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Messages - Ege115

I played v1 and had frame issues, now I can barely run the map, It's a nice map but your optimization on it needs work, I have a good rig and even then the frames are horrid, I'd love to play but until the frames are fixed I can't.
Same issue here. I get a black screen in-game and only pause menu will actually display. I get about 3 fps and I can hear in-game audio and gun lag is like a second long. I can run Oil Rig fine, or any T4M map for that matter, so a non-T4M map should run like a breeze, this doesn't. Not my pc's issue, this map seems amazing but is poorly optimized.
I didn't know the framerate was THAT bad for a lot of people. :( I guess I need to learn and get help with portalling at some point and make a 1.2 update... ugh

What graphics settings are you using for the map? texture quality? specular map on/off etc?
8 years ago
Update 1.1 has now been released for the map, the download links are updated, I've fixed the following:
- Fixed a glitch were if you grab a part and if a lightning rod was nearby you, you won't be able to pick up the part again.
- Fixed a glitch were you didn't get a pistol when respawning.
- Fixed it so if you only had 1 gun and then took a gun from the box, it wouldn't give you another gun, it would just keep replacing the 1 gun you have.
- Made a different way of killing the player if you fell down the elevator shaft, the way before made it so the character made a breathing sound forever which was annoying.
- Fixed a glitch were claymores could hurt you and other players.
- Fixed a glitch were the HL2 blade trap did insta kill on players.
- Clipped a model and added a pathnode at a place where zombies derped.
- Removed the CoD4 glass specular maps on the car models.
- Added the pap camo on the raygun, as the only pap camo change was the glowing part, now it has the blue pap camo on the rest of the gun.
- Changed the hintstring on the parachute part, the model is actually a radio, but I didn't have a proper parachute radio so some people were confused about if it actually was a parachute. Now it'll instead say on the hintstring that it is a parachute.

Also, added the Baby gun to the map, as there were so many requests that the map should have had a proper WW. Thanks HitmanVere for porting the models, animations, sounds and making the FX's. :)
8 years ago
Thanks for all the nice comments and feedbacks. :) I have a question to people who have played my map coop. If you managed to get the parachute, when you jumped down in the elevator shaft and pressed F to use the parachute, did only the host manage to get up the roof? Because I was playing my map with my friend and he wasn't able to use his parachute when he fell in the elevator shaft, but I was. Has anyone else experienced this?
Map looks good but I keep getting direct X crashes  :alone:
Have you tried do the thing it says under the download button?
did you manage to get the shrink ray working in this Ege?
I've got a lot of feedbacks about that I should have added a proper WW, I guess I'll add something in the next update, if anyone still cares. :please:
8 years ago
when you can't run graveyard shift
(Content removed from quote.)
The map looks just fine when I have everything on low settings and on low resolution but I do wonder why it looks weird when I have my normal settings on
You have to have your texture settings set lower than extra, it can be high, just so it is not on extra. I thought everyone would crash if you would have it on extra, but apparently when you don't crash, you get the texture glitch.
8 years ago
Thanks SirJammy for making this image^^ :nyan:

Google Drive
If the map crashes on launch for you or if you get a wierd texture glitch ingame, make sure that your texture quality is NOT set on extra, you can have it on high or lower, just so it is NOT on extra

Graveyard Shift is a map that was inspired by a game called "One Late Night", an indie horror game that takes place in an office building. This map is nothing like One Late Night, I just got inspired by the idea of making a big zombies map set in an office building. But you won't just be an office building, there's also a big outside area.

Without my good old friend Codmoddd1234, this map would be a box map, because before I started making this map, I always thought of just making a box map, looooool. Codmoddd1234 helped me a ton, he tought me the basics of modding, mapping and scripting, so thanks a ton, codmoddd1234. :D

This map that has been worked on for a very long time now, it hasn't always been worked on during that time, though, just that sometimes I've come across issues that I didn't know how to fix. Which lead to that I lost motivation and didn't work on it, but later on managed to fix all issues.

Health does not regenerate, you have to find health packs. The health packs will respawn after 10 minutes you took one.

Find Armour to get extra protection from damage, does not work on fall damage. (Don't worry, there's PHD flopper.) Same thing as health packs, armour packs will respawn after 10 minutes.

Powerups can give you 50+ health and armour. (max health and armour is 100.)

Dynamic Weather, as in lightning can hit you, if you're outside. You can protect yourself from lightning by using lightning rods.

All WaW and BO1 perks, and also electric cherry and who's who.

BF3, BF4 guns, and one BF hardline gun, and some CSGO guns. + raygun of course.

New way of picking up parts for buildables.

Buildable HL2 blade trap

Buildable Power system to power perks, similar to the turbine in BO2 zombies. (Don't worry, perks will be on forever once you've activated perks, you get 1000 points for activatin a perk.)



Tactical Insertion (Only in COOP)

Able to switch to your knife as a primary weapon if you hold Meleebutton, useful when having insta kill.


8 years ago
Eh, it's fine, I guess. Anyone can take the script if they want to. Though, it would be nice if people asked before just taking something from a map IWD. But I don't really care that much about the script, so here you go. :P

Take this version, though, noticed I didn't make an onPlayerSpawn() fucntion for it.
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;

level thread connect_jet_pack_player();

for( ;; )
level waittill("connecting", player);
player thread onPlayerSpawned();

        self endon("death");
                self waittill("spawned_player");
                self thread fly_away();
self thread exo_boost_down();

if( GetDvar("fly_key") == 1 )
return true;
return false;

self.is_flying_jetpack = false;
self.has_jetpack = false;
self.is_rebooting  = false;
wait 2;

// self setClientDvar( "activeaction", "vstr 17;" );
// self setClientDvar( "17", "bind2 space vstr 19" );
// self setClientDvar( "19", "toggle fly_key  0 1" );

self.enable_land_sound = false;
self.boost_left = 100;
self thread cooldown_monitor();
self thread make_fuel_hud();
self thread exo_kick();

if( !self IsOnGround() && self.boost_left > 0 && self.has_jetpack )
self.boost_added = 0;
while( self.boost_added < 1 && !self IsOnGround() )
if( self UseButtonPressed() )
self AllowMelee(false);
self.is_flying_jetpack = true;
self PlaySound("boost");
angles = self getplayerangles();
angles = (0,angles[1],0);

if( self.boost_left >= 10 )
self.loop_value = 6;
else if( self.boost_left < 10 && self.boost_left >= 5 )
self.loop_value = 2;
else if( self.boost_left < 5 && self.boost_left > 0 )
self.loop_value = 1;

if( IsDefined(self.loop_value) && self.boost_left > 0 )
Earthquake( 0.22, .9, self.origin, 850 );

if( self.boost_left < 10 )
self.boost_left = 0;
self.boost_left -= 10;
direction = AnglesToUp(angles) * 750;
self thread land();
for(l = 0; l < self.loop_value; l++)
self SetVelocity( self getVelocity() + direction );
wait .1;
self.enable_land_sound = true;
while( !self isOnGround() )
wait .05;
wait .1;
wait .1;

while( !self IsOnGround() )
wait .1;
if( self.enable_land_sound == true )
self PlaySound("land");
self AllowMelee(true);
self.enable_land_sound = false;
self.is_flying_jetpack = false;

angles = self getplayerangles();
angles = (0,angles[1],0);
if( !self isOnGround() && self.is_flying_jetpack && self getStance() == "crouch" )
Earthquake( 0.3, .9, self.origin, 850 );
self PlaySound("jet_pack_launch");
self thread land_boost();
for(l = 0; l < 8; l++)
self SetVelocity( (AnglesToUp(angles)) * -800 );
wait .1;
wait .05;

while(!self isOnGround())
wait .05;
Earthquake( 0.3, 1.1, self.origin, 850 );

self.jet_break = true;
zombs = getaispeciesarray("axis","all");
if( self MeleeButtonPressed() && self.has_jetpack && self.is_flying_jetpack && Distance(self.origin, zombs[k].origin) <= 320 && IsAlive(zombs[k]) )
angles = self getplayerangles();
angles = (0,angles[1],0);
self SetVelocity(AnglesToForward(angles) * 620);

jet_sec = 0;
while( jet_sec <= 20 )
zombie_is_in_front_of_player = Within_Fov( self.origin, self GetPlayerAngles(), zombs[k].origin, cos( 30 ) );
zombs = getaispeciesarray("axis","all");
if( Distance(self.origin, zombs[k].origin) <= 140 && IsAlive(zombs[k]) && self.has_jetpack && !self IsOnGround() && zombie_is_in_front_of_player )
zombs[k] DoDamage( zombs[k].health + 666, zombs[k].origin );
if( !IsAlive(zombs[k]) )
self maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score(50);
kickAngles = self.angles;
kickAngles += (RandomFloatRange(-30, -20), RandomFloatRange(-5, 5), 0);
launchDir = AnglesToForward(kickAngles);

launchForce = RandomFloatRange(180, 260);

zombs[k] StartRagdoll();
zombs[k] launchragdoll(launchDir * launchForce);
zombs[k] maps\_zombiemode_spawner::zombie_head_gib();
self.jet_break = true;
if( self.jet_break )
self.jet_break = false;
wait .1;
wait .1;

self.is_filling = false;
if( self.boost_left < 100 )
wait 3;
while( self.boost_left <= 99 && self.enable_land_sound == false )
wait .3;
self.is_filling = true;
self.is_filling = false;
wait .1;

self.jetpack_value = undefined;
self thread fade_red_hud();

if( !isdefined(self.jetpack_value) && self.has_jetpack )
self.jetpack_value = NewClientHudElem( self );
self.jetpack_value.alignX = "right";
self.jetpack_value.alignY = "right";
self.jetpack_value.horzAlign = "right";
self.jetpack_value.vertAlign = "top";
self.jetpack_value.fontscale = 60;
self.jetpack_value.x = -80;
self.jetpack_value.y = 60;
self.jetpack_value.alpha = 1;
if( IsDefined(self.jetpack_value) )
if( self.boost_left > 30 )
self.jetpack_value.color = (0, 0, 255);
self.jetpack_value.color = (255, 0, 0);
self.jetpack_value SetValue( self.boost_left );
if (!self.has_jetpack && isdefined(self.jetpack_value) )
self.jetpack_value destroy();
wait .1;

jetpack_model = undefined;

if( self.has_jetpack && !IsDefined(jetpack_model))
jetpack_model = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( "back_mid" ) );
jetpack_model SetModel( "jetpack" );
jetpack_model LinkTo(self, "back_mid");
else if( !self.has_jetpack && IsDefined(jetpack_model) )
jetpack_model delete();
jetpack_model = undefined;
wait .1;

if( self.boost_left <= 30 && IsDefined(self.jetpack_value) )
self.jetpack_value FadeOverTime( 1 );
self.jetpack_value.alpha = .10;
wait 1;
self.jetpack_value FadeOverTime( 1 );
self.jetpack_value.alpha = 1;
wait 1;
wait .1;
You need to call the script above zombiemode::main line in mapname.gsc
8 years ago
Very great trap

so is this for the map or just built for our likings. :)
Yea, this is going in Nuketown.
8 years ago
And here it is! Not going to be in my map, just testing.
8 years ago

Bo3 campaign is A LOT better than AW imo, all these sequences like entering WW2 was interesting. Also really enjoyed the journey finding out what the corvus virus actually was, and how it got created. Imo, you got really motivated to play through the campaign, as I felt that you really wanted to stop John Taylor from doing all these evil things, but then finding out that it's actually not him, it's the virus controlling him.

AW on the other hand, everything was just boring, there was nothing interesting, just kevin spacey starting a war against the world, and you have to try stop him, that's how I felt at least.

What I'm saying is that I liked the way BO3 was "less realistic", not sure how to explain it, but in AW, everything was so serious, stopping a bad guy from "making America great again". While in BO3, there wasn't really an actual villain, it was a virus.

BO3 also had better characters than AW, I mean come on... in the first mission, your best friend dies, I didn't care anything about it. And then they actually put in a sequence where you are at the funeral for your friend that you didn't know anything about? I would care if they told more about him and have more missions with him.
8 years ago
If you put a sound file in like,
Code Snippet
then the soundalias would look like,
Code Snippet
name,file,platform,sequence,vol_min,vol_max,dist_min,dist_max,limit_count,limit_type,entity_limit_count,entity_limit_type,bus,volume_min_falloff_curve,volumefalloffcurve,reverb_send,dist_reverb_max,reverb_min_falloff_curve,reverb_falloff_curve,pitch_min,pitch_max,randomize_type,spatialized,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,secondaryaliasname,chainaliasname,startdelay,speakermap,lfe percentage,center percentage,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,occlusion_wet_dry,real_delay,distance_lpf,move_type,move_time,min_priority,max_priority,min_priority_threshold,max_priority_threshold,,isbig

8 years ago
But where does that lag come from? Why is it creating lag.
It's not creating lag, it's just that WaW is that slow sometimes. The other hard thing to do is to make it look like it's playing 2 animations at the same time, but that has already been done by offthewall.
8 years ago
Just some things I wanted to say after I played this map.

The vison/look of the map looks really bland, or what to say. What I mean is that, it doesn't look like you have any lights in the map, just the ambient worldspawn KVP being very bright. So you have the exact same lightning, both in the houses and outside. At some cases it almost feels like _fullbright 1 was added in the console.

Light changes everything, it will make anything look a lot better.

Just some advice to improve next time.
8 years ago
I just want to say something. The job you've done on the map looks really cool and all, the detail is good. There's just one thing I've always been thinking about, it's just that the custom textures you choose look a bit cartoon-ish or something like that, like it's are pitch clean almost everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, other than that, you've done a great job with this. :D
8 years ago
Went through this with Ege, I said Mp40 and PPsh have sprints in BO1, since they are in BO1... :please:
I never said they didn't have sprint animations, I knew they had from the beginning, I just missunderstood the statement you said before.
9 years ago
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