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Messages - johndoe

If you're trying to mod someone else's mod, why would you do that?
7 years ago
How did you create your map? Did you use the launcher or a script placer?
7 years ago
After seeing your interpretation of Dust II, I really didn't have any high hopes for this map but it looks like you managed to outdo yourself. It could use some models and textures from CS:GO though. Hit me up if you need any help.
7 years ago
You need to browse the textures by either their surface type or usage. Radiant shows them on an existing map because the map uses them.
7 years ago
there's a button on the top side that disables the selection of entities which looks like an E inside a restriction sign.

like this
7 years ago
There is an option that shows everything in the 2d grid with textures. You can just enable it and then hide the tool textures using filters and then take a screenshot of it.
7 years ago
do you want to have an exact replica of the map ported to unity or do you just want the basic geometry of it without the entities like models and stuff?
7 years ago
But without box maps, nobody would see how good "normal" maps are. Everyone would say "Oh no. Another map with more then 3 rooms.".
And with box maps they say "Oh yes. A new map with more then 1 room!".

So, basicly PSH's box maps make "normal" maps better.

Thanks for that, +1.

this is how a normal map looks like tho
7 years ago
Errors are not stupid. You can't know if you're doing anything wrong without seeing an error message. Making mistakes is the best way to learn. Please don't give up on anything just because you had a minor issue with something you're new to.
7 years ago
You don't simply make a map without running into errors. In order for things in the game to work properly, you have to make it without adding anything that'll cause an error. How else do you expect the game to work properly? And how will you know how to fix something if the game won't show you the cause of the error? If you're this lazy, I'm pretty sure you would quit after a minor error if you had an error even if you had the original map file of the map.
7 years ago
What a nice response! You sir, just made me want to send you the link to the map file you need. I'll send it to you as soon as my shift at work is over. Thanks for being so kind to me!
7 years ago
Oh, I can do with that one.  What is the link?
you've gotta have bought bo3 from steam and have the mod tools installed. you can't have it otherwise.
7 years ago
the .map file for der riese is available on bo3 mod tools but you need to edit a lot of stuff using a text editor since bo3's map format contains some new syntax.
7 years ago
Doom 2
7 years ago
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