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Messages - kaizokuroof

Well I tried the method above - Both with one volume and multiple volumes. It seems if the zombies don't spawn in a navmesh volume when you have them, then they just walk in one place.

Here is a screenshot of my issue: notice the chairs. They continue to pile up and walk into them until killed or until I kite them around.

I used Trigger NavMesh. And I tried Nav Volume - trying to set the targetname to something unique (as my compile had errors regarding it).


As I was typing this, I was testing different stuff - It looks like in your clip brush, you can choose if it is a navmesh too or not. If you tick the box for Static_Navmesh (set it to true) the zombies now navigate around the clip/object.


8 years ago
Hey All,

Apologies if this has already been mentioned or if this is the wrong section.

I'd like to add say a heavy machine gun (Like the BRM). Could anyone help push me in the right direction to doing this? I realise there isn't a chalk outline and can easily make one, but I just need some help locating gun names and where I should start to write the script.

Please let me know if you require further information.

Thanks in advance!
8 years ago
I'm going to do some testing with this but having a nav volume covering the entire area you want zombies to be able to walk should allow them to have pathing and go to the player around objects.

Hmmm, well I have a room - The zombies bust in through some windows and inside the middle of the room there is two couches placed in an L shape. I have clipping over the couches which also forms an L shape. I find that if I run behind the couch, the zombies simply run into the couch. Now a solution would be to add in a vault or w/e, but the reason I have the L in there is so that players can kite the zombies around it.

It was mentioned above that the nav is made automatically. I've yet to test what's mentioned above, but theoretically they should already be able to navigate around?

Should the Nav mesh/volume be placed carefully around the objects, or should it cover clips? Apologies for asking more questions, I'd just really like to understand the mechanics.

Thanks again for all the responses!
8 years ago
Super cool. Thanks for sharing/taking the time to fix it.
8 years ago
Yeah, super cool map my man. Very keen to give it a run. The overgrown area looks wicked.
8 years ago
Black Ops 3 doesn't use path nodes to tell zombies where to go like it did in waw. Go into the entity browser and use a nav volume/nav mesh. This lets them go anywhere inside where this volume is covering without needing specifically placed nodes.

Hello - Thanks for responding. I've been looking for this, as I have discovered that the models I've placed on the map and added clipping too, are causing my zombies to run straight into them.
Could you expand/elaborate a little. Are there specific KPV's I need to add into these nav mesh or nav volumes?

Thank you kindly sir.
8 years ago
Hello! I'm new here, but as I was developing a map I'm working on, I found that the tutorials available, even though I followed them perfectly, didn't give me the result I needed. I continued to die when entering the zone and I was pulling my hair out.

Under function main()

There is an aray - you need to manually add your zones in there, giving them a unique number too. Once you've added them to this array, you also need to do the adjacent tiles (so zombies spawn where you need them spawn).

Code Snippet

function main()

level._zombie_custom_add_weapons =&custom_add_weapons;

//Setup the levels Zombie Zone Volumes
level.zones = [];
level.zone_manager_init_func =&usermap_test_zone_init;
init_zones[0] = "start_zone";
init_zones[1] = "YOUR ZONE HERE";
init_zones[2] = "AND HERE";

level thread zm_zonemgr::manage_zones( init_zones );

level.pathdist_type = PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;
8 years ago
Hey buds,

Pretty new here - Will be haunting the COD 3 Zombies/Mapping/Scripting forums. Look forward to posting up some work.

8 years ago
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