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Messages - gympie6

hi guys
my map is Der Riese styled i add script_structs in the start zone but when i want to put anther script_structs in the anther zone i get in round 1 that zombie spawn in the 2 zones so what can i do to make zombie spawn in the frist zone and when i active the zone_2 zombie start spawn ?

I have no idea what you are saying but I think you want this:
Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone",	"zone1",	"enter_zone1", 	true );

This will spawn the zombie in the room you are in adding the "true" as extra parameter.
6 years ago
Hi! I'm recently added the napalm zombie created by shippuden1592, but the napalm zombie spawns and walks towards me for a couple of seconds before exploding. I have set everything correctly but nothing seemed to work. If anyone who used his napalm zombie, got it to work or have answers as any help is appreciated!

My _zombiemode_ai_napalm (I added a info_volume like he instructed with the script_noteworthy of zone_1, but i use triggers for my zones instead of info_volume so i'm wondering if it had something to do with that as well. the player_zone line "napalm = Getentarray( "player_zone", "script_noteworthy" );" is changed to zone_1 as well. I also put the napalm in my second zone(zone_1 is my second zone) instead of the start_zone, so any context i could give to solve this.

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include animscripts\Utility;

#using_animtree( "generic_human" );

//level.scr_anim["napalm"]["walk"] = %Ai_walk_weary_a; //Animacion parecida al napalm ( cambiar si les gusta mejor )
level.scr_anim["napalm"]["walk"] = %ai_zombie_napalm_run; //Animacion oficial napalm ( cambiar si les gusta mejor )
level.scr_anim["napalm"]["explode"] = %ai_zombie_napalm_attack_01;

level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"] = [];
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][0] = %ai_flame_death_a;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][1] = %ai_flame_death_b;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][2] = %ai_flame_death_c;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][3] = %ai_flame_death_d;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][4] = %ai_flame_death_e;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][5] = %ai_flame_death_f;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][6] = %ai_flame_death_g;
level._zombie_napalm_fire_death["zombie"][7] = %ai_flame_death_h;

level._effect[ "napalm_spawn" ] = LoadFX( "napalm/napalm_boss_spawn" );
level._effect[ "napalm_fire_trap" ] = LoadFX( "napalm/napalm_fire_trap" );
level._effect[ "napalm_explo" ] = LoadFX( "explosions/default_explosion" );
level._effect[ "napalm_fire_foot" ] = LoadFX( "napalm/napalm_foot" );

set_zombie_var( "napalm_first_round", 10 ); //Ronda a iniciar + RandomIntRange( level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_min"], level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_max"] )
set_zombie_var( "napalm_rnd_max", 3 ); //Numero maximo de ronda entre el proximo spawn
set_zombie_var( "napalm_rnd_min", 5 ); //Numero menor de rondas entre el proximo spawn
set_zombie_var( "napalm_health_multiplier", 50 ); //Incremento de vida
set_zombie_var( "napalm_alive", false ); //Napal vivo/muerto
set_zombie_var( "napalm_explo_radius_plr", 20 ); //Napalm explotara cuando esta cercano al jugador ( a 80 de distancia )
set_zombie_var( "napalm_vision_radius", 1000 ); //Rango de Vision
set_zombie_var( "napalm_trap_damage", 60 ); //Daño trampa a jugador / con PHP no afecta
set_zombie_var( "napalm_trap_radius", 90 ); //Rango de la trampa (esta a corde con el tiempo del fx)
set_zombie_var( "trap_time", 15 ); //Tiempo de la trampa (esta a corde con el tiempo del fx)

thread maps\_zombiemode_ai_napalm::main();

precachemodel( "bo1_c_viet_zombie_napalm" );
precachemodel( "bo1_c_viet_zombie_napalm_head" );


level thread wait_for_spawn();
level thread spawn_napalm();

level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] = level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] + RandomIntRange( level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_min"], level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_max"] );
// level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] = level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] + 1;

// iprintlnbold("Ronda Spawn ---> " + level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] );
while( 1 )
if( flag("dog_round" ) )
while( level.dog_intermission )
level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] = level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] + 1;
// iprintlnbold("Proxima Ronda Spawn ---> " + level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] );
if( level.round_number >= level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] )
level.napalm_active_on = true;
level.napalm_active_on = undefined;


napalm_points = GetEntArray( "napalm_spawn", "targetname" );
chosen_spot = undefined;

if( !IsDefined( napalm_points ) || napalm_points.size == 0 )

while( 1 )
if( isDefined( level.napalm_active_on ) && level.napalm_active_on == true )
if( !level.zombie_vars["napalm_alive"] )
wait RandomIntRange(10, 15); //Tiempo de espera en hacer respawn

napalm_points = array_randomize( napalm_points );

for( i = 0; i < napalm_points.size; i++ )
_napalm = spawn( "script_model", napalm_points[i].origin );
_napalm SetModel( "tag_origin" );
_napalm linkTo( napalm_points[i] );
_napalm.angles = napalm_points[i].angles;
_napalm.origin = napalm_points[i].origin;

if( zone_active( _napalm ) )
chosen_spot = napalm_points[i];
wait 0.01;
_napalm delete();
level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] = level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] + RandomIntRange( level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_min"], level.zombie_vars["napalm_rnd_max"] );

// level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] = level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] + 1;
// iprintlnbold("Proxima Ronda Spawn ---> " + level.zombie_vars["napalm_first_round"] );

level.zombie_vars["napalm_alive"] = true;
napalm = spawn_zombie( chosen_spot );
napalm thread maps\_zombiemode::round_spawn_failsafe();
napalm thread napalm_prespawn();

zone_active( np )
napalm = Getentarray( "zone_1", "script_noteworthy" ); //Reemplazar por el script_noteworthy de tu info_volume
zone = undefined;
poi = false;

for( i=0; i < napalm.size; i++ )
if( np istouching( napalm[i]) )
zone = napalm[i].targetname;
if( level.zones[ napalm[i].targetname ].is_enabled )
poi = true;
return poi;

thread players_disableflamescreen();

self.animname = "zombie";

self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_spawn_init( true );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_think();
        self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_setup_attack_properties();
        self thread maps\_zombiemode_spawner::find_flesh();

self.gib_override = false;
  self.gibbed = true;
self.no_damage_points = true;
self.ignore_enemy_count = true;
self.is_napalm = true;
self.shrinkray_napalm = true;

self.maxhealth = 100000; = 100000;
// iprintlnbold("Napalm Vida ---> " + );

/*==== Spawn ====*/
level thread napalm_area_effect( self.origin, "napalm_spawn" );
//level thread napalm_plr_sound( "spawn" );

self playsound("ignite");
self playsound( "evt_napalm_zombie_spawn" );

speed = "run";
spawn_anim = random(level._zombie_rise_anims["zombie"][1][speed]);
time = getanimlength(spawn_anim);
self animscripted("napalm_spawn", self.origin + (0, 0, -45), self.angles, spawn_anim, "normal");
wait( time );
self thread napalm_health();
/*==== End Spawn ====*/

self thread maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_eye_glow_stop();

self thread napalm_walk();
self thread napalm_trail();
self thread napalm_vision();
self thread napalm_vox();
self thread napalm_player();
self thread napalm_death();

players = get_players();
  self.maxhealth = level.zombie_health * (players.size * level.zombie_vars["napalm_health_multiplier"] ); = level.zombie_health * (players.size * level.zombie_vars["napalm_health_multiplier"] );

// iprintlnbold("Napalm Vida ---> " + );

self endon( "death" );

while( isDefined( self ) )
walk = true;
zombies = getaiarray( "axis" );
while( zombies.size > 0 )
if( zombies.size == 1 || < ( self.maxhealth / 4 ))
var = randomintrange(1, 4);
self set_run_anim( "sprint" + var );                       
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim[self.animname]["sprint" + var];
walk = false;
zombies = getaiarray("axis");
if( isDefined( walk ) )
self set_run_anim( "walk" + 2);                       
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["napalm"]["walk"];


self endon( "death" );

players = getplayers();

if( self.shrinkray_napalm == true && Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) <= level.zombie_vars["napalm_explo_radius_plr"])
self playsound( "evt_napalm_zombie_charge" );

//explode_wind_up = %ai_zombie_taunts_5f;
explode_wind_up = level.scr_anim["napalm"]["explode"];
time = getanimlength(explode_wind_up);
self animscripted("napalm_explode", self.origin, self.angles, explode_wind_up, "normal");
wait time/2.0;

self DoDamage( + 666, self.origin, self );

wait .5;

self endon( "death" );

wait( 4 );

napalm_wait = 4;

players = getplayers();

if(DistanceSquared(self.origin, players[i].origin) > 1200 * 1200)
sound_amb = "zmb_napalm_ambient0" + randomint(2);
self playsound( sound_amb );
napalm_wait = 7;
else if(DistanceSquared(self.origin, players[i].origin) > 200 * 200)
sound_attack = "zmb_napalm_attack0" + randomint(2);
self playsound( sound_attack );
napalm_wait = 5;
else if(DistanceSquared(self.origin, players[i].origin) < 150 * 150)
wait randomfloatrange( 1, napalm_wait );

self endon( "death" );

self thread trail1();
//self thread trail2();

while( isDefined( self ) )
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["character_fire_death_torso"], self, "J_SpineLower" );
wait 4;

while( isDefined( self ) )
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[ "napalm_fire_foot" ], self, "tag_origin" );
      wait .5;

    while( isDefined( self ) )
players = get_players();

for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
if ( !isdefined( self ) )

if( distance(players[i] getOrigin(), self getOrigin()) <= level.zombie_vars["napalm_vision_radius"] && !players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
players[i] setBurn( 0.5 );
wait .05;
players[i] setBurn( 0 );
//players[i] setClientDvar("r_flamefx_enable", 0);
wait .05;

thread players_disableflamescreen();

playsoundatposition( "zmb_napalm_explode", self.origin );
PlayFx(level._effect["napalm_explo"], self getTagOrigin("J_MainRoot"));

players = get_players();
dist = level.zombie_vars["napalm_explo_radius_plr"];

for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] setClientDvar("r_flamefx_enable", 0);

if( Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) <= ( dist + 20 ))
self thread napalm_damage(dist + 20, (240 + randomint(15)), players[i], 3.5);

if( Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) > dist && Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) <= (dist + 70) )
self thread napalm_damage(dist + 70, 120, players[i], 2.5);

if( Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) > dist && Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) <= (dist + 120))
self thread napalm_damage(dist + 120, 70, players[i], 1.5);

if( Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) > dist && Distance( self.origin, players[i].origin ) <= (dist + 170))
self thread napalm_damage(dist + 170, 30, players[i], .5);

wait .2;

napalm_damage(rango, da, player, t)
if( !self HasPerk("specialty_detectexplosive") )
self RadiusDamage( self.origin, rango, da, da, self, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" );
player ShellShock( "explosion", t );

napalm_area_effect( origin, fx )
effectArea = spawn( "trigger_radius", origin, 0, level.zombie_vars["napalm_trap_radius"], 100 );

PlayFX( level._effect[ fx ], origin );

trap_time = 0;
while( trap_time <= level.zombie_vars["trap_time"] )
players = get_players();
zombies = GetAIArray( "axis" );

for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
if( players[i] IsTouching( effectArea ) && !players[i] HasPerk("specialty_detectexplosive") && !players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
players[i] DoDamage( level.zombie_vars["napalm_trap_damage"], players[i].origin );

for(j = 0; j < zombies.size; j++)
if( !zombies[j] IsTouching( effectArea ) )

if( (Isdefined(zombies[j].is_napalm) && zombies[j].is_napalm == true) || Isdefined(zombies[j].animname) && (zombies[j].animname == "engineer_zombie" || zombies[j].animname == "ape_zombie" ) )

if ( is_magic_bullet_shield_enabled( zombies[j] ) )

if( zombies[j].animname == "zombie" && !zombies[j].zmb_fire_anim && zombies[j].has_legs == true )
zombies[j].zmb_fire_anim = true;

zombies[j].deathanim = random( level._zombie_napalm_fire_death[zombies[j].animname] );
zombies[j] thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();
wait 0.2;
zombies[j] DoDamage( zombies[j].health + 666, zombies[j].origin );
zombies[j] thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();

wait (randomfloatrange(0.1, 2.5));
zombies[j] DoDamage( zombies[j].health + 666, zombies[j].origin );

trap_time = trap_time + 1;

effectArea Delete();

self waittill( "death" );

if( isdefined(self.shrinkray_napalm) && self.shrinkray_napalm == true )
self thread napalm_death_explo();
level thread napalm_area_effect( self.origin, "napalm_fire_trap" );

//level thread napalm_plr_sound("kill");

self delete();

level.zombie_vars["napalm_alive"] = false;

level waittill("between_round_over");
level.zombie_vars["napalm_alive"] = false;

napalm_plr_sound( type )
players = get_players();

for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] thread napalm_plr_sound_opc( type );

self endon( "disconnect" );

index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index( self );
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
if(opc == "spawn")
self thread play_napalm_dialog_spawn(plr);
self thread play_napalm_dialog_kill(plr);
//self thread play_tesla_sound("tesla_happy"); (moved to client)
level clientNotify ("TGH");

waittime = 0.25;
if(!IsDefined (self.vox_spawn_napalm))
num_variants = maps\_zombiemode_spawner::get_number_variants(player_index + "vox_spawn_napalm");
self.vox_spawn_napalm = [];
self.vox_spawn_napalm[self.vox_spawn_napalm.size] = "vox_spawn_napalm_" + i;
//iprintlnbold("vox_spawn_napalm_" + i);
self.vox_spawn_napalm_available = self.vox_spawn_napalm;

if(!isdefined (level.player_is_speaking))
level.player_is_speaking = 0;

sound_to_play = random(self.vox_spawn_napalm_available);
//iprintlnbold("LINE:" + player_index + sound_to_play);
self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::do_player_playdialog(player_index, sound_to_play, waittime);
self.vox_spawn_napalm_available = array_remove(self.vox_spawn_napalm_available,sound_to_play);

if (self.vox_spawn_napalm_available.size < 1 )
self.vox_spawn_napalm_available = self.vox_spawn_napalm;

waittime = 0.25;
if(!IsDefined (self.vox_kill_napalm))
num_variants = maps\_zombiemode_spawner::get_number_variants(player_index + "vox_kill_napalm");
self.vox_kill_napalm = [];
self.vox_kill_napalm[self.vox_kill_napalm.size] = "vox_kill_napalm_" + i;
//iprintlnbold("vox_kill_napalm_" + i);
self.vox_kill_napalm_available = self.vox_kill_napalm;

if(!isdefined (level.player_is_speaking))
level.player_is_speaking = 0;

sound_to_play = random(self.vox_kill_napalm_available);
//iprintlnbold("LINE:" + player_index + sound_to_play);
self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::do_player_playdialog(player_index, sound_to_play, waittime);
self.vox_kill_napalm_available = array_remove(self.vox_kill_napalm_available,sound_to_play);

if (self.vox_kill_napalm_available.size < 1 )
self.vox_kill_napalm_available = self.vox_kill_napalm;

wait 1.1;
players = getPlayers();
players[i] setClientDvar("r_flamefx_enable", 0);

I think what I know what you mean but the problem is that these zombies can only spawn from ground spawners.
they get stuck or explode out of nowhere when they have to go through windows.

I couldn't find a solution to the problem, maybe Shippuden knows how to fix this.
6 years ago
Basically as the titles says, C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\AppData\Local\Activision\ folder does not exist for some reason, I've started and closed the Steam version a couple of times now and the directory just does not get created, I run a .exe to install a map, the .exe runs as expected and 'installs' the mod, when checking the game nothing has been installed.

What do?

If the folder "mods" doesn't exist in C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods then create one and put your extracted mod there.
6 years ago
tried, does not work

Double Post Merge: September 02, 2018, 12:20:30 pm
I do not understand the sound file system in BO1

maybe there are other mod.csv's where something like that is included. Try look for that.
6 years ago
I imported waw weapon but ...
Need Add sounds and fix Zoom. How?

(Content removed from quote.)
Double Post Merge: September 01, 2018, 08:33:47 pm
I do not understand how to add sounds to BO1

Code Snippet
ERROR: unable to load file 'soundaliases/zones/wpn_waw.english.csv'
ERROR: aliases failed to load
ERROR: unable to load file 'soundaliases/zones/wpn_waw.all.csv'
ERROR: aliases failed to load

If it works like cod waw you can simply add this to your mod.csv:
Code Snippet

6 years ago
the lightgrid looks fine, if its all uniform and checkered it should render ingame unless you have multiple overlapping textures on the same plane, so when compiled the game won't know what to really show you so they all cancel eachother out somehow lol so you end up with nothing. For me this always happens to patches of bloodstains or decals even blends that sits 100% flush with the wall or floor etc i keep telling people to move the patch or decal 0.25 units away from the wall or at least half its vertices where it blends off so you cannot see it "floating" in front or above the chosen spot.

(Image removed from quote.)

As for light grid, i won't recommend ever doing it this tiny because compiling will take you either years or not compile at all LOL so give or take,  but just to show you the result of a small grid vs big grid as an extreme examplefor comparison: Differences with a light casting the shadow becomes pretty clear. But don't take my word for any of this, just try different things out and stick with the best results :)

Alternatively you can look around online for people or tutorials describing this better than me on a limited time frame minutes before work haha

I moved the area to somewhere else and it seems that worked well. Still even it's not 100% solved I am off the problem for now and I am going to mark your answer as best because it helps everyone a lot with good advices!
6 years ago
Like above just post all the same pictures but with SHIFT+L to see the checkered lightgrid view then use normal or lightgrid depending on what looks most uniform to the rest of the map that actually works. as for path nodes dont place them in solid brushes, you can make a brush detail or weapon clip or non-colliding but most importantly you can move the path nodes so they wont intersect with anything (just a good rule of thumb)

Can you tell me more about this Shift+L feature? What do I have to use?
I doesn't need to be the most beautifull area.

Okeey I found something out:

6 years ago
Hey :D

I always play zombies with a 90 FOV but the default script is set to 65.
This is a quick tutorial, but it's good because you don't have to keep typing "cg_fov 90" in the console.

So, go to \root\raw\maps\_zombiemode.gsc , or go to \mapname\maps\_zombiemode.gsc (if you have it).
Around line 1020, there is a line that says "cg_fov",  "65"
Change that to 90, or any FOV of your choice (max FOV is 160 without T4M but with T4M the max is 90)

That's it. You don't need to compile your map, just save the script and hit build mod in your launcher. Make sure everything is ticked.

NOTE: Changing this script in just your \mapname\maps folder will only have the permanent FOV on that map. To have this on all zombie maps, including the stock Treyarch ones, edit the script in \root\raw\maps.

The only point could be that if the user already has that script in his mods It could be it won't be updated.
That's something to check out.
6 years ago
Your map isn't too big for call of duty.
Nobody has released a map that even comes close to the potential bsp limits.
You aren't saying the specific launcher errors so i will assume you have "node without volume" errors. They are prob a good starting place to fix your problems.
Use layers with hide/ignore to isolate areas to find the problems faster.

I don't have this problem at the moment:  "node without volume"

we are working at this project for a half year now and we were almost able to release the beta..
Everything looks well except this area..,16218.0.html

Ok here are all my error's,

6 years ago
in the bottom image is the wall one continuous brush?
Or 3 brushes and the middle isn't showing?
Is there any ents in the void where the brush isn't showing?
Did you use correct asset manager settings on those yellow symbols?
Caulk box with skybox texture? Lightgrid?
Any errors at all when compiling?

Let's say this map is too big for call of duty so we have a lot of error's but nothing is telling about that texture.
the yellow symbols are not the problem because they are not on the texture and on some parts it doesn't even matter.
It works well on other places.
And no I don't have any special ents in that room except the pathnodes.

6 years ago
Does someone has a idea how I can fix this problem?

Thank you very much for your time and help!  :)
6 years ago
i am really new to modding, so i'm not familiar with this stuff that much. im also struggling on where i could find custom perks as well  :-[

I was planning about to make a tutorial about custom perks but don't have the motivation and time for it yet.

For now you can look at this tutorials:

Credit these guys if you are gonna use their tutorials.
6 years ago
So Tunngle has been down for a little while now and it has me wondering, is there any other way to play CoD WaW custom zombies lobbies online or no? Because I do like solo, but it is nice to play with others every once in a while.

I am not sure but maybe Gameranger supports this.
6 years ago
Wow. You get really pissed when i remove certain questions or things i have figured out from my post. Bruh wtf do you want me to say? That i have not gotten answers on certain posts i have posted and left for months? Sometimes i take down my posts because i figure out the problem myself or i find a tut online somewhere. I have the right to do so m8 and if UGX allowed me to i would Delete the post rather then say no one gave me an answer or i have solved it. Technically you can mark your own posts rn but thats besides the point is i have a right to do so and if you can't handle that then idk what to tell you. Also i never removed any details from this post. You also gotta remember that im a beginner to all this m8...I don't know everything about scripting and coding like most people do on UGX so im no expert. I come on here to hopefully get some help...But instead i get a little answer that does not go into full detail or is confusing for me to understand. I understand people don't always have an answer but why leave a post up for almost a year for example and never get a response? Sure someone may come along and actually help or answer the query but again its my right to take down the post or in this case remove my question from a post.

You really think too much, every post is a way to help others become better in cod coding. I learned a lot from topic's where people are asking for answers and thanks to that I became a good modder. Do you really think that everything I told to help you is from me? No I also get information from other posts! That's how forums works! Helping others to make a cool mod.

Don't use that bad excuse you are an beginner everyone was an beginner once! I mean this is the third time I see you removing details, subjects, information because you "solved" something. Just share it with everyone like we all do here lol, it isn't that difficult right?
6 years ago
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