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Messages - DuaLVII

Hey Guys,

Thought I'd share this video I made earlier which shows the map I've been working on for the last 2 weeks, although for whatever reason the video recorder decided to record in Half-Size mode which was activated by a ghost so the gameplay is kind of digitized and missing a little on the left side which sucks but any way;

World at War - Custom Map in Progress with DuaLVII

Many Thanks,

Post Merge: December 18, 2013, 11:14:44 am
Fixed the video slightly.
10 years ago
- are you sure you don't have multiple of the same box in your map by mistake? like a "start_chest" and 2 "chest_1"s?
- are you doing this in the Der Riese mod?
- are you sure you ticked the _zombiemode_weapons.gsc in your mod builder?

- try re-extracting a fresh set of Sniperbolt prefabs
- try a fresh _zombiemode_weapons.gsc script

- There are only 2, start_chest and chest1
- Yes
- Of coarse

- Done this 3 times
- Didn't work
10 years ago
Good Evening,

For the KVP's I wasn't sure originally when I made the boxes myself which is why I switched to Sniperbolt's but it turned out they are the exact same (Other than entity dimension differences)
But I've been over them all and their correct.

As for the _zombiemode_weapon.gsc of coarse is in my mods and has been compiled.

Many Thanks,

Post Merge: December 16, 2013, 04:46:37 pm
Posting this in-case something else can be found

My _zombiemode_weapons.gsc - Treasure Chest related

Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

level thread add_limited_tesla_gun();
level.box_moved = true;

level.chests = GetEntArray( "treasure_chest_use", "targetname" );

if (level.chests.size > 1)


while ( 1 )
level.chests = array_randomize(level.chests);

if( isdefined( level.random_pandora_box_start ) )
if ( !IsDefined( level.chests[0].script_noteworthy ) || ( level.chests[0].script_noteworthy != "start_chest" ) )


level.chest_index = 0;

while(level.chest_index < level.chests.size)

if( isdefined( level.random_pandora_box_start ) )

            if(level.chests[level.chest_index].script_noteworthy == "start_chest")

//init time chest accessed amount.

if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")
level.chest_accessed = 0;

if(level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_factory" )
// Anchor target will grab the weapon spawn point inside the box, so the fx will be centered on it too
anchor = GetEnt(level.chests[level.chest_index].target, "targetname");
anchorTarget = GetEnt(, "targetname");

level.pandora_light = Spawn( "script_model", anchorTarget.origin );
level.pandora_light.angles = anchorTarget.angles + (-90, 0, 0);
//temp_fx_origin rotateto((-90, (box_origin.angles[1] * -1), 0), 0.05);
level.pandora_light SetModel( "tag_origin" );
playfxontag(level._effect["lght_marker"], level.pandora_light, "tag_origin");
// DCS:)
// Anchor target will grab the weapon spawn point inside the box, so the fx will be centered on it too
anchor = GetEnt(level.chests[level.chest_index].target, "targetname");
anchorTarget = GetEnt(, "targetname");

level.pandora_light = Spawn( "script_model", anchorTarget.origin );
level.pandora_light.angles = (-90, 0, 0);
level.pandora_light SetModel( "tag_origin" );
//playfxontag(level._effect["lght_marker"], level.pandora_light, "tag_origin");

//determine magic box starting location at random or normal


array_thread( level.chests, ::treasure_chest_think );



for( i = 0; i < level.chests.size; i++ )

if( isdefined( level.random_pandora_box_start ) && level.random_pandora_box_start == true )
if( i != 0 )
level.chests[i] hide_chest();
level.chest_index = i;
unhide_magic_box( i );

if ( !IsDefined(level.chests[i].script_noteworthy ) || ( level.chests[i].script_noteworthy != "start_chest" ) )
level.chests[i] hide_chest();
level.chest_index = i;
unhide_magic_box( i );


unhide_magic_box( index )

//PI CHANGE - altered to allow for more than one piece of rubble
rubble = getentarray( level.chests[index].script_noteworthy + "_rubble", "script_noteworthy" );
if ( IsDefined( rubble ) )
for ( x = 0; x < rubble.size; x++ )
rubble[x] hide();
println( "^3Warning: No rubble found for magic box" );

set_treasure_chest_cost( cost )
level.zombie_treasure_chest_cost = cost;

pieces = self get_chest_pieces();

pieces[i] disable_trigger();
pieces[i] hide();

// self = trigger

lid = GetEnt(, "targetname");
org = GetEnt(, "targetname");
box = GetEnt(, "targetname");

pieces = [];
pieces[pieces.size] = self;
pieces[pieces.size] = lid;
pieces[pieces.size] = org;
pieces[pieces.size] = box;

return pieces;

pieces = self get_chest_pieces();
pieces[i] enable_trigger();

// PI_CHANGE_BEGIN - JMA - we want to play another effect on swamp
anchor = GetEnt(, "targetname");
anchorTarget = GetEnt(, "targetname");

if(isDefined(level.script) && (level.script != "nazi_zombie_sumpf") && (level.script != "nazi_zombie_factory") )
playfx( level._effect["poltergeist"],pieces[0].origin);
level.pandora_light.angles = (-90, anchorTarget.angles[1] + 180, 0);
level.pandora_light moveto(anchorTarget.origin, 0.05);
playfx( level._effect["lght_marker_flare"],level.pandora_light.origin );
// playfxontag(level._effect["lght_marker_flare"], level.pandora_light, "tag_origin");

playsoundatposition( "box_poof", pieces[0].origin );
if( pieces[i].classname != "trigger_use" )
pieces[i] show();
pieces[0] playsound ( "box_poof_land" );
pieces[0] playsound( "couch_slam" );
cost = 950;
if( IsDefined( level.zombie_treasure_chest_cost ) )
cost = level.zombie_treasure_chest_cost;
cost = self.zombie_cost;

self set_hint_string( self, "default_treasure_chest_" + cost );
self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

//self thread decide_hide_show_chest_hint( "move_imminent" );

// waittill someuses uses this
user = undefined;
while( 1 )
self waittill( "trigger", user );

if( user in_revive_trigger() )
wait( 0.1 );

// make sure the user is a player, and that they can afford it
if( is_player_valid( user ) && user.score >= cost )
user maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );
else if ( user.score < cost )
user thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();

wait 0.05;

// trigger_use->script_brushmodel lid->script_origin in radiant
lid = getent(, "targetname" );
weapon_spawn_org = getent(, "targetname" );

//open the lid
lid thread treasure_chest_lid_open();

// SRS 9/3/2008: added to help other functions know if we timed out on grabbing the item
self.timedOut = false;

// mario kart style weapon spawning
weapon_spawn_org thread treasure_chest_weapon_spawn( self, user );

// the glowfx
weapon_spawn_org thread treasure_chest_glowfx();

// take away usability until model is done randomizing
self disable_trigger();

weapon_spawn_org waittill( "randomization_done" );

if (flag("moving_chest_now"))
user thread treasure_chest_move_vo();
self treasure_chest_move(lid);

// Let the player grab the weapon and re-enable the box //
self.grab_weapon_hint = true;
self.chest_user = user;
self sethintstring( &"ZOMBIE_TRADE_WEAPONS" );
self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self setvisibletoplayer( user );

// Limit its visibility to the player who bought the box
self enable_trigger();
self thread treasure_chest_timeout();

// make sure the guy that spent the money gets the item
// SRS 9/3/2008: ...or item goes back into the box if we time out
while( 1 )
self waittill( "trigger", grabber );

if( grabber == user || grabber == level )

if( grabber == user && is_player_valid( user ) && user GetCurrentWeapon() != "mine_bouncing_betty" )
bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type magic_accept",
user.playername, user.score, level.round_number, cost, weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string, self.origin );
self notify( "user_grabbed_weapon" );
user thread treasure_chest_give_weapon( weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string );
else if( grabber == level )
// it timed out
self.timedOut = true;
bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type magic_reject",
user.playername, user.score, level.round_number, cost, weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string, self.origin );

wait 0.05;

self.grab_weapon_hint = false;
self.chest_user = undefined;

weapon_spawn_org notify( "weapon_grabbed" );

//increase counter of amount of time weapon grabbed.
if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")
level.chest_accessed += 1;

// JMA - we only update counters when it's available
if( isDefined(level.script) && (level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_factory") && level.box_moved == true && isDefined(level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun) )
level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun += 1;

if( isDefined(level.script) && (level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_factory") && isDefined(level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun) )
level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun += 1;
self disable_trigger();

// spend cash here...
// give weapon here...
lid thread treasure_chest_lid_close( self.timedOut );

//magic box dissapears and moves to a new spot after a predetermined number of uses

wait 3;
self enable_trigger();
self setvisibletoall();

self thread treasure_chest_think();

decide_hide_show_chest_hint( endon_notify )
if( isDefined( endon_notify ) )
self endon( endon_notify );

while( true )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
// chest_user defined if someone bought a weapon spin, false when chest closed
if ( (IsDefined(self.chest_user) && players[i] != self.chest_user ) ||
!players[i] can_buy_weapon() )
self SetInvisibleToPlayer( players[i], true );
self SetInvisibleToPlayer( players[i], false );
wait( 0.1 );
decide_hide_show_hint( endon_notify )
if( isDefined( endon_notify ) )
self endon( endon_notify );

while( true )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] can_buy_weapon() )
self SetInvisibleToPlayer( players[i], false );
self SetInvisibleToPlayer( players[i], true );
wait( 0.1 );

I believe that's all related to the treasure chest
10 years ago
Hey Guys,

I'm having an issue currently with the Treasure Chest, I've set currently only 2 locations for it which means the only 2 available are;

Although I'll be adding more eventually but originally I created my own treasure chests (same box as most maps) and it somewhat worked as normal, the box itself worked and eventually you'd get the teddy bear and the box starts jiggling, raising and disappears, however the box returned back in the same location.

After a lot of messing around I kind of thought that maybe I was missing an entity or something misspelt and ended up finding Sniperbolts Treasure chest.
I added his prefabs;
But the same happened, even after stamping the prefabs in their location but still wouldn't work.

After this I want to my mapname.gsc and check the boxArray which I saw by default was;
Code Snippet
    boxArray = [];
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
    level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

I then removed;

Code Snippet
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";

Leaving only;

Code Snippet
    boxArray = [];
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
    level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

Because I though with the other names in the array it might be trying to access them on move but it turns out it wasn't the case and the exact same thing happened again, It put it's self in the same location.

So for now I've put the code back to;

Code Snippet
    boxArray = [];
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
    level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

And decided that I'm beat as far as trying to figure thing out goes.
So if anyone else has had this problem and found a way to fix it, I'd greatly appreciate the help.

Many Thanks,

Post Merge: December 16, 2013, 10:16:06 am

After reading elsewhere about Treasure Chest moving issues I found that on script;
Code Snippet
level.box_moved = false;

Is set to false by default, However after setting this to true;

Code Snippet
level.box_moved = true;

The same thing `STILL` happens, Teddy appears, Box raises and jiggles, disappears and then reappears in the same spot.

I did the same thing again as I said on my first post;

After this I want to my mapname.gsc and check the boxArray which I saw by default was;
Code Snippet
    boxArray = [];
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
    level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

I then removed;

Code Snippet
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";

Leaving only;

Code Snippet
    boxArray = [];
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
    boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
    level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

But no joy, Same thing happens again.

Many thanks,
10 years ago
Hello Again,

We're using the UGX Map Manager to download and install these maps, But whenever we use Co-op doesn't matter who hosts, it wants to load Semper Fi and crashes.

I'm assuming Standalone isn't needed since it doesn't touch any of those files when loading a seperate map even if it uses UGX within it as it comes with those files on each map.

Is there any kind of console command that would set the host game settings to Zombies instead of co-op? Just might be an alternative to fixing it.


[Edit; Never mind, found that console is disabled with them and Game Options is blank in the mod also]
10 years ago
Hello Again,

Turns out, It happens on any map on UGX 1.0x because the game mode selection screen has been removed.
I think for the new upcoming UGX Mod, They need to bring it back such that we can select the Gamemode.
10 years ago
Hey Guys,

Hope I'm writing in the right location here, First want to say awesome mod, UGX-Mod is excellent to play on and I feel a bit of a bother since the work on this mod is being done freely for us to use.

Most of the time whenever I host a game for friends to connect too and start, It wants to load up the co-op mission Semper Fi, which I understand is the default whenever you host a new game but when I go to the Game Setup, It can't be changed since the UGX Map uses it's out HUD Layout.

Just in-case, I'm use the Kino Der Toten map, But I don't know if this problem has happened to others as well?

Any way, Not sure if it's probably some setting I need to change or anything,
10 years ago
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