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Messages - adfgdagasdf2

Oh wow this came out of left field, it looks great visually with all the custom assets!
4 years ago
Very nice, love the details so far; looks like a good old fashion zombies map, which is great! What kind of weaponry is it going to feature, WW2-era or something else entierly?
5 years ago
Hey all, I wanted to clean this mess of a map up, should be alright now, still some issues that I can't fix, see below if you are interested. Let me know of any game breaking, issues and have fun.

Bugs I am aware of, but can't fix
Panzer can throw you out of map with it's claw
No Co-op loadscreen
M4A1 Grenade launcher sswich anim is not working
Zombies can hit you when teleporting back to mainframe in later rounds
Some weapons are missing spec maps
Pathing issue at mystery box in the second room upstairs
Teleporting screen is at a weird angle
There is no Auto Turret as it crashes the map
Bowie knife model isd missing when meleeing zombies
Patch Notes
Added Ghosts K7
Added Galil
Added M27
Added Scorpion Evo
Added missing sounds to the level and easer egg
Added some clipping and pathnode improvemnts
Added nuke double points and no hit
Added Easter Egg ending
Added pap camo to upgraded pistol
Added missing fx
Added sounds to grenade launcher and explosives
Added missing images
Added suppressor to UMP45 and M9A1
Added electric cherry back
Buffed remington new model army
Buffed Zap guns
Fixed multiple wall weapons
Fixed 3d sounds
Fixed weapon stats
Fixed boxpossition lights
Fixed duel wield weapon fx
Fixed helicopter sounds
Fixed Gersch teleport
Fixed M4A1 Reflex
Fixed Thundergun FX
Fixed lighting and vision
Nerfed Panzer a little
Removed unused images to lower downloaad size
Removed nova crawlers
Removed Vector
Removed MK46
Removed Grenade Launcherl mesh from ScarH
Replaced Intervention with CoD Online model
Replaced MW3 M16 with BO1 M16
Replaced MW2 Famas with BO1 Famas
Replaced Gersch FX
So many maps lost to "hard drive crashes" but this gets an update 5 years later, absolutely based. Thanks for this!
5 years ago
I got unhandled exception caught when i load the map
 i reinstalled the map and downloaded the map again.

any suggestions?
 I set the texture settings to manual HIGH and set the anistropy to triliniar, that seemed to fix the crashing. 
5 years ago
I'll add to the dogpile here, phenomenal work! Everything about this map is so fresh, the setting, the weapons (pepperbox!), the easter egg, everything! The Lazerkraftwerk is a little broken in terms of making me stupid rich fairly early on, but the difficulty keeps that power in check, overall things feel pretty balanced; I personally didn't have a problem with door prices, and that was before getting the Lazerkraftwerk. All the perks have their right properties (DT2.0 is indeed 2.0), I didn't notice any obvious bugs, and honeslty it just plays so smooth. I have nothing but respect, thank you so much for this!
5 years ago
Glad to finally see this released! Everything just oozes scale and grandeur, even just walking out of spawn was breathtaking. I really like the interesting twists in each area, like finding the key to the power in the first area and some roof parkour in the second; really top notch gameplay design, makes every run interesting and makes me adapt to the playstyle of each area. The only complaint I can think of is the weapon balancing, some weapons seem very weak compared to others, namely the Winchester and XPR-50(?) were struggling at round 9. Otherwise, they're really creative! Powerful Bloodhound but you can't reload it, explosive pistols, love it!

Overall, love it love it love it. Thank you so much for this, it really is phenomenal!
5 years ago
I really dig the details, it just oozes classic zombies. Keep it up, can't wait to see more!
6 years ago
let us use commands :c please
 Never ever, cry harder.
6 years ago
how do you download this on a console?

I have a ps3
You don't. 
6 years ago

I'm happy to see Electric Cherry and PHD get more utility, really opens up the oppertunity to make different builds; awesome work! 
6 years ago
It's been a fat minute since I played the original release but this looks incredible. I'm glad to see the original idea expanded on, it was really stylish then and now it's even more so!
6 years ago
Ayy there it is, back in business! 
6 years ago
Huh, this came out of the blue. The screenshots look very nice though, seems like a detailed map; I'll give it a shot when I get home. Congrats on release!
6 years ago
I don't know about actively played, but a couple of good maps released recently:

FRIGID by steviewonder87, same guy who made Oil Rig for WAW

DOME by Psh, made MW2 Rust/Gulag for WaW

Not a new map, but obligitory inclusion as one of the first excellent BO3 maps. Kyassuru

Personal favorite and underrated in my opinion, The Descent, classic zombies with phenominal verticality (Buried on steroids)
6 years ago
Wow, I can't believe I missed this... I haven't played it yet, but my god those screenshots look nice. Can't wait to see the final product!
6 years ago
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