This Map Requires T4M
Updated V1.2
Changelog V1.2Rounds 25 G Spawn Fixed
Easter Egg Boss Fight Fixed
Changelog V1.1Panzer Soldat
-First round increased to 12
-Taser max distance decreased by 25%
-Taser min distance increased
-Taser shots decreased by 50%
-Taser alive time decreased
-Taser cool down increased by 50%
-Increased MK3 damage to mech
-Only one mech can use the taser at a time
-HP decreased
-Dual spawn chance decreased by 25%
-Fleshpound will not spawn directly after a mech is killed
-Increased mk3 damage to fleshpound
-HP decreased
-Solo Quick Revive will now kill zombies around the downed player when he gets up.
T4M Link: Installation Guide:
Features ListBO1, BO2, BO3 Weapons and Equipment.
Long Challenging Easter Egg.
New Perk - Porternade.
Elemental Sword Quests.
Five Style Teleporters and Pack a Punch.
Various Boss Zombies.
Gravity Spikes Specialist.
And much more!
CREDITSTom_BmX - Tools
UGX Treminaor – Scripting help / Modding help
Jbird632 – Black Ops Mod
Bluntstuffy -GKZ Mk3
Idogftw – Model and Animation porting help
ricko0z – Really awesome anims/weapons
RDV -zombie hug fix and sound help
DoYouKnowIPwn -T4M
NateSmithZombies -weapons
Harry Bo21 – weapons
Madgaz – Porternade jingle
Ray1235-Help with the invisibility
DTZxPorter - Wraith
Neanesis - Bug Testing
Beta Testers
-Lexi Kitsune
If we forgot to mention anyone - leave a comment of pm one of us.Known IssuesRestarting with restart level button may cause crash, just reloading the map will fix this issue.
Remember to report any bugs in comment section or PM one of us.