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Messages - qwerty195

bo3 looks better and allow more creativity but i must say the genuine zombies feeling is definitely lost in bo2 and even more so in bo3

yes, I have no doubt some people will always prefer WaW just cause they like the style or feeling.

but that doesn't mean you should say things like "Black Ops 3 Mod Tools should be Removed" cause that's just kinda ignorant and prejudiced. I'm sure people will continue to be active in the WaW community but most newcomers will go straight to Black Ops 3, and with good reason. There isn't much you can do to stop a community from dying, but I'd say the best ting you could do is make a map/creation of your own.
7 years ago
Personally; I have noticed that people have been choosing BO3 over W@W in which case is dumb, the BO3 mod tools are horrid and should be reworked or better yet removed. If the mod tools on BO3 are this bad.. maybe we could revive W@W with some great maps.. If anyone could help what makes BO3 seem significant to W@W is it the graphics, or the extra hits? I do not understand, could someone help explain the meta of BO3 zombies for me?  :yeah:
How are Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Horrid and should be removed? I've used both WaW and Bo3 plenty and I'd say Black Ops 3 Mod Tools definitely allow for better creations, what with better graphics and very high engine limits. Frankly I don't think WaW mod tools is dying just because of Black ops 3, it's dying because it's getting too old, and is not very remarkable anymore.
7 years ago
Hey Piff,
            Welcome aboard, glad to have you and your giant list of credentials here. I am also exceptionally skilled at something and that is collecting respect points without actually ever helping anyone with there's that  :-[
Anyway, hope to see you around here a lot : )

+1 Respect
7 years ago
I highly suggest making the following balancing changes:
~ Raising the Price to 4000 Points
~ Changing the Speed & Anim modifier from 0.50 to 0.62
I don't know if I want to change the price to 4000, just cause people have already used this in their maps and may not update it, so I don't want there to two versions of snail's pace with different prices going around to confuse people. I will however change the speed to 0.62 like you said, because it is a little too slow in its current state, and a little change like that will not confuse people so much.
7 years ago
Hey man, I was wondering if you could send me an audio file of the jingle for this perk. My friend who isn't very good at zombies really likes the tune and he was wondering if he could get it for everyday listening. I also might use the perk in a map of my own someday. Also, if it is possible for you to upload this to YouTube or Soundcloud or give me permission to do so that would make things a lot more accessible for us to listen to. Thanks man!
I just made a youtube video for it, you can find it here:
I'm glad you like it, I made it myself! I'm planning on adding a lot more of my songs and little musical things to my next map.
7 years ago
ABNORMAL202'S SNAIL'S PACE SLURPEE (v2.24) [A BO3 Custom Perk]






What Is Snail's Pace Slurpee?

Snail's Pace Slurpee will slow down any zombie's movement by 38% (adjusted for v1.1) when it enters within a radius of a player who has it. When the zombie reaches another smaller, inner radius, or if it gets too far away from the player, it is sped back up.


Sounds complicated? Basically it just slows zombies when they get too close, but won't slow them down when they start hitting you. This gives players extra time before zombies can hit them, and can really save the player in some sticky situations, but not all.


Snail's Pace Slurpee comes with a re-textured speed-cola machine model (Though an actual original model is in the works right now!), as well as it's own shader, bottle, FX, Vulture Aid Waypoint, and even perk jingle.


How Do I Install It In My Map?

The download includes instructions for installation within the instructions.txt file.






Lethal Peelz and Erthrock have both made shader sets that include Snail's Pace. If you are interested in trying out some new shaders for Snail's Pace I recommend checking them out.


Lethal Peelz Shaders:


Erthrock Shaders:


In order to change the shader, you'll have to edit the customperkicons.lua (located in Root/usermaps/yourmapname/ui/uieditor/widgets/hud/zm_perks). You must change this line:


Code Snippet
snails_pace 						= "i_snails_pace_shader"


so it is set equal to whatever IMAGE (not material anymore) asset you want to be the shader.



If you happen to make custom perks too, Snail's pace uses the specialty: "specialty_gpsjammer", so I recommend not using that, if you want it to be compatible with Snail's Pace.


A new model for Snail's Pace is currently in the works, so it can have an original model instead of just retextured Speed Cola


You can change many of the settings of Snail's Pace within the _zm_perk_snails_pace_slurpee.gsh including a new feature that slows down zombies exceptionally when a player with Snail's Pace goes down.


Maps that I made (you betcha they got Snail's Pace in 'em):


THERE IS SUCH A THING AS THE SNAIL'S PACE SLURPEE MOD! It adds Snail's Pace to Treyarch maps and has the capability to add it to other custom maps too! check it out:









-Frost Iceforge



7 years ago
7 years ago
So, after seeing about the 4th post asking for a tutorial where you pick up 3 objects and get some reward, I decided to make a tutorial just for that. Except, this tutorial has MANY different settings and rewards, so I recommend linking this to anyone who asks for something like the above-mentioned example.
With this tutorial you can:
  • collect objects by pressing "F" on them or shooting them.
  • place those objects down somewhere (optional)
  • Get a reward or reward(s) which currently are: a powerup drop (free perk powerup too), move a door or doors, and drop a gun or guns you can pick up.
  • There are also many other small options you find easily editable in the script.

So For Scripting, Go into your mapname.gsc and put this in your main function:
Code Snippet
thread easter_egg();
Then put this down at the bottom of the gsc:
Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
function easter_egg()
level.reward = "door"; //what happens when you place the objects. Right now, options are: ("door","powerup","gun")
level.reward_2 = "gun"; //add another reward if you want. just say "false" or delete the line if you don't want an extra reward.
level.reward_3 = "false"; //add yet another reward if you want. Note that you cannot do more than one of the same reward.
level.powerup_type = "random"; //if using a powerup as one of your rewards, this is what type. can be ("full_ammo","nuke","insta_kill","free_perk","fire_sale","double_points","carpenter","minigun",and "random")
level.place_the_objects = "true"; //whether or not you have to place the objects ("true") or just collect them ("false") to get the reward.
level.reward_weapons = array( "ar_damage", "lmg_cqb", "shotgun_pump", "smg_versatile" ); //weapons it can give you in the "gun" reward. put as many or as little as you like.
level.gun_expire = true; //whether or not the gun will go away in time.

level.trigger_hintstring = "Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to pickup object"; //hintstring for picking up objects. If you don't want a hintstring for picking up objects delete this entire line.
level.trigger_place_hintstring = "Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to place objects"; //hintstring for placing objects after collecting all of them. If you don't want a hintstring for placing objects delete this entire line.
level.gun_hintstring = "Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to take weapon"; //if gun reward is activated, hintstring for picking up gun.
level.one_gun_per_player = "true"; //for gun powerup, set "true" if you want a gun to spawn for each player, "false" for just one gun no matter what.
level.different_guns_per_player = "false"; //for gun powerup, set "true" if you want each gun to be randomly different, false if you want them to be the same random gun. if one_gun_per_player = "false" this doesn't matter.

level.placed_objects = GetEntArray("placed_object","targetname");
level.placed_objects[i] Hide();
level.objects_picked_up = 0;
level.objects = GetEntArray("easter_egg_object","targetname");
level.objects[i] thread wait_for_pickup();
function wait_for_pickup()
trig = GetEnt(,"targetname");
trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
trig SetHintString(level.trigger_hintstring);
trig waittill("trigger",player);
self Delete();
trig Delete();
level.objects_picked_up ++;
if(level.objects_picked_up == level.objects)
if(level.place_the_objects == true)
trig_place = GetEnt("trig_place","targetname");
trig_place SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
trig_place SetHintString(level.trigger_place_hintstring);
trig_place waittill("trigger",player);
level.placed_objects[i] Show();
function reward()
if(level.reward == "door" || level.reward_2 == "door" || level.reward_3 == "door")
time = 2; //2 is amount of time in seconds door takes to move.
door_parts = GetEntArray("easter_egg_door","targetname");
struct = struct::get(door_parts[i].target,"targetname");
door_parts[i] MoveTo(struct.origin, time);
struct = struct::get(door_parts[i].target,"targetname");
struct Delete();
door_parts[i] Delete(); //Delete this line if you don't want the door to go away after its done moving.
if(level.reward == "powerup" || level.reward_2 == "powerup" || level.reward_3 == "powerup")
powerup_struct = GetEnt("powerup_struct","targetname");
if(level.powerup_type != "random")
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( level.powerup_type, powerup_struct.origin);
if(level.powerup_type == "random")
rand = RandomIntRange( 0, 7 ); //("full_ammo","nuke","insta_kill","free_perk","fire_sale","double_points","carpenter","minigun")
if(rand == 0)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "full_ammo", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 1)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "nuke", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 2)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "insta_kill", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 3)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "free_perk", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 4)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "fire_sale", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 5)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "double_points", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 6)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "carpenter", powerup_struct.origin);
if(rand == 7)
thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "minigun", powerup_struct.origin);
if(level.reward == "gun" || level.reward_2 == "gun" || level.reward_3 == "gun")
if(level.one_gun_per_player == false)
gun_struct = struct::get("gun_struct","targetname");
thread RewardGun(gun_struct.origin+(0,0,40), array::randomize(level.reward_weapons)[0]);
if(level.one_gun_per_player == true && level.different_guns_per_player == true)
gun_structs = struct::get_array("gun_struct","targetname");
thread RewardGun(gun_structs[i].origin+(0,0,40), array::randomize(level.reward_weapons)[0]);
if(level.one_gun_per_player == true && level.different_guns_per_player == false)
rand = RandomIntRange( 0, level.reward_weapons.size );
gun_structs = struct::get_array("gun_struct","targetname");
thread RewardGun(gun_structs[i].origin+(0,0,40), level.reward_weapons[rand]);
function RewardGun(pos, weapon)
gun = spawn("script_model", pos);
playsoundatposition("zmb_spawn_powerup", pos);

gun SetModel(GetWeaponWorldModel(GetWeapon(weapon)));
PlayFX(level._effect["powerup_grabbed_solo"], gun.origin);
trig = spawn("trigger_radius", gun.origin, 0, 20, 50);
gun thread SpinMe();
gun thread GiveMe(weapon, trig);
if(level.gun_expire == true)
gun thread LifeTime(trig);
function LifeTime(trig)
self endon("death");
wait(120);//wait 2 minutes then delete
self notify("rewardgun_delete");
trig delete();
self delete();
function GiveMe(weapon, trig)
self endon("rewardgun_delete");
trig waittill("trigger", player);
player thread SetGunHint(level.gun_hintstring, trig);
if(player HasWeapon(getweapon("minigun")))
if(!(player UseButtonPressed()))
if(player laststand::player_is_in_laststand())
trig delete();
self delete();
player zm_weapons::weapon_give(getweapon(weapon));
player SwitchToWeapon(getweapon(weapon));

function SpinMe()
self endon("rewardgun_delete");
self endon("death");
self rotateyaw(360,2);
change all the level variables to what you want.
In Radiant, go ahead and make a script_model and give it a targetname of:"easter_egg_object"
draw a trigger around it (trigger_use for press "F" on it, trigger_damage for shooting at it).
Then select the model first, then the trigger and hit "W". It should make an arrow pointing from the model to the trigger.
Repeat these steps for each object you want (the models can be different). make sure each model is only targeting the trig that surrounds it.
(Optional) make a trigger_use and give it the targetname:"trig_place". put it where the player has to place the objects. Make the models you want to show up after they place it and give them the targetname: "placed_object".
Depending on the rewards you want, do these next steps.


make your door a script_model or script_brushmodel and give it the targetname: "easter_egg_door". IMPORTANT! if you have any other pieces you want to move with the door (including any clips around the door) you must also give it that targetname.
then make a script_struct where you want to go (note that it will be the origin of the door that goes to it). Select the door and select the struct and hit "W". Make sure every entity that has the targetname "easter_egg_door" has a struct it is targeting. It can be the same struct it that makes sense for where the pieces should go.
Powerup Drop
make a script_struct and give it the Targetname: "powerup_struct". place it On the ground where you would like the powerup drop to appear above.
make a script_struct on the ground and give it the targetname: "gun_struct". Note that if you have level.one_gun_per_player = "true"; you must have at least 4 of these. It it is false you can only have one.
I haven't fully tested this out so if there are any problems please report them. If there something you would like added to this feel free to comment.
Part of the script comes from MakeCents, the part that spawns and spins the gun. If you are using the gun drop, I would highly encourage you to credit MakeCents.
Also feel free to credit me, Abnormal202.
7 years ago
ah , I understand now. I hadn't seen namespaces used yet. I need to have multiple .gsc's though because the level vars have to be different for the other set (as well as some extra script things I need to add in).
7 years ago
You know, I've been wondering how you call the script using:
Code Snippet
grow_soul::init(  );
despite the name of the file being growing_soulbox.gsc.

I'm trying to add a second growing soulbox script (yes it has to be in its own .gsc to work) but I don't know how to reference it. Using:
Code Snippet
growing_soulbox_2::init(  );
does not work.
7 years ago
I was bored.
(Image removed from quote.)
Oooh ooh, you should do one for my map! I'll give you credit, and if it looks nice I'll let you Beta test.
7 years ago
You still able to help me with an EE? I've got the whole thing figured out.
tell me what you want to happen (be very specific, obviously) and I'll see what I can do.
7 years ago
You can still spawn in a zombie at will, spawn_zombie in zombie_utility.gsc, where you want, from a spawner, moving the zombie to the point you want them to spawn at
So I found the function you were talking about in zombie_utility, that looks like:
Code Snippet
function spawn_zombie( spawner , target_name , spawn_point , round_number)
My question is, when I execute the function in code what do I put for "spawner" and "spawn_point"? "target_name" seems to be the targetname of the given spawner, but what do I put for the others? Also I assume I don't need to include round number for this function to work cause of:
Code Snippet
if(IsDefined(spawn_point) && IsDefined(level.move_spawn_func))
guy thread [[level.move_spawn_func]](spawn_point);
7 years ago
Hey I was wondering how exactly the spawners work in Black ops 3 and how I can make it so a player uses a trigger that causes a lot of zombies to spawn. I was able to do this back in WaW by placing zombie spawners that would spawn one zombie and turning them on through script. You don't use spawners in Black Ops 3 though (except for placing one in the map), as everything is done through script_struct risers. Does anyone know how these spawners work, and how they can be triggered through script?
7 years ago
Dumb map is near completion, just have to do the middle. Also need a damn scripter, halp scripters plz halp send halp am fallen and cnt get up plz halp.
What do you need help with scripting? I may be able to help if its not too complicated.
7 years ago
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