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Messages - liamsa669

for dogs:
Code Snippet
SetSavedDvar( "dog_MeleeDamage", "100" );
for players:
edit the damage override
Code Snippet
player_damage_override( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime )
if(self hasperk("specialty_armorvest") && eAttacker != self)
iDamage = iDamage * 0.75;

if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING" )
sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_EXPLOSIVE";

if( isDefined( eAttacker ) )
if( isDefined( self.ignoreAttacker ) && self.ignoreAttacker == eAttacker )

if( isDefined( eAttacker.is_zombie ) && eAttacker.is_zombie )
self.ignoreAttacker = eAttacker;
self thread remove_ignore_attacker();

if( isDefined( eAttacker.damage_mult ) )
iDamage *= eAttacker.damage_mult;
eAttacker notify( "hit_player" );
finalDamage = iDamage;

if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )
if( > 75 )
finalDamage = 75;
self maps\_callbackglobal::finishPlayerDamageWrapper( eInflictor, eAttacker, finalDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime );

if( iDamage < )
if ( IsDefined( eAttacker ) )
eAttacker.sound_damage_player = self;

self maps\_callbackglobal::finishPlayerDamageWrapper( eInflictor, eAttacker, finalDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime );
if( level.intermission )
level waittill( "forever" );

players = get_players();
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] == self || players[i].is_zombie || players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() || players[i].sessionstate == "spectator" )

if( count < players.size )
self maps\_callbackglobal::finishPlayerDamageWrapper( eInflictor, eAttacker, finalDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime );

self.intermission = true;

self thread maps\_laststand::PlayerLastStand( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
self player_fake_death();

if( count == players.size )
level notify( "end_game" );
self maps\_callbackglobal::finishPlayerDamageWrapper( eInflictor, eAttacker, finalDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime );
found in _zombiemdoe.gsc lines:2570-2661

so edit this code to check if eAttacker is a zombie and then edit iDamage to be what you want
8 years ago
everyone... MEET STAR WARS!
8 years ago

when noobs try to tell the mapper what to do  :troll:
(mapper is the tanaka-kun ( the guy ) )
8 years ago
as bwc always says:
Quote from: Bwc66930 whenever You Try Talk To Him

now if only it was one of those NOOBs that call me a 'retard' so i can prove them wrong... :( (cough cough pwn and jr)
8 years ago
i want to make a pulsating map and call it cancer... PS it will b a box map :troll: and itll have a map that shows that ur in a certain part of the body... and instead of buying doors, your moving to another part of the body to SPREAD THE CANCER :D Ill also refrence bridge v_ and all shity shunned maps... oh, and if possible, ill use rorke's gun mod v1
8 years ago
cory in the house is a good one
ur as slow as ur avatar... thats not an anime... and ive seen every episode of it b4 it got cancled
8 years ago
hmm... try hiding the pannel, but keep the numbers... it may just be positioning... I know waw is unique with positioning... so this is an easy test to see if the positioning is correct... it may be that the model is spawned for them, but is below the actual pannel. another thing might be clipping/lods, model count (just like hud elements), or a fault in the spawn script (i doubt that, since its gsc after all)
8 years ago
Has anyone ever seen a script model show for the host, but not the coop players?

These numbers are models that are set randomly, and the host can see all three, but my coop player can't see the 3rd one..?? I'm worried that the third player couldn't see 2 maybe or worse. I don't have an alternative for this, other than making it a 3 digit code maybe if that helps...

(Image removed from quote.)

Coop Player
(Image removed from quote.)
what is it scripted in, and is it spawned in or there already... plus u can always do how nuketown did their counter
8 years ago
i havent persinally watch highschool DxD but ive heard from multaple people that it actually has a story and good plot, and the ecchi is just there, and honestly to love ru has a LOT more the highschool dxd
again, ive seen the 1st season of highschool DxD, so i know what it is... (gotta love the preistest :D) but i want other ones... i tried to love ru, but idk... that anime doesnt seem entertaining from the episodes ive watched so far... thats why its saved for when im completely bored without internet
8 years ago
highschool DxD, to love ru :P ya know the good ones :P
tried both of them... wasnt into them, although to love ru is put aside for a complete and rainy day just like its counter-part Rosio+ Vampire... any other suggestions? Im not too much of a fan of a show that completely relies on echi (cough cough highschool DxD), although i do save them for trips when i got nothing else to watch for hours in a car
8 years ago
as many people know, I am an anime fanatic... AND I NEED MORE! but they must be good... and since theres thousands, i thought I would ask you guys for help. I do not like anime that is over 24 episodes (give or take a few). The anime i have watched are found on this list:

8 years ago
#1 thing to do... find the model vert limit... break it
#2 make a box map and call it the best thing in the world
#3 only use waw scripts found under the "tutorials" section
#4 use rorke's weapon mods
#5 sit back and relax as the world falls to shit  :rainbow:
8 years ago
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