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Topics - Psych

BETA SIGN UP 1/19/16

On February 20th I will be releasing my beta for the map after almost a year of (inconsistent  :P) work on the project. I am to the point where I am happy with the product and all I need to do now is finish some gameplay elements and small bugs before I give it to the community for a closed beta!

Anyone is eligible to be a part of the beta and I will be choosing the first 20 who sign up (maybe more if the demand is there). Anyone who has helped me with things on the forums and remembers doing so please PM me if you would like the beta as you are excluded from the first 20 and will receive it no matter what (if you want it). Details for the beta participants will be given at the time of the beta release. Thanks for the encouragement and support in this topic and I hope you all enjoy it!

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This map has been in development since the middle of December and it has been my only mapping focus since its creation. This map will feature a ton of visually pleasing areas including a massive cave, burning Forrest, intricate military base, and a mangrove swamp. My progression on the map has been rapid over the past month and a half and I fully anticipate being able to finish it by the middle of summer at the earliest. Ill keep this thread updated frequently and ideas/criticism is greatly welcomed and appreciated! More to come soon.

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JUST A NOTE: This map will be customized properly to make it fun. This includes all the perks, custom weapons, Easter eggs, a story, and much more

Things to do:
Add FX (this will be done after all the mapping is done but lots of areas were made with fx already in mind)
Add proper lighting
Change the map to a night time setting maybe?
finish background as there is still a lot of empty spaces
Finish detailing a lot of areas
Add easter egg/map story

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UPDATE! (Better Late Than Never)

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So mapping is damn near 100% at this point aside from a few visual tweaks. Have been messing with the sun and vision files along with weather and I have finally decided to have a dark day atmosphere with a storm approaching. lightning and thunder is working but there is no rain. The feedback from the pole helped me compromise and give everyone what they wanted so thank you for that. FX is my main focus right now and I am struggling with the fx limit despite following every 400-fx limit tut on ZM, UGX, and basically everywhere else. I have also completed a map story-script  with 14 radio messages and I am excited to see how it plays out in the final release. My goal with this script is to give a story line worth caring about and I have spent the majority of my mapping time working out the details of it. I am getting excited about the prospect of release and the announcement of blops3 mod tools has really kicked my ass in gear finally. Thanks for the kind comments and helpful criticism on this thread it is fantastic motivation. Also UGX mod will be applied before release  ;)



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pls ignore the owned model  ;)

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Sorry for the rapid fire updates but my FX panned out well and I wanted to share it. I also added wind so the environment has really come alive. Enjoy and leave suggestions if compelled to do so!

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Spoiler: click to open...
So this is the first update of the new year and probably one of the last updates ever. With March approaching and the Black Ops 3 mod tools looming the release date is looking to be around February 10 nothing 100% concrete yet though (trailer coming soon). Mapping is 99.9% complete. I am only perfecting areas I believe need it. Optimization is the biggest challenge yet as portaling is a horrific nightmare on this map. I have begun splitting the map up more into its 4 sections through the use of walls but it is still a train wreck that I'm still not sure how to handle. I also need to completely learn how to port guns which is next on the list as I have never done it before. I recently redid the power-room and Japanese hut from the ground up and optimized the map a ton as I was close to reaching the 2400 image limit. These images are to fill the void between that update so enjoy and thank you!


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9 years ago
So I used the UGX script placer to create a new map with UGX mod on it, but when I load into game I get the alien font and when I run my map I cant move from the origin point of the spawner and I can't perform any functions or movements. I don't know what I could have possibly did wrong considering the script placer did everything for me  ??? but i obviously did something somehow lol  ::) any help would be appreciated!
10 years ago;topicseen#new

so I started working on nightfire to try and get it ready for release but I came acrossed an initial compile issue:

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It only happens when I try to compile "Build Fastfile" and i really dont know what it means

here is the error number doubt it matters though lmao Error -1073741811

here what is in the console

args: -nopause -language english -moddir nazi_zombie_first nazi_zombie_first
Fastfile 1 of 1, "nazi_zombie_first": [ver. 387] process...
ERROR: sound alias file weapons.csv: duplicate alias 'rpg_impact_boom'
ERROR: sound alias file weapons.csv: duplicate alias 'rpg_impact_boom'
ERROR: sound alias file weapons.csv: duplicate alias 'rpg_impact_boom'

10 years ago
So I worked on this project over the course of my first year mapping and I finished it multiple times but wasn't satisfied with size, detail, ect.. and continued  improving it over time. I have posted WIP's on it before and got a good response but I haven't posted anything recent. I am working on my main lost temple project which is coming along nicely, but I feel guilty and heartbroken that I never released or finished Nightfire (or the trench map that was a secret project for a while). Based on what you guys see in the video is it even worth releasing? does it interest anyone? I would have to due an overhaul on all terrain and some parts of the map that got deleted while trying to fix a compile error but I wanted to ask because I personally love this map but I feel it may not be that good just because i may be blinded by my personal bias towards it, so what do you guys think I should do?  ;)

10 years ago
I have been trying to load my map in radiant but every time I load it I get the following,

I didn't want to mess with anything because I haven't backed-up in a while

This is in launcher when I try to compile

ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace
10 years ago
Lost Temple

Started this project just over a week ago. Been on and off with it but I like it so far. Background obviously is not done so expect bare spots in some places. Name is definately not final and I am open to suggestions lol  :P Scripter needed if interested!

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So the reason for the trench area has to do with the story of the map in which I will reveal when the map is released. I plan to have a pretty cool easter egg and cutscene to go along with this map and the trench area will make sense :) rest of images in spoiler below :P

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10 years ago
So basically I moved all my modding stuff from my old PC to my new one. I am almost positive everything is there because I have already had to do this twice, but I get an error now regarding my [mapname] file when I compile. I have tried some different things to no avail so I am hoping someone else knows something I don't :P

Here is everything it gives me regarding the error:

Linker summary:

There were 0 warnings and 1 error.

  (!) UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: Map with no materials
Arguments passed to linker:
  -nopause -language english -moddir nazi_zombie_und nazi_zombie_und_patch

that is the compile error in the console

here is in game:

10 years ago
WTF is wrong lol... (I probably made a stupid noob mistake :P)

there is also an issue where my waw crashes when I include my re-skinned PAP camo... any reason for this?

Here is my new PAP machine skin

Here is the camo (I didnt have the scaled one I actually used)

Here it is Embossed
11 years ago
so I tried inplementing these mw2 viewhands but when I go in game i get this view of being inside of my gun... can I fix this???
11 years ago
Hey I was wondering why weather and other environmental FX's do not show up in game when I script them. I do the old, find the FX name, copy into all of those GSC's, CSV's and such. (basically the old fashion way) what can I do to get weather to work?
11 years ago
Everytime I try to enter the new chat room I get to the "connecting to server" screen and it just stays there.... is there any reason for this?
11 years ago
I was wondering how i can back on my map on a remove-able storage device because I do not trust the stability of my current computer. plus i may get a new computer soon. anyone know how I can do this?
11 years ago
 :D  ;D  :nyan:   8)


    some lighting and detail fixed thanks to some recently discovered tutorials!
    2 NEW rooms
    JAP teleporters (prefab made if anyone wants it lol)


    2 new rooms and moddified mainframe room

    12 years ago
    hey I have a whole lot of questions I need answers to:

    1. How do I bend cylinders to create electrical wires and other things?

    2. How can I make cuts to primitives? in my case cylinders.

    3. I need help with my lighting because imo it looks like shit. can someone link me to a decent tutorial?

    4. how can I fix the wierd light lining that I find coming underneath my walls from the rooms adjacent?

    5. where can I find the texture that makes up those cool looking wires that I always see running from teleporters to the mainframe. I can add a pic if no one has any idea what I am talking about lol...
    Help please? 
    12 years ago
    Hey I posted this same question on zombiemodding but after a week or so no one has replied so I decided to take my business here. I recently found a very helpful tutorial on how to add kino style teleporters but the script only supports the use of one teleporter. I have 3 teleporters in my map so I want them all to have the kino style effect. can someone at least look at the script and tell me wether or not this can be done. I tried reading the script and figuring this out myself but I am no expert.

    here is the script:

    Code Snippet
    #include common_scripts\utility; 
    #include maps\_utility;
    #include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

    thread level_players();
    thread handleTriggers(level.kts["teleporter_trigger"], level.kts["mainframe_trigger"]);
    thread teleport_room_fx();
    thread main();
    // Create Kino Teleporting System array
    level.kts = [];
    // Set variables needed for the teleporting system (using the setVar function)

    setVar("teleporter_trigger", getEnt("kino_teleporter_trigger","targetname"));
    setVar("mainframe_trigger", getEnt("kino_mainframe_trigger","targetname"));
    setVar("teleporter_fxspot", getEnt("kino_teleporter_fxspot","targetname"));
    setVar("mainframe_fxspot", getEnt("kino_mainframe_fxspot","targetname"));
    setVar("zombie_goto", getEnt("kino_teleporter_zombiegoto","targetname"));
    setVar("mainframe_spawn", getEntArray("kino_mainframe_spawn","targetname"));
    setVar("pap_room_spawn", getEntArray("kino_paproom_spawn","targetname"));
    setVar("transfer_room_structs", getEntArray("kino_image_room","targetname"));
    setVar("teleporter_status", 0);
    level.paping = false;
    level.disable_pap = true;
    level.kts["zombie_goto"] create_zombie_point_of_interest( 1536, 96, 10000, true );
    level.kts["zombie_goto"].attract_to_origin = false;

    // You CAN edit these
    setVar("teleporter_cooldown_time", 60); // After a teleport, this is how long a wait until you can use it again
    setVar("teleport_lag", 2); // When you go to teleport, this is how long it will wait until it actually teleports
    setVar("pap_room_time", 50); // This is how long you are in the pack-a-punch room
    setVar("wait_for_pap", true); // If false, you can be teleported out of the room even if there is a gun in the slot of the pap machine
    setVar("teleport_cost", 115); // This is the amount of money it costs to teleport

    // You MUST change these to be correct
    setVar("room_is_pap", false); // If the room you go to when teleporting does NOT have the pack-a-punch in it, set this to false

    level.disable_pap = false;
    level.players = get_players();
    wait 0.5;
    //points = level.kts["transfer_room_structs"];
    points = getEntArray("kino_image_room","targetname");
    points[i].struct = Spawn( "script_model", points[i].origin );
    points[i].struct SetModel( "tag_origin_animate" );
    points[i].struct.angles = points[i].angles;
    PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["zombie_flashback_american"], points[i].struct, "tag_origin" );
    setVar("teleporter_status", 1);
    level.kts["teleporter_trigger"] waittill("trigger");
    setVar("teleporter_status", 2);
    level.kts["mainframe_trigger"] waittill("trigger");
    setVar("teleporter_status", 3);
    level.kts["teleporter_trigger"] waittill("trigger", who);
    if(level.kts["teleport_cost"] == 0)

    if(who.score < level.kts["teleport_cost"])
    who playsound("deny");
    who playsound("purchase");
    who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( level.kts["teleport_cost"] );
    setVar("teleporter_status", 4);
    level.kts["teleporter_trigger"] do_teleport();
    setVar("teleporter_status", 5);
    wait level.kts["teleporter_cooldown_time"];
    // start fps fx
    self thread teleport_pad_player_fx();

    // Activate the TP zombie kill effect
    self thread teleport_nuke( 20, 300, false); // Max 20 zombies and range 300

    // 3rd Person Beam
    level.kts["teleporter_fxspot"] thread pad_explosion();

    // Teleport the players
    self teleport_players();
    //thread do_mainframe_explode();
    wait level.kts["teleport_lag"];
    self notify( "fx_done" );
    players_in = [];
    attract = false;
    for ( i = 0; i <level.players.size; i++ )
    if( self player_is_near_pad( level.players[i] ) )
    players_in[players_in.size] = level.players[i];
    level.players[i] SetTransported( 2 );
    level.players[i] SetStance( "stand" );
    level.players[i] disableOffhandWeapons();
    level.players[i] disableweapons();
    image_room = getent( "teleport_room_" + i, "script_noteworthy" );
    level.players[i].teleport_origin = spawn( "script_origin", level.players[i].origin );
    level.players[i].teleport_origin.angles = level.players[i].angles;
    level.players[i] linkto( level.players[i].teleport_origin );
    level.players[i].teleport_origin.origin = image_room.origin + (0,70,-60); // 0, -70, -60
    level.players[i].teleport_origin.angles = image_room.angles + (0,180,0);
    setClientSysState("levelNotify", "t2d", level.players[i]);
    level.players[i] FreezeControls( true );
    if(players_in.size == level.players.size)
    attract = true;
    level.kts["zombie_goto"].attract_to_origin = true;
    wait 2;
    for ( i = 0; i <players_in.size; i++ )
    players_in[i].teleport_origin delete();
    players_in[i].teleport_origin = undefined;
    players_in[i] SetTransported( 0 );
    players_in[i] FreezeControls( false );
    players_in[i] enableOffhandWeapons();
    players_in[i] enableweapons();
    players_in[i] setOrigin(level.kts["pap_room_spawn"][i].origin);
    level.disable_pap = false;
    wait(level.kts["pap_room_time"] - 2);
    if(level.kts["room_is_pap"] && level.kts["wait_for_pap"])
    wait 0.5;
    for ( i = 0; i <players_in.size; i++ )
    players_in[i] SetTransported( 2 );
    level.disable_pap = true;
    level.kts["mainframe_fxspot"] thread do_mainframe_explode();
    wait 2;
    for ( i = 0; i <players_in.size; i++ )
    players_in[i] SetTransported( 2 );
    players_in[i] SetStance( "stand" );
    players_in[i] disableOffhandWeapons();
    players_in[i] disableweapons();
    image_room = getent( "teleport_room_" + i, "script_noteworthy" );
    players_in[i].teleport_origin = spawn( "script_origin", players_in[i].origin );
    players_in[i].teleport_origin.angles = players_in[i].angles;
    players_in[i] linkto( players_in[i].teleport_origin );
    players_in[i].teleport_origin.origin = image_room.origin + (0,70,-60);
    players_in[i].teleport_origin.angles = image_room.angles + (0,180,0);
    players_in[i] FreezeControls( true );
    setClientSysState("levelNotify", "t2d", players_in[i]);
    wait 2;
    for ( i = 0; i <players_in.size; i++ )
    players_in[i].teleport_origin delete();
    players_in[i].teleport_origin = undefined;
    players_in[i] SetTransported( 0 );
    players_in[i] FreezeControls( false );
    players_in[i] enableOffhandWeapons();
    players_in[i] enableweapons();
    players_in[i] setOrigin(level.kts["mainframe_spawn"][i].origin);
    level.kts["zombie_goto"].attract_to_origin = false;
    handleTriggers(self1, self2)
    self1 SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
    self2 SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
    hint1 = "";
    hint2 = "";
    case 0: // Need power
    hint1 = "You need to activate the power before using the teleporter";
    hint2 = "You need to activate the power before using the teleporter";
    case 1: // Startup
    hint1 = "Press &&1 to initiate link to mainframe";
    hint2 = "Waiting for initial link to mainframe";
    case 2: // Waiting for link
    hint1 = " ";
    hint2 = "Press &&1 to link pad to mainframe";
    case 3: // Linked
    if(level.kts["teleport_cost"] == 0)
    hint1 = "Press &&1 to teleport";
    hint1 = "Press &&1 to teleport [Cost: " + level.kts["teleport_cost"] + "]";
    hint2 = " ";
    case 4: // Teleporting
    hint1 = "Teleporting in progress";
    hint2 = "Teleporting in progress";
    case 5: // Cooling down
    hint1 = "The teleporter is cooling down";
    hint2 = "The teleporter is cooling down";
    default: // Failsafe
    hint1 = " ";
    hint2 = " ";
    self1 setHintString(hint1);
    self2 setHintString(hint2);
    wait 0.5;
    setVar(var, value)
    // Sets the value on the array
    level.kts[var] = value;
    self endon( "fx_done" );

    while ( 1 )
    players = getplayers();
    for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
    if ( isdefined( players[i] ) )
    if ( self player_is_near_pad( players[i] ) )
    players[i] SetTransported( 2 );
    players[i] SetTransported( 0 );
    wait ( .05 );
    player_is_near_pad( player )
    radius = 88;
    scale_factor = 2;

    dist = Distance2D( player.origin, self.origin );
    dist_touching = radius * scale_factor;

    if ( dist < dist_touching )
    return true;

    return false;
    teleport_nuke( max_zombies, range, end_after_one )
    self endon( "fx_done" );
    end_after_one = false;
    zombies = getaispeciesarray("axis");

    zombies = get_array_of_closest( self.origin, zombies, undefined, max_zombies, range );

    for (i = 0; i < zombies.size; i++)
    wait (randomfloatrange(0.2, 0.3));
    if( !IsDefined( zombies[i] ) )

    if( is_magic_bullet_shield_enabled( zombies[i] ) )

    if( !( zombies[i] enemy_is_dog() ) )
    zombies[i] maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_head_gib();

    zombies[i] dodamage( 10000, zombies[i].origin );
    playsoundatposition( "nuked", zombies[i].origin );
    wait 0.01;
    self thread pad_explosion_sound();
    playfx(level._effect["transporter_pad_start"], self.origin);
    wait level.kts["teleport_lag"];
    playfx(level._effect["transporter_beam"], self.origin);
    count = 0;
    count ++;
    if(count == 5)
    sound = "top_spark" + count + "_warmup";
    playsoundatposition(sound, self.origin);
    wait 0.1;
    if(count == 4)
    playfx(level._effect["zombie_mainframe_beam_start"], self.origin);
    wait 4;
    earthquake(0.3, 2, self.origin, 1024);
    playfx(level._effect["zombie_mainframe_beam"], self.origin);
    self thread teleport_nuke( 20, 300, true);
    12 years ago
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