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Messages - BurningM

So when I got the flamethrower from the mystery box on Der Riese it was invisible when holding it, but was a pink object in the mystery box. Also in WaW itself this mod is referred as mods right?
EDIT: I now realize that the mods folder had each map as a separate mod. I feel like such a fool!!
2 years ago
Thank you so much!! I'm screaming though lol. This shit always happens!! I end up not finding an important part of the map.
2 years ago
So I think my problem is this, I'm was thinking to get the power on you gotta get the things on ted and then proceed. Since the buttons need to be pushed for the EE to proceed I obviously misunderstood that. I haven't been able to turn on the power or reach the third furnace. It seems that there's no door to reach the third furnace. The trailer shows the power is underground, but I don't see any way to get there. This makes it so much harder to do anything as I can't get any perks and the map very rapidly escalates.So where do I access the underground? I hate it when I miss important parts of maps.
2 years ago
Oh my god the creativity involved in this map is unreal, but it's impossible to figure out what to do. For the past hour I've been running around with infinite health, ammo and cash (do this so that I can just focus on figuring out the map and not bother with survival or points) just to see if there's anything at all I missed and I have no fucking clue how to proceed. Got the 3 things for the bus driver but now I've got 0 clue how to even proceed. The thing is I love the way one of the items only shows up after it's been hot, that's so insanely creative. But this map is so so hard to figure out (also haven't played zombies in a good while so that might make things harder). Took me like 4 games (non-cheated) to figure out that the soul forges are soul forges lol (and I only figured that out from the features spoiler lol). Then took 30 minutes (when cheating) to figure out you gotta melt snow to reach an item. But now I'm completely stuck, how do I even proceed??
2 years ago
Dude the link is broken, the first 2 posted download v1.0 and the third link sent me to youtube. Please fix this asap!
3 years ago
This is probably a feature I completely overlooked, but why do maps end early? I was on like round 13 and me and my friend were both still alive and the game just ended in the middle of a round. Am I missing something?
I'm guessing the game ends like a regular game would just for no reason, right? If it's ending like that it's probably cheat detection. Whenever I've used cheat engine on it ends the game, so on these ones you can't do those stuff. Your friend was probably using some, if it's not that then you should probably dm the map maker since there might be some running program of yours that triggers it.
3 years ago
yes I lose ... although this map contains the apoticon servant and that makes it easier. The improved acidgat draws zombies wherever you shoot. and well, I'll think about what to do on my next map
Where's power at though, I really can't find it.
3 years ago
So far I like it, tbh the zombies are waaay too aggressive (if it weren't for the three-hit the map would be unplayable so good move on that), but I might just need to git gud. Really cool first map, but for whatever reason people love putting power in places that are impossible for me to find so please give me a hint. Overall it's a fun map and so long as I don't end up rage quitting I think I'll enjoy it. Don't make a tower map next, dude, those are always terrible and bland. Like I might play it once or twice but once beaten never again because it's just not fun.
3 years ago
As I've played this map more and more I've really enjoyed it, but I really hate how napalm gives no points on it's death, it's such a slap in the face. I spend half my damn ammo on it with nothing to show for it.
3 years ago
So I've only played it twice and gotten wrecked both times very early. But I gotta say that this map is really good so far. I just wish Napalms would spawn less often. Also for the unlimited ammo, I think it should be a infinity symbol instead of a death machine looking drop, also if you could make a custom power up icon on the screen it would be a lot better.

Edit: Also power is impossible to find I wonder if I'm an idiot but I literally loaded up the map and gave myself infinite points to try and find it after multiple tries while playing properly didn't work. But even looking through the map and opening all doors I can't find the damn place so I'm wondering what am I doing wrong?
3 years ago
The map is alright, I haven't tried it that many times, but the fact that you don't have a proper way to launch from the menu in freaking 2020 is honestly really bad. Just about every other map has that sort of feature these days. There's no reason not to have it.
4 years ago
So I had a really weird glitch when playing with friends where one friend after dying ended up being disconnected (that's probably a waw issue tbh), while the other became unable to shoot entirely. As in even after buying new guns he couldn't shoot. Could still throw grenades and knife but could not shoot. You have any idea why that is happening?
4 years ago
So quick question, how can I go about updating this mod without getting my level and progress reset? B/c generally all the files are replaced and in that case all the progress would be gone. Is there a specific file to be careful with or is there no way to update the mod without losing something?
5 years ago
I'll send you the PM since it can be pretty difficult at first, at least if you don't know what you're doing. Once you realize what needs to be done then it's super easy, just a bit long. One thing really nice about this map is that as you get the things, the Maxis voice lets you know you have it all. Also the end reward and music are awesome.

Though, I gotta ask, is there any way you guys can make it so that it's possible to play the song again and again. It works so fucking well in this map. Honestly this is an insanely cool map, though I hate the train tracks more than anything else in the known universe.
5 years ago
Lol why would anyone want ANOTHER Kino remake lol
Nah, it's been done way too often. I think if something is gonna get remade, you should remake a really old but still great map, like zombie train or yote's lair. Actually, I have yet to find a five remake for WaW, so that is probably a great idea.

Edit: I just read your quote more carefully and saw that you are asking why anyone would want another one, rather than if anyone would want another one. Oops...
5 years ago
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