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Messages - aster-99

for me it works perfectly unless for the fx, which isn't played. but i think that is because my map doesn't use the required _tesla/_net gsc files  :'(
10 years ago
yes, it happened, but i don't removed the fx. i don't remember what i do for patch it, but i'm sure i don't deleted them. i'll post my fx area, maybe it's something wrong
Code Snippet
/ Scripted Effects

// CreateFX Effects


Post Merge: July 05, 2014, 12:13:07 pm
ok,  now i remember one more thing: bam say that _tesla and _net scripts are required. maybe is this the problem? how can i see if my map use them? if not, how i add them? ???
10 years ago
hi guys, i've an issue with the electric cherry (bam's addon). the problem is: i buy the perk, the icon appears but when i reload i heard the electric sound, zombie shaking and dies but there isn't any fx played. what's may be wrong? there are only 5 sriptless steps for add that perk and i re-installed it so many times!
10 years ago
i tried your version, but it still don't give me the thundergun

Post Merge: June 27, 2014, 04:04:14 pm
wooops, i don't read to change level.player to player. now all works perfectly, really thanks!
10 years ago
hi, i'm doing a little EE in my map. the first step is to shoot to a horse (don't ask me why) for keep a thundergun for free.
so i put a trigger damage wich targetname thun_trigger
thats are all script i put in the zombiemode.gsc
first i declared the first step thread
Code Snippet
thread passo1();
after i used this for keep the trigger signal
Code Snippet
level.tun = 0;
tun_trigger = getEnt("tun_trigger", "targetname");
tun_trigger thread passo1();
that's the final part of the script, but it don't give me the thundergun, i think because it doesn't know wich player give the weapon
Code Snippet
self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self waittill("trigger");
level.player giveWeapon( "thunderg" );

self delete();

level.tun = 1;  //this is for unlock the second part of the EE
someone can help me???
10 years ago
sorry bam, but when i reload all the electric fx are not played, but the perk works and kill the zombies. moreover i've installed your melee weapons, wich are continuosly spamming the electric wave. how can i fix that??
10 years ago
sorry, but i don't understand i must put an in-game image. i've put the menù because i don't want someone can see something before the first video
10 years ago

italian  version:
Salve convinti! Questa è Terminus, la mappa che ZombieBest e Jambu hanno ideato e che io ho creato. Qui troverete tutte le news disponibili, potrete quindi vedere a che punto sono con la realizzazione del progetto e le eventuali features che avrò intenzione di rivelarvi. Non pensate di poter vedere molti dettagli, rimarrà tutto segreto fino al video del Convinto. Provvederò a rilasciare il download dopo il primo episodio. Spero che la mappa vi convinca e evviva Zombie!
English version:
Hi guys, I'm working on a map for an italian youtuber, ZombieBest! That will be the official map of his channel, so i can't reveal a lot of things. I will post the download link, images and an accurate feature list when Zombie will update the first episode of a gameplay on terminus. you maybe not understand some thing in the EE, but i hope you guys can enjoy my work!
Features revealed:
-obviusly UGX 1.0.3/ovviamente la UGX 1.0.4
-custom song by IlDesa/ canzoni di IlDesa
-custom perks/ nuovi perks
-custom weapons/ nuove armi
-easy EE/ un semplice easter egg
-buyable ending/ finale acquistabile
10 years ago
great! i've thinked your script didn't work because at the beginning of the first round the electricity starts automaticlly, but if i put the electricity switch prefab under the map all works fine ;) !
10 years ago
that is not necessary. i'll try that tomorrow... i've a very terrible toothache     :'(

Post Merge: June 06, 2014, 01:09:21 pm
ok, i've tried to do this script but it doesn't works
i called that thread
Code Snippet
thread EE1();
and at the bottom of the file i wrote this:
Code Snippet
teddy1_trigger = getEnt("teedy1_trigger", "targetname"); //the trigger that you will use to start the sound
teddy2_trigger = getEnt("teddy2_trigger", "targetname");
teddy3_trigger = getEnt("teddy3_trigger", "targetname");

teddy1_trigger setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    teddy1_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
teddy2_trigger setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    teddy2_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
teddy3_trigger setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    teddy3_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

teddy1_trigger waittill("trigger");
teddy2_trigger waittill("trigger");
teddy3_trigger waittill("trigger");

teddy1_trigger disable_trigger();
teddy2_trigger disable_trigger();
teddy3_trigger disable_trigger();

level notify("Pack_A_Punch_on");
level notify("sleight_on");
level notify("revive_on");
level notify("juggernog_on");
level notify("doubletap_on");
level notify("staminup_on");
level notify("mule_kick_on");
level notify("phd_flopper_on");
level notify("cherry_on");
level notify("ugx_jukebox_on");

the teddy's models have targetname EE1 and the trigger teddy1/2/3_trigger. i add some level notify for other things in the map
10 years ago
only for an info, where i can find the original bam's teddy's EE? i've found only users codes
10 years ago
i've tried to add it but i don't know how to set the power on in that way...
10 years ago
hi guys, i want to make 3 hidden shootable teddy bears in my map for turning the power on, but searching in the net i couldn't find anything... someone have an idea?
10 years ago
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHH! i made it! i use a different flag for all the doors and now the spawns works! thank to all you for the support  :D
10 years ago
oh, i don't remembered to answer to you. i put kvp in the triggers
10 years ago
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