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Topics - sedozz

It's the good old 400 fx error.

I originally had about 60 weapons in my map, working fine, and then I started to get the limit error. I then removed all weapons except for a pistol and the map worked fine.

Today, I attempted to add just 1 weapon back and I got the error.

Is there any way to pinpoint what is using all of the FX in my map?

Notes: I'm using ugx Easy FX and have added four or five of my own effects. I have also followed that one tutorial that condenses the FX down to the essentials.
9 years ago
Hey guys, I'm working on a large project and I have no animating experience. I was hoping to add a new member to the dev team to handle animations. This would entail a few cutscenes and perhaps a couple in-game animations of objects on the map. Please let me know if you can help or if you can direct me to resources that would aid me. Thanks mates.
9 years ago
My map was working fine, I added three weapons, and started receiving the 400 fx error. So i commented out some lines in my dlc3 csv and recompiled everything, still got the error. I then removed the shell eject FXs from all of my weapons, recompiled, and still got the same error. I removed the weapons I added, recompiled, no luck. Generated a new map, transferred most of my files from the old map to the new one, no luck. I would very much appreciate assitance here and I can provide any files that need to be checked. Thanks in advance!
9 years ago
Will I be able to get by without it? What are the benefits and are they worth the time?
9 years ago
I was hoping someone could write me a teleportation script in its most basic form. I do not need a full script, essentially just the one-way teleportation method itself, this way I can utilize it within the framework I intend. I'm looking for it to be activated for individual players upon contact with a trigger_radius. For the sake of ease, lets say I have trigger_radius with the targetname "tele_trig", a script_origin with the targetname "tele_leave" at the departure point another script_origin with the targetname "tele_arrive" at the arrival point. If I would need separate arrival origins for coop, please let me know. Thanks in advance! :D
9 years ago
I currently have a script that moves a clip brush once a trigger_damage is activated. In radiant, i have the trigger_damage with the KVP of accumulate,40, and no spawnflags. I was under the impression that the accumulate KVP would determine the damage that needs to accumulate before the trigger is activated. However, it appears that no matter how much I shoot the trigger, it does not activate. It does, however, activate if a grenade explodes near it, or an RPG impacts it. To be clear, there are NO SPAWNFLAGS on thetrigger restricitng the trigger to splash and projectile only, I checked.

The function being triggered is below, and is very simple. I'd appreciate any help!

Code Snippet


w1_t = getEnt("w1_t", "targetname");
w1_c = getEnt("w1_c", "targetname");
thread run(w1_t, w1_c);

run(trig, clip)
trig waittill("trigger"); //Trigger_damage in radiant
trig delete();

Also, as a second question, in the above, I'm sure there is a more elegant way to write it. I'm fairly sure I could use an array, as in the actual script, ive copied the VAR INIT section 30 times, changing the targetnames to be w2_t, w3_t etc. I just want to be sure that if I activate one trigger it doesnt move the worng brush.
9 years ago
I'm looking to make an FX play upon receiving grenade damage, a trigger_use or touch will not work. Any help? Thanks in advance.
9 years ago
Gold Station
By Sedozz with ElTitoPricus and Buttkicker845

Gold Station is a satellite Atlas Laboratory operating on the fringes of civilization; within a thick forest. When communications with the station cease, it is evident there has been some sort of disaster, of scale unknown. Investigate the source of the issue and do what you can to remedy it.

STATUS:95% Mapped! Modding will begin mid-May

- Fully custom weapons [I have a decent amount, but if provided newer ones I will use those instead]
- Harry's Perks
- Interactive Environment: In many places around the map are interactive panels/buttons/etc that all control small, sometimes helpful events. It will pay to test them out and discover their threats and rewards.
- Large-scale Campaign-style Easter Egg
- EXO Suits: Including both double jump and EXO Kick
- Orbital Care Packages: Get a free perk, weapon, powerup, or maybe some points!
- Boss Zombie [Contact me if you can help with this]

Some more information: For this map I'm trying to keep it dark and anxious, yet also incorporate the neon you see in the screenshots. I aim to make a map that is a challenge, not just a train-fest full of buildables. This will be my first release so I really appreciate feedback from all of you. I have some elaborate ideas id like to incorporate however I am limited by my knowledge of the mod tools and will not be able to implement certain features without help. My main goals here are to put forth a map that 1) looks good 2) presents a challenge and 3) runs smoothly.



Radiant Screens
Spoiler: click to open...

Current Credits

- Buttkicker845: scripting
- ElTito: ports [/color][/size]
- (Other's upon release)
9 years ago
I am looking to put some panes of glass into my map that can be broken by bullets or knifing. Is this possible/could one of you please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance, you guys are awesome!
9 years ago
I've ported models with lime and would like to also port some textures. In my GDT i have materials that I've converted for the models. Do i just need to change the parameters in asset manager and re-convert? If not, I would appreciate some help.
9 years ago
Quick question! I'm looking to put out a beta of my first map soon and I was wondering what I do to like, export it I suppose? I'm not quite sure if there's something in launcher or what but what is the usual format to give my map to people to help test with me? Thanks.
9 years ago
I tried to modify ZK's buildables script to include just one item, a bridge that is placed down. Im already running his buildables gsc for buildable power (which is havin gissues because my map keeps starting with the power on) but i made another gsc named _buildable_beidge.gsc. I get a syntax error upon loading of the map though. If you could help me fix this script that would be fantastic! :D

Code Snippet
// Buildable Bridge
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_anim;

ZK: This script
Don Goony: knuckle_crack()


level.bridge_build = 0;

thread lets_build();


players = get_players();
players[i].part_hud = [];

//the plank
plank_pick = getEnt("plank_pick", "targetname"); //plank that you pick up
plank_pick_trig = getEnt("plank_pick_trig", "targetname"); //trigger to pick up plank

plank_build = getEnt("plank_build", "targetname"); //the plank that appears when built
plank_build_trig = getEnt("plank_build_trig", "targetname"); //trigger to build plank

//part 1
thread build_part(plank_pick, plank_pick_trig, plank_build, plank_build_trig);


build_part(part, part_trig, place_part, place_part_trig)
da_guy = undefined;

place_part hide();
        place_part_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
        place_part_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
place_part_trig setHintString("Parts required");

part_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
part_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
part_trig setHintString("Press &&1 to pick up part");

part_trig waittill("trigger", da_guy);
part_trig delete();
part delete();

place_part_trig enable_trigger();
place_part_trig sethintstring("Press &&1 to add part");
place_part_trig setvisibletoplayer(da_guy);

place_part_trig waittill("trigger", da_guy);

if( !isDefined(da_guy.is_adding_part) )
da_guy.is_adding_part = true;
place_part_trig delete();
da_guy thread crack_knuckles();

da_guy waittill("part_added");

hud destroy_hud();

place_part show();

level.bridge_build = level.bridge_build + 1;

if(level.bridge_build == 1)
thread bridge_ready();
wait 1.5;
da_guy.is_adding_part = undefined;
wait .5;

bridge_ready() //this is what runs when you add all the parts

wait 6;
wait 1;

self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();

self AllowLean( false );
self AllowAds( false );
self AllowSprint( false );
self AllowProne( false );
self AllowMelee( false );

if ( self GetStance() == "prone" )
self SetStance( "crouch" );

primaries = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries();

gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
ammo = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( gun );
weapon = "zombie_knuckle_crack";
self GiveWeapon( weapon );
self SwitchToWeapon( weapon );
self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "weapon_change_complete" );
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self GiveWeapon( gun );
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( gun, ammo );
self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
self AllowLean( true );
self AllowAds( true );
self AllowSprint( true );
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowMelee( true );
self notify("part_added");
return gun;
9 years ago
UPDATED 3/r/15 @ 4:20 AM EST
Hey guys!

I am a new mapper, and I am happy to reveal my first map! As titled, the map goes by name of Schoolhouse, and takes place in an abandoned high school. Overturned desks and chairs strewn around lead one to believe the place was abandoned in a hurry. The hallways are claustrophobic, wreckage filling most open spaces. It is plain to see that the institution is under new administration -- and the unlimited teaching staff are quite excited to accept their new students. The Schoolhouse is a dark place, where one must watch their step and be sure to hand in their homework on time.

- Special thanks to buttkicker845 for the scripting help!


- Video preview coming very soon!


- WAW Perks
- Black Ops Perks
- Black Ops 2 Perks
- Custom sounds
- UGX Mod Weapons
- Black Ops Weapons
- Black Ops 2 Weapons
- WAW Classic Weapons
- Objective Storyline
- Large Easter Egg with minimal hints
- Pack a Punch
- Teleportation [just a concept at the moment]
- No dogs

Here are a  rare few updated photos grabbed on location:


v 1.1 - Uninstalled UGX Standalone (For ease of scripting).
         - Began Installation of Black Ops Weapons
         - Basic level mapping 90% completed
         - Added Black Ops Perks, working on fixing a bug
         - Cleaned up pathnodes
         - Terrain fixes
         - Lighting fixes
         - Buildables Implemented

v 1.0 - Map project started

Easter Egg Information
There will not be much posted here, but there will be some hints.

-Here's a soundfile:

-And an image:

Good luck!

The official beta release is planned for sometime in March, however if there is demand, I may be able to have simpler map versions ready sooner!

9 years ago
I've placed sniperbolt's perks and his power switch into my map, but all f the perks are powered from the start, and when i approach the power switch, I receive only the hand icon, and no text of action. Can anyone help?
9 years ago
I'm looking to use the UGX guns as well as classics like the Thompsen and the Kar98k.
9 years ago
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