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Messages - Ping998

I'd be quite interested in using some of your ports for my upcoming map "Treasure Island", it's my most detailed map yet and despite the fact that it is in its infancy stages, I'm determined to complete it and make it my 11th custom zombie map.

Here is an early picture:

I have sent you a fr on steam, so if you want to talk about anything I've mentioned here or if you need anything else from me, I'll be happy to discuss :)
8 years ago

when i hold the right mouse button to draw a wall it just moves the grid, any solutions?

#1 Question can i remove everything from a new map? Like the Umbra stuff and volume?
#2 Question are there any Models or Textures from the DLC Map Splash in Radiant? I dont own the season pass.


Double Post Merge: January 12, 2017, 01:45:29 pm
Well, i figured out how to draw walls  ::)

You draw brushes on the 2d view with Left click.

#1 Doing that will break it, but if you insist press I then backspace
#2 Probably not but I haven't looked through every model
8 years ago
Just make sure that the player always has more than 1 exit in an area and it will be fine.  ;)
8 years ago
Well...this   :poker:
8 years ago
Looks nice so far! What sort of features are you planning on adding for the final release?
8 years ago
Looks good! Will try when - after a short period of time which people denote the word "later" as -  released!
8 years ago
By all means, make a map like this, but just don't release it; please.

It's not a finished product and even a crappy map like my Stairway to Hell was in a ready state.

I have hopes for your future releases though!  :D
8 years ago


- Intense detailing  :accepted:
- Amazing FX

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Lol jk, my maps are pretty shit compared to you guys.

(Please don't hurt meh  :'( )

Double Post Merge: October 12, 2016, 12:57:47 pm
Also, this one:

8 years ago
What do you mean by "Anti-cheat"? Explain.

You can't cheat. e.g. use noclip
8 years ago

A BO3 custom zombie map by Ping998

Mission Brief
Humanity's last battle against the unrelenting demons of hell. Take control of the gateway, and send them back to where they came from!

- Tower Defence Gameplay (If you've played Alien Defense, you'll know...)
- Warning messages to tell you where the zombies are coming from
- Buyable Ending
- No Dogs
- Power on at the start
- No Powerups
- Doors
- Perks: Deadshot, Staminup, Widow's Wine, Mule Kick, Speed Cola, Double Tap 2.0
- Pack-A-Punch
- Some weapon wall-buys
- Customised box loadout (e.g. KN-44 in the box)
- Intense detailing  :accepted:
- Zombie Counter (Fancy)
- Trip Mines
- Flickering/Glowing Lighting
- Amazing FX
- Der Eisendrache PaP camos
- Anti-cheat

This is my first BO3 custom zombie map, so I'm still learning the new tools. I realised the popularity of Alien Defense due to its uniqueness and have decided to implement that sytle into BO3! (Also it creates more variety in the custom box- I mean maps, that are in the workshop currently)


natesmithzombies: Anti-cheat, Buyable Ending,
MakeCents: Temporary box fix
Red Planet: Der Eiesndrache PaP Camos
DuaLVII: Zombie Counter
Erthrock: Flickering lights and other amazing tutorials

Special thanks to:
The Modme Community
The UGX Community


Hope you will all enjoy this one! Leave any feedback down below!

Thank you,

Ping998, out.

8 years ago
will you add the BFG 9000?

If you have all the files for the weapon, sure  :)
8 years ago

Things are going very well and the layout is complete!  :gusta:  :rainbow:

Anything you guys wanna see? Leave a comment below detailing your suggestion/feedback!

Thank you!

- Ping
8 years ago
Looks good, will try later! :D
8 years ago
Is there a way to port like just the dlc maps over from the game? as in like a zombies map or multiplayer? Because I did see someone port over a multiplayer map so i just assumed you could for like zombies too?

No, no you can not.

8 years ago
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