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Messages - MegaMech43

No it does not matter how you enter a zone. A zone is either active or in-active. Once a zone is active the game will not kill you for being in it no matter how you got into it.
"Adjacent" just defines that the zone volume is directly next to the previous zone's volume. I believe this would allow you to leave one zones edge, and enter another.
7 years ago
Code Snippet
//A comment is //comment. Compiler skips code with //
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility; //use a script outside of current scope
while(1) { //loop begin. Run code while true. If 1 becomes zero loop stops.
ent = GetEnt("ent","targetname"); //locates an object named "ent". Make this a script_struct or script_origin
zm_utility::play_sound_at_pos("a_sound", ent.origin);  // play sound with name "a_sound" at the object
if (break_out_of_loop) {break;} //clause to stop the sound if necessary
wait(insert_sound_length_here); //ex. wait(3) stops code for 3 seconds
} //loop end

Put code in function. Run function with thread functionname()
7 years ago
You will probably have to stamp the prefab and select every single individual part and move them.

Code Snippet
ent = GetEnt("modelID","targetname");
ent.origin = (X,Y,Z); --Note that XYZ is wrong. I think it's XZY
ent.angles = (X,Y,Z;
ent MoveTo(X,Y,Z); -- Animates the entities movement
ent Delete(); -- or maybe move it back again.

You can use similar code to rotate or to make lights get brighter or darker.

As to my answer of what makes a jump scare scary.
It's the music or audio effects. The most important thing is a really loud ear shattering scream. (Although, you don't want to deafen headphone users)

If you know someone who's really jumpy try it on them. Maybe your mother. See if your effects worked out or not.
7 years ago
If you have zone A and zone B

If zone A is not connected to zone B the zombies in zone B won't move anywhere.
If there is any kind of gap between clips or blocks the zombies won't be able to path through. (ex. Each piece of stair needs to be connected. If they aren't connected but you can still physically walk over them just fine the zombie pathing won't work.)

So you need to find a way to get them through the doorway. Maybe it isn't wide enough, maybe the door way is too thick. Or not tall enough.
7 years ago
Hmm... If you try different textures does that fix it?

I think someone else will have to chip in here. I have no idea.
7 years ago
Check your sun volumes output power. Maybe it's too high.
Maybe you're reflection probes aren't setup correctly
Maybe you have lights with output power set too high.

7 years ago
Maybe you have a model set as the wrong class. Or need to change date from comma to period.
Or validate files in steam.
7 years ago
Need more details. UI or model in 3D space.

What makes a jump scare scary?
7 years ago
Code Snippet
While true do

light.origin = player.origin + (0, 0, Y)
light.angles = player.angles
Wait(0.1) -- wait might only work with numbers higher then 0.1
7 years ago
If your map is down too far, there is a layer of fog. Maybe that's what the black thing is.

This probably has nothing to do with the sun volume.

I'm still doubting this so I'm gonna ask it again.
Do you have a reflection probe in that room?
or maybe your lights are outputting, Black instead of white colour.
7 years ago

Actually try this. Maybe your map is too far down. Trying selecting everything and moving it up a bit.
Although I think you get fog when you're too far to the bottom of the map not just black.
7 years ago
"The volumes are all good so is the sun volume aswell but this is just weird af"
Not quite the same as "I have lights setup in the house" (ik you can see it in the video)

Maybe you have a big model that you're walking through or something?
At this point it's either a silly mistake that you missed, or you need help from someone else who knows more than I do.
I would look really closely in radiant tools and use the F9 (game view) to see if you can reproduce the problem in radiant. If you can see the problem in radiant it will be easier for you to diagnose.
That's really all the help I can give.
7 years ago
Make it scriptable, give it a target name of police, then just do something like

Code Snippet
Light = getent("targetname","pig"); //lol
Light.angles = x.x.x;

is my probable wrong code.

Code Snippet
light = getent("targetname","light_a");

for (i = 0, i<a_number, i++) { //Replace with while(1) { for infinite loop
light.angles += (x, z, y); //(I think it's x z y. Wish it were x y z but the order is different in radiant. sucks to be me)
wait(0.1) //I think the min wait time is around 0.5... 0.1 for me didn't seem to work with a different project.
I think this is more correct, also usually variable names aren't capitalized only function names, but this varies greatly language to language.
7 years ago
Google it.

I don't have time to show you how to use radiant.
Under the install folder there is a folder called doc_modtools.
This folder has lighting  tutorials in it
Also youtube tutorials on lighting and reflection probes already exist.
If you need more help after reviewing this material then I could help you more.

I prefer text/pic tutorials over video, cause you don't have to listen to someone babble for 10 min before the information you're looking for comes out. But this is the only information available other then these forums.

My guess is you have no lighting

Someone else on this forum could probably Skype with you though as others seem to enjoy doing that.
Good luck.
7 years ago
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