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Messages - isaacscott935

If you created a new mod then make sure you have Harry's models and scripts in your new mods folder
6 years ago
Yeah, you need to have a legit copy of the game.
The Steam platform is free so download that.

And you're lucky because on Steam, there is a summer sale and it is 50% off of all Call of Duty titles. I think WAW is normally around £20, but from now until 4th of July (I think) it is around £10.

When you both have an actual copy of the game, you can play your maps together online.
6 years ago
Has it worked?

As for the image count, I’m not too sure but you could check the console when you launch your map as it could be mentioned there.
6 years ago
Go to your root\raw\maps and find _zombiemode_betty.gsc.

Open the file in whatever text editor you use and delete everything.

Paste this into it:
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

a rough prototype for now, needs a bit more polish

trigs = getentarray("betty_purchase","targetname");
for(i=0; i<trigs.size; i++)
model = getent( trigs[i].target, "targetname" );
model hide();

level thread give_betties_after_rounds();

self.zombie_cost = 1000;
self sethintstring( &"ZOMBIE_BETTY_PURCHASE" );
self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

level thread set_betty_visible();
self.betties_triggered = false;

self waittill("trigger",who);
if( who in_revive_trigger() )

if( is_player_valid( who ) )

if( who.score >= self.zombie_cost )
who.has_betties = 1;
play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", self.origin );

//set the score
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( self.zombie_cost );
who thread bouncing_betty_setup();
who thread show_betty_hint("betty_purchased");

// JMA - display the bouncing betties
if( self.betties_triggered == false )
model = getent(, "targetname" );
model thread maps\_zombiemode_weapons::weapon_show( who );
self.betties_triggered = true;

trigs = getentarray("betty_purchase","targetname");
for(i = 0; i < trigs.size; i++)
trigs[i] SetInvisibleToPlayer(who);
//who thread show_betty_hint("already_purchased");


players = getplayers();
trigs = getentarray("betty_purchase","targetname");

for(j = 0; j < players.size; j++)
if( !isdefined(players[j].has_betties))
for(i = 0; i < trigs.size; i++)
trigs[i] SetInvisibleToPlayer(players[j], false);

players = getplayers();

self endon("death");

self waittill("grenade_fire",betty,weapname);
if(weapname == "mine_bouncing_betty")
betty.owner = self;
betty thread betty_think();
self thread betty_death_think();

self waittill("death");

self.trigger delete();

self delete();


self thread bouncing_betty_watch();

self giveweapon("mine_bouncing_betty");
self setactionslot(4,"weapon","mine_bouncing_betty");
self setweaponammostock("mine_bouncing_betty",5);

trigger = spawn("trigger_radius",self.origin,9,80,64);
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
trigger = trigger;
self playsound("betty_activated");
fake_model = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
fake_model setmodel(self.model);
self hide();
tag_origin = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
tag_origin setmodel("tag_origin");
tag_origin linkto(fake_model);
playfxontag(level._effect["betty_trail"], tag_origin,"tag_origin");
fake_model moveto (fake_model.origin + (0,0,32),.2);
fake_model waittill("movedone");
playfx(level._effect["betty_explode"], fake_model.origin);
earthquake(1, .4, fake_model.origin, 512);

//CHris_P - betties do no damage to the players
zombs = getaispeciesarray("axis");
//PI ESM: added a z check so that it doesn't kill zombies up or down one floor
if(zombs[i].origin[2] < fake_model.origin[2] + 80 && zombs[i].origin[2] > fake_model.origin[2] - 80 && DistanceSquared(zombs[i].origin, fake_model.origin) < 200 * 200)
zombs[i] thread maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_damage( "MOD_ZOMBIE_BETTY", "none", zombs[i].origin, self.owner );

trigger delete();
fake_model delete();
tag_origin delete();
if( isdefined( self ) )
self delete();

self.tag_origin = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
self.tag_origin setmodel("tag_origin");
self.tag_origin moveto(self.tag_origin.origin + (0,0,100),.15);

level waittill( "between_round_over" );
players = get_players();
players[i]  giveweapon("mine_bouncing_betty");
players[i]  setactionslot(4,"weapon","mine_bouncing_betty");
players[i]  setweaponammoclip("mine_bouncing_betty",2);

//betty hint stuff
init_hint_hudelem(x, y, alignX, alignY, fontscale, alpha)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.alignX = alignX;
self.alignY = alignY;
self.fontScale = fontScale;
self.alpha = alpha;
self.sort = 20;
//self.font = "objective";

self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

self.hintelem = newclienthudelem(self);
self.hintelem init_hint_hudelem(320, 220, "center", "bottom", 1.6, 1.0);

self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

if(string == "betty_purchased")

self setup_client_hintelem();
self.hintelem setText(text);
self.hintelem settext("");
6 years ago
Then you're probably missing the scripts.
Do you have a cracked version?
6 years ago

One of your ignore lines in mod.csv doesn't have the ,, at the end
6 years ago
sound effects I added to the video
problem - betty does not kill zombies

Did you read what reaper said? Instead of getting the BBs through a console command, buy them off the wall.
6 years ago
Isaiah literally linked you to some weapon ports by Ricos and yet you get salty...

*Isaac  :D
6 years ago
not what he asked - he wants the stats

Bo3 weaponfiles are not actual files - there is no file to extract like the other games

You can find ‘approximations ‘ of the stats online

I'm pretty sure he's just asking for a pack of black ops 3 weapons for him to insert into his map.

This is a pack made by Rico and it doesn't contain that many black ops 3 weapons, but it contains a decent amount. It also has lots of weapons from other games. The instructions are fairly straightforward - and make sure you give credit to Rico.
6 years ago
Why anyone of you didnt tell me that T4M(r45)  can fix this.....mhhhhhhhh

Avoid using T4M because it’s not necessary. A lot of people can’t use T4M for some reason. Just comment out the lines in the folder I told you to and the problem will be solved.
6 years ago
Wow, I'm downloading this now and it looks amazing. So much thought and dedication put into this project. I think you deserve a pat on the back.
6 years ago
Oh haha :D
No problem
6 years ago
Open up the full console and is there a line in it where it says error line (whatever line)?
6 years ago
That image file doesn't work. Upload it to Imgur and then link it
6 years ago
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