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Topics - Gabrielle


I was trying to make a script for my camo change. So I added a model to the map, clip around it, trigger with targetname 'switchcamo'. All good you should say.

I then made a script. New .gsc file with the following content:

Code Snippet
// Camo changer

level.camos = [];
level.camos[0] = "115";
level.camos[1] = "afterlife";
level.currentCamo = 0;

nextCamoNr = level.currentCamo + 1;

if (nextCamoNr >= level.camos.size)
nextCamoNr = 0;

camo_changer_trigger = getent("switchcamo", "targetname");
camo_changer_trigger sethintstring("Press &&1 to change camo to " + level.camos[nextCamoNr]);

camo_changer_trigger waittill("trigger", player);

player giveWeapon("zombie_colt", "upgraded");

I rebuild my MOD and things started to become really messy. I got some weird ass number error which I can't remember, so I decided to remove everything from my map, remove the .gsc file from my MOD folder and comment out the function callings in _zombiemode.gsc. However, still, everytime I go to the map it gives me errors like cannot cast undefined to bool. If I click it away, after a split second it just comes back.

By the way, I don't know what the problem is with my script. I'm not the best scripter, I'm still learning, but is there anything I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day :)
9 years ago

I was wondering whether it's possible to change the model of the gun you're holding for a camo change. So you have a trigger ingame and if you press X/Square/F, you will get a different camo. I thought it'd be a cool feature even though it's nothing useful.
9 years ago
As I was working on my revolution MOD I was porting some BO2 viewhands but sadly the viewhands are screwed up:

I hoped that somebody could point out my mistake, I don't know whether it's something I did wrong in Maya, asman or in building my mod. Thanks.
9 years ago

Today I'm announcing my new mod called Revolution. It's no big amazing super great map editing skills, but it's basically the original maps, the BO maps with all the DLC with new stuff like BO2 guns, new wonderweapons, new powerups and perks (how cool would it be to play Kino with PHD? ^^)

As for now, I haven't really started it, I will do as soon as I finish installing Maya and WAW mod tools. But I will give a list of things I will finish for sure and a list of things I might finish (but not 100% sure)

The map MODs in WAW and BO are both different, because WAW will use BO/BO2 guns and BO will at least use BO2 guns (maybe even BO3 in the future, or AW????, don't own the game so can't extract anything from the game, neither I've got Ghosts).

Things to come (100% sure):

- New guns
- New powerups
- New viewhands (WAW-version)
- New perks
- New melee weapons
- Hitmarkers
- Custom camo

Things that might come:

- Hacking device
- Boss zombies (no dogs)
- Buyable powerups (for a high price only)
- Custom game options like custom games @ BO2 (change starting round, change difficulty, change dogs, change magic)
- Custom game options like FOV

I will start in a few days.
9 years ago

I'm looking for a way to get the current origin of the player (just one, for solo) as I need origins for different perks. But honestly I'm clueless how to do. I got this:

Code Snippet
players = get_players();
iPrintLn(players[0].origin[0] + "," + players[0].origin[1] + "," + players[0].origin[2]);

I'm using it as a level thread but now my map just crashes (it gives no error, it stays on loading screen and load image will stop animating as soon as I left click after a certain amount of seconds.
9 years ago

I was wondering if it's possible (and if it's hard) to add perks (just the models) to existing maps by scripting. I want to create a MOD for Der Riese and Shi No Numa (and maybe other WAW maps) and Black Ops Kino der Toten for example. I just want to have things like new guns and new perks like Flopper in all maps and Stamina up.

However, since you can't edit existing maps, I really want to add them by scripting. However, I don't know if it's possible (I heard it is) and how hard would it be? And would it work the same for Black ops as for WAW, or will it be a lot different?

Don't say that I shouldn't start this because I'm asking this question I'm not a complete noob. No hate please.


I did Google this already, couldn't find a single thing.
9 years ago

I want to start porting BO2 weapons again with tanims and I have all the plugins etc... and I have my viewhands saved in .mb (binded) and I have a file of M1216 in .mb (binded as well) and when I import and click on Join weapon to rig, it won't do anything. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using BO2 viewhands (gotten with lime)
9 years ago

I use the custom HUD released by that guy from Rise. Since I want the origins dpad, I got the .dds for the origins dpad and created a new .gdt. I made 2 material entries, 2d and surfacetype none. As color map, I use the .dds. But when I load my map, the dpad and bar has a black background. Even after converting it to a .tga and using that one.

Asset manager pics

9 years ago
Hey, I was wondering if it's possible to get scopes from later games (for guns from later games) to work in World at War, for example I have the Hybrid Sight in World at War. And how would I do it?
9 years ago

I am currently making a gun mod for Der Riese (because I think it's better than NDU) but it gives me 400fx errors.
I CANNOT remove fx from the .csv as Der Riese isn't a map made by me but by Treyarch. How can I fix 400fx errors?
The map that was created with the script placer does work since I can remove fx from that. I'm using easyfx and I have used Script placer Z
9 years ago
Decided to make another MOD since I think I might get more success with a different one.
Can thread be closed?
9 years ago

Currently I'm modding again. I found a great site and it have BO2 guns for COD4. Since I know COD4 is equal to COD5 in a lot of ways (at least, with the guns) I thought: why not add those BO2 guns to my mod.

I added the M1911 to my mod. I placed everything in my raw, images in my mods images folder, weapon in my mods sp weapon folder and added the stuff to mod.csv.

But when I build the mod, I get the error Error -1073741819 in the small text box but the Console doesn't show an error. It also fails building the mod.

It is a problem in the weapon file. If I comment out the weapon,sp/zombie_m1911, it works normally.

(the site I got the gun from is
9 years ago
Hey, I was wondering something. In the videos on YouTube I've seen akimbo like BO, BO2 etc... but in map it's just shooting at the same time (just both guns, having 1 magazine count) and I was wondering what happened to the real akimbo. Sorry if this 'dumb' question isn't allowed here.
9 years ago

I recently hit 400 FX limit. But the funny part is I made a brand new MOD, just a MOD (for my BO gun mod in Der Riese) and the FX limit is reached. Didn't add anything at all.

How can I reach a limit with a standard mod of standard things that are already in the game? Or does WaW just hate me?

I didn't create a new map just launched Der Riese since it's not a map but a mod. Please help!
9 years ago

I want to start off zombies in a different way and that way I want to 'hide' a pickable colt45 in my zombie map. It's the colt45 from COD4 ported by me. But there's a problem. In radiant it shows all good, nothing wrong about it:

But when I look in real game:

The colt45 just disappears everytime in game, whether I put it on the wall, lay it down on the ground or let it fload in mid-air above a table (since it can't be exactly on the table), it always disappears.

Those are my KVPs. My gun as weapon file is called colt45.

9 years ago
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