rounds
Some weapons are missing spec maps
Pathing issue at mystery box in the second room upstairs
Teleporting screen is at a weird angle
There is no Auto Turret as it crashes the map
Bowie knife model isd missing when meleeing zombies
Patch Notes
Added Ghosts K7
Added Galil
Added M27
Added Scorpion Evo
Added missing sounds to the level and easer egg
Added some clipping and pathnode improvemnts
Added nuke double points and no hit
Added Easter Egg ending
Added pap camo to upgraded pistol
Added missing fx
Added sounds to grenade launcher and explosives
Added missing images
Added suppressor to UMP45 and M9A1
Added electric cherry back
Buffed remington new model army
Buffed Zap guns
Fixed multiple wall weapons
Fixed 3d sounds
Fixed weapon stats
Fixed boxpossition lights
Fixed duel wield weapon fx
Fixed helicopter sounds
Fixed Gersch teleport
Fixed M4A1 Reflex
Fixed Thundergun FX
Fixed lighting and vision
Nerfed Panzer a little
Removed unused images to lower downloaad size
Removed nova crawlers
Removed Vector
Removed MK46
Removed Grenade Launcherl mesh from ScarH
Replaced Intervention with CoD Online model
Replaced MW3 M16 with BO1 M16
Replaced MW2 Famas with BO1 Famas
Replaced Gersch FX
4 years ago
no, op is an idiot
5 years ago
How do i apply screen shake to players.

How do I rotate the vehicle in a large circle on death.

Why is this deathmodel not applying on vehicle death.

Code Snippet
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
main( model, type )
build_template( "blackhawk", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );

//build_deathmodel( "vehicle_blackhawk" );
build_deathmodel( "little_bird_model", "little_bird_bench" ); //THIS LINE
//build_deathmodel( "vehicle_blackhawk_low" );
//build_deathmodel( "vehicle_blackhawk_low_thermal" );
//build_deathmodel( "vehicle_blackhawk_hero_sas_night" );
//build_deathmodel( "vehicle_blackhawk_hero" );

build_drive( %little_bird_rotor_anim, undefined, 0 );

blackhawk_death_fx = [];
blackhawk_death_fx[ "little_bird_model" ] = "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american";

build_deathfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.0, true );
build_deathfx( "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_dying_loop", true, 0.05, true, 0.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_secondary_small", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 2.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_little_bird", undefined, "littlebird_helicopter_crash", undefined, undefined, undefined, - 1, undefined, "stop_crash_loop_sound" );
build_deathquake( 1.3, 2, 500 );
build_life( 100 );
5 years ago
1. 31st October
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
6 years ago
rage comics... really?
6 years ago
Good for you you're enough of a snob to tell it's undetailed would you like a cookie?

Did I hurt your feelings?
6 years ago
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