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Messages - MrSlagovich

HAHAHAH that dude looks like this guy from Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf
10 years ago
Nice one Tom! I was always a fan of the original mod it added so much replay value but it is very outdated now. It's really cool you guys are recreate your own version can't wait to see what you two nut jobs deliver to us.
10 years ago
Hey Ray, don't you have some broken, low quality contest failure to be working on?
Oh wait, I'm sorry about that Ray  ;)
The wreckage  :derp:
10 years ago
i started my map like 2 weeks ago can i still enter?
Not with the map you started 2 weeks ago, no. You can still enter just not with that map.
10 years ago
I've spent countless hours on your other maps so i'm super jazzed to see what you've got up your sleeve my boy
10 years ago
Good luck to everyone who enters!
10 years ago
Lorkeep Station by chromastone10
Leviathan by Awesome Pieman, HexZombies, JBird632 and RadimaX
10 years ago
 Lorkeep Station by chromastone10
10 years ago
Oh shit fam
10 years ago
(Image removed from quote.)
I think everyone here has enough brainpower to process that Tom was being sarcastic
You'd be surprised.
10 years ago
Just to be clear, Tomikaze was being sarcastic and he owns Zommods this site has nothing to do with TomBMX.
10 years ago
May have already been reported but, it says "Press X to activate PES" , pressing X does nothing, neither does pressing my "action" button.

If people are getting the G_Spawn error then I'll leave it there, that's the most frustrating high-round error you can get.

I'll wait for the update.
I'm guessing you're using a Xbox controller? if so press up on the D-Pad it, when it says X it means X on the keyboard.
10 years ago

 I went through 3 keyboards this week
How does someone go through a keyboard?
10 years ago
ive alrady set the joypad by the console asi use my joypad for all maps but it dont work with maps like Comosea and sumpf UGX Based Map, i Didnt see a option in the UGX Settings but il have another look.

Thanks Guys
Sumpf isn't a UGX based map. Strange that it isn't working i've never heard of a controller only working on certain maps. Are you using the console command to get the controller to work or are you using a 3rd party tool to map your controller?
10 years ago
As The subject say i was wondering if there is a way to use my 360 joy-pad on a  map running with UGX mod  i can play every other map with my joy-pad just not UGX Mod ones


Open the console and enter exec default_controller.cfg

10 years ago
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