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Messages - nabaro

Originally I had true out of quotes anyways, as you can see on one of my replies on page 1.
10 years ago
Okay, so the testing script confirmed my beliefs that the game is increasing the value of activator even when I am not firing (regardless of true or "true").
10 years ago
Okay jei, gonna try it!
10 years ago
Thanks, sounds like a plan! Will report with observations!
10 years ago
To answer both you guys' questions: this is the most up-to-date version of the code:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;

players = get_players();
player = players[0];
activator = 0;
while(activator < 200)
if(player HasWeapon("30cal_bipod_stand") && (player IsFiring() == true))
activator = activator + 1;
level notify("juggernog_on");

and this is how it is being called in my mapname.gsc:

Code Snippet
level thread DLC3_threadCalls();
level thread maps\_pump::main();
10 years ago
jei, I took out the firing variable and replaced the if statement's code with what you posted. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
10 years ago
To jj:

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work, which means that the problem stems from the variable activator increasing when it is not supposed to. Thanks for your advice, though!

To daedra:

What I meant is that the variable activator will be increasing while firing the turret by waiting 0.05 seconds and then adding one to activator. Once activator is equal to or greater than 200, the while loop will break as its condition is no longer met, and the script will proceed to the next line, which turns on jug.

Post Merge: April 15, 2014, 07:15:02 pm
To jei:

Yeah, I think that's it. I'll test it out now. Thanks!
10 years ago
Okay, will test.
10 years ago
Are you sure about this? I want the variable activator to go up while I am firing, and then have juggernog turn on when activator = 200 (10 seconds), so I put the level notify outside the while loop so that once it breaks (activator is greater than or equal to 200) then juggernog will turn on.
10 years ago
I made a script to turn on jug by using a turret for 10 seconds (not necessarily consecutive). There are no syntax errors, however, jug turns on within 10 seconds of my spawning in, regardless of whether I am using the turret or not. Here is my script:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;

players = get_players();
player = players[0];
activator = 0;
while(activator < 200)
firing = player IsFiring();
if(player HasWeapon("30cal_bipod_stand") && (firing == "true"))
activator = activator + 1;
level notify("juggernog_on");

Thanks in advance! (Also, another thing is that this will only work for player 1 right now (solo). This is just for testing and not a concern as of now).
10 years ago
Not 100% sure, but try creating a trigger use and giving it these KVPS:
script_ammo_clip : (how much ammo)
zombie_cost : (the cost)
zombie_weapon_upgrade : ray_gun
targetname : weapon_upgrade
10 years ago
Could someone please explain to me the functions in this script? I am trying to add thunder and lightning into my map.
10 years ago
A follow up question: do I have to make the trigger "invisible" or disable it before making it visible to everyone else?
10 years ago
Would it just be
Code Snippet
players[0] trigger disable_trigger();
or would I have to do something else?
10 years ago
1. Okay, I'll do my best  :)
2. My script has a loop where it is supposed to check if a trigger has been activated, and if it has, it will do one thing, and if it hasn't, it will do another.
3. Okay, will do.
10 years ago
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