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Topics - Harry Bo21

How do I add stuff to fast Files like the Bam Perks?

I woould need to include

9 years ago
Does anyone know what sound Cherry plays? ( The bleep sound i mean )?

Is driving me nuts, i swear i cant find it anywhere lol
9 years ago
ok this is getting really annoying

started around the time my power supply blew, weapon editor CONSTANTLY fails to write, suspecting the file is open elsewhere

well this pic, is "immediatly" after a reboot and redownloading the program AND using a COPY of the weapon file i put on my desktop??? (also running as admin)

Driving me nuts doing stuff through a text editor
9 years ago

So... im absolutely crushed to say... more poor little baby girl died yesterday morning...

I know people say you shouldnt get too attached to animals... but i hell i feel like ive been hit in the gut with a sledgehammer...

She was a beautiful amazing little cat, never grew, stayed kitten sized... Had the cute little high pitched meow and playful temperament to go with it...

During the night, my other cat literally borke the cat flap to get out, and she got out too. I never let her out before except under extremely controlled circumstances because she was so scatty and playful...

My wife was searching from 5am while I was still at work. When I came back we opened all the windows and called out to her, hoping she was hiding near by. Shes always been super attached to me, so hoped hearing me would draw her back

However a few hours later my wife went to go meet her dad... to find two of our neighbours stood in the road...

Right at the bottom of the street... the same street I drove up to get home and she wasnt there

I feel so so so bad... Feels like my calling her caused this... Im absolutely crushed...

I had to pick her up and take her to the vets... I had to do that with my previous two... but this one REALLY hurt...

R.I.P Poppet pooper... You were the most adorable cat ever... I miss you
9 years ago
Ok, so im making electric cherry, and stevies done me a cool fx

So ive been trying to use it but it just will not face "forward"

Ive been spawning a model ("tag_origin" ), then later coz it just wouldnt line up i used a perk bottle

now i see, no matter what i do in code, the bottle just will not rotate... it should be facing the same way i am, even if i link it, it still doesnt follow my angle? Where am i going wrong? lol

Code Snippet
test_angles( player )
 // tag = spawn( "script_model", player.origin );
 self setmodel( "bo2_t6_wpn_zmb_perk_bottle_bear_world" );
 self.angles = anglestoforward( player getplayerangles() ) + ( 270, 180, 0 );
 // self.angles = anglestoforward( player getplayerangles() )+ ( 0, 270, 0 );
 self linkto( player );
 PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[ "cherry_shock_3" ], self, "tag_origin" );
 while( 1 )
wait .01;
self.angles = anglestoforward( player getplayerangles() ) + ( 270, 180, 0 );
9 years ago
Hey guys

im making a zombie shield, i have some aspects working, but im struggling with (what I actually thought would be the easy part) the weapon file?

Now, the main issue is, when I have it, i cant switch to it other than by script. How do I make the action buttons work?

I also added bouncing bettys to my map, but i cannot access those either? Am I missing something here?

i keep seeing this :

Code Snippet
players[ p ] setactionslot(1,"weapon","zombie_shield");
players[ p ] setactionslot(2,"weapon","zombie_shield");
players[ p ] setactionslot(3,"weapon","zombie_shield");
players[ p ] setactionslot(4,"weapon","zombie_shield");

but thats not working
9 years ago
Hey guys,

Im trying to finish my origins dig spots script. But cant seem to spawn grenades, I looked through the reference and some other people script and I keep seeing this :

Code Snippet
actor MagicGrenadeManual( location, location+(randomIntRange(-100,100),randomIntRange(-100,100),randomIntRange(20,222)), randomFloatRange(1,2.15) ); }

I keep trying to make this work, but no joy, can someone clue me up please? Its one of the last things i need to do (other than spawning a zombie, but i need to ask Stuffy about the spawning anim where they jump up out of the ground)
9 years ago
Hey all!

So Ive been working on my map (Castle Britannia) for well over a year now, progress has been immeasurably slow, as ive been learning the tools and getting a grip on GSC scripting (I could already script, it was more learning Syntax and how to use things appropriately)

However, I find myself getting caught up on coding stuff more and more. And it is taking longer and longer to complete fully-fledged features.

In the meantime the map progress has been stinted. I went back the other day to add a whole bunch to it, but after a full day of mapping it just still doesnt look "fun" sadly...

I imaging this is why interest on my WIP is pretty low, which is something I want to improve

I have a lot of guns fully ported, mostly from origins, several features fully coded by me, several "much better" features that Stuffy has been kind enough to share with me, a large layout for nearly all of the map and lots more custom models etc.

So I am really looking to see if anyone who isnt already caught up in some huge project (as I realise a lot of people have been for the last 6 months, so have held off on this post) would like to join in with me?

Currently there are a few things in the works that ive spoken to some people about. Awesome people like AwesomePieman, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy and more have assisted me a huge amount already, but frankly my own level of skill in regards to mapping is lacking, and not doing their features justice yet.

Ive laid out a lot, but it lacks details, the roof is totally empty, the second floor is mostly empty, and im struggling to come up with creative ways to spawn zombies without having the skills to make my own traverses (I havent really tried yet to be fair)

I have the staffs, but they are non-functional at this time. Models and anims are done, although the texturing could still use some improvement. I have started on things like the Napalm Zombie, but I have a lot more to go.

So would anyone be interested in joining in? I wouldnt be too bothered what exactly you would like to do, but a experienced mapper would be great :)

If anyone is interested, hit me up :)

thanks guys :)
9 years ago
Hey all :)

So which one of you lovely fellows feels like sharing their blundergat scripts with me?

Would be awesome if someone could, id be happy to help out in return if there is anything I can help with :)
9 years ago
Ok so I managed to attach a shield model to the player, and give the player a variable storing that shields health

How exactly would i handle zombies attacking that shield if they hit you from behind? Im struggling to think of a way :)
9 years ago
So... I finally gave in and bought the Black ops 1 collection on steam, thinking that I would now be able to go rip whatever i want from it...


Both shangrila and COTD crash unable to find a image, different images on both

Ive tried different computers

Ive verified installation

Ive reinstalled

Ive tried everything... and I can see support topics on steam for the same issue that are being (I assume) ignored as the game is like 5 years old

Anyone know how i can fix it?... Its just a missing file?
9 years ago
Ok so I wanna check if someone presses a button, i know of :

Code Snippet

But I need dPad down, I dont want to use :

Code Snippet
buttonPressed( "" );
because I want to support keyboard and controller

Is there a list of predefined names? I only found these 3 in the script reference
9 years ago
Is there a way to set hint strings so that different players will see different things?

Eg. a buildable bench would says "you need a part" to someone not holding one, and "Add part" to someone who is?

9 years ago
Hey guys, I have a request

Is there anyone out there, who either feels like sharing their Napalm scripts and fx, or feels like a challenge and making one for me?

Im getting there with GSC scripting but im still struggling. Id prefer to be able to do it myself but I think its gonna be a while before I get good enough.

If someone did feel like scripting it, if you were up for it there are a few other things i'd be interested in too, but of course I know requests are annoying enough, with out several more after youve done it lol

Let me know guys, I have black ops 1 and the DLC so if there are any anims and models to grab, I can quite easily :)
9 years ago
the only successful facebook page for zombies Ive found is a unmaintained mess of spam and talk of - shudders - multiplayer...

People asked me to make a different page so I have, not sure if any of you guys are interested in things like facebook groups but thought id share it here

I have made sure to link UGX, also I have linked a bunch of the WIPS and taken some screen shots of the WIP post themselves to share about

If anyone has a objection to that just let me now and ill remove it, but its not ingame content, its just screenshots of your WIP post itself
9 years ago
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