Yeh, I'm aware of those hintstrings bugs. But, at this point and after some investigation with stuffy stuff seems that might be tremhintstrigns related. So, I don't think that can be fixed anytime soon. I encourage you to try to find all problems u see and post them here so I can continue adressing them. Also for the music, people don't seem to understand this:
- Its licensed yes, but given by thier owners in a page called Jamendo where u can use music as long as you credit it and don't have commercial purposes.
If the map does not work, try downloading from a different link in the Original Post, maybe the version without installer. If ur playing coop might be cause of having different versions. Make sure to download the same version again and reinstall.
Original pot's links are always last version. I dindt want to change the file name so u dont have two folders and two versions of the mod ad the same.time. Download and install or override. Also I recommend installing the loadscreen, as it is not going to change and took me some time to do it.
Actually, looks u beat it. The EE allows u to continue playing after finished. Didnt want do make an ending. So, I would appreciate if u can PM me with your experience and review of the EE.
I'm not going to do this often, but as this a special day to me I uploaded the first update. Links are updated.
Spoiler: click to open...
Fixed game breaking bug where players would survive falling in the PaP Area
Fixed walking anims by chn
Fixed Firesale bug where two boxes would remain after firesale ended
Fixed major bug where 4th player would not spawn in the map
Fixed Clipping for Quick Revive
Fixed anims for ADS when walking
Fixed Knife Speed
Minor bug fixes
Also I added the loadscreen as an optional download. The first version already had it, but Trem told me UGX Installer does not support that properly yet. Just download if u want and place to main/videos
Never had such error, and believe me, I tried any possiblity for that step. Please, if any of you encounter a bug, crash etc, paste here the image showing the message or the bug so I can adress it properly. Thanks a lot for your help.
Yes, there's one. When u finish the EE. And I tried, both solo and coop. Its possible as long as you know how to do it. Gonna check that Revive now.