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Topics - fanmagic

Hey guys,
I am working on an Orignis styled map since some months now and I decided to port over some models from BO2. Unfortuanally I have some issues with them. I've ported them with Wraith and converted them with AssMan to WaW and everything worked fine. But when I look at them ingame they don't work with the light correctly. Maybe I did a mistake while converting and I hope one of u guys know how to fix it.

The model gets fully lights out and the light don't fade on the model.

It happens to all of my ported models like these sandbags.

Model settings

Material settings

In Radiant I set up my worldspawn corecctly, the sun is working. I placed the lightgrid and lightgrid sky volumes, I placed a skybox model and reflection probes and the map is fully surrounded by a caulk box with a sky texture. I switched the ported models to stock WaW models and it works fine, so I think it is a problem with the converted models. Any help or advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
5 years ago

At the moment I do not have the possibility to use the BO3 modtools, but for some time now I am planning a bigger project, which I want to realize sometime in the future. In addition of this I have a few questions about some things I'm not sure if they are possible.

1.) Is it possible to replace every quote from the characters, so I can make complete custom characters?
2.) Are there all assets from the DLC's (models, sounds,...) available to use?
3.) Does anyone have a list or something else with the engine limits like max. sounds, images, materials and so on?

Thanks. :)
5 years ago


Mission Briefing
The Ultimis-Crew get sent through time to defeat a nuclear fallout at a research station of Group 935
in an alternative universe. But they don't know, that the fallout has already began and the borders of the
dimensions doesn't exist anymore.

Spoiler: click to open...

This map is going to be a hard challenge map, but I also take care of an exciting easter egg and some other special things to make this map fun to play.
I hope that you like the project so far. Any opinions, thoughts or ideas are welcome. :)

6 years ago
BO3 Random PaP-Camos

I made this little script a few minutes ago for my upcoming map.
It will give you a random Pack a Punch camo on your gun like in BO3.

Open your _zombiemode_perks.gsc and find this function:
Code Snippet
third_person_weapon_upgrade( current_weapon, origin, angles, packa_rollers, perk_machine )

Replace the complete function with this:
Code Snippet
third_person_weapon_upgrade( current_weapon, origin, angles, packa_rollers, perk_machine )
// FM Randm PaP Camo
level.camo = randomintrange(0, 4);
// FM Randm PaP Camo

forward = anglesToForward( angles );
interact_pos = origin + (forward*-25);

worldgun = spawn( "script_model", interact_pos );
worldgun.angles  = self.angles;
worldgun setModel( GetWeaponModel( current_weapon ) );
PlayFx( level._effect["packapunch_fx"], origin+(0,1,-34), forward );

worldgun rotateto( angles+(0,90,0), 0.35, 0, 0 );
wait( 0.5 );
worldgun moveto( origin, 0.5, 0, 0 );
packa_rollers playsound( "packa_weap_upgrade" );
if( isDefined( perk_machine.wait_flag ) )
perk_machine.wait_flag rotateto( perk_machine.wait_flag.angles+(179, 0, 0), 0.25, 0, 0 );
wait( 0.35 );
worldgun delete();
wait( 3 );
packa_rollers playsound( "packa_weap_ready" );
worldgun = spawn( "script_model", origin );
worldgun.angles  = angles+(0,90,0);
worldgun setModel( GetWeaponModel( current_weapon+"_upgraded", level.camo ) );
worldgun moveto( interact_pos, 0.5, 0, 0 );
if( isDefined( perk_machine.wait_flag ) )
perk_machine.wait_flag rotateto( perk_machine.wait_flag.angles-(179, 0, 0), 0.25, 0, 0 );
wait( 0.5 );
worldgun moveto( origin, level.packapunch_timeout, 0, 0);
return worldgun;

Next find this function:
Code Snippet
wait_for_player_to_take( player, weapon, packa_timer )

Near the end of the function you will see this line:
Code Snippet
player GiveWeapon( weapon+"_upgraded" );

Replace it with this line:
Code Snippet
player GiveWeapon( weapon+"_upgraded", level.camo );

Now open _zombiemode_weapons.gsc and find this function:
Code Snippet
weapon_give( weapon, is_upgrade )

Go to the end of the function and replace:
Code Snippet
self GiveWeapon( weapon ); 

With these lines:
Code Snippet
self GiveWeapon( weapon, level.camo ); 

That was the scripting part. Now you have to open your weaponfile for your upgraded weapon.
In this example I will use 'wind_staff_upgraded'.

Open your weaponfile with a text editor and search for this:
Code Snippet

Paste the name of your 2nd viewmodel inside the backslashes like this:
Code Snippet

Repeat this up to gunmodel4 so it look like this:
Code Snippet

Now do the same thing again, but search for this to change the worldmodel too:
Code Snippet

It will look like this:
Code Snippet


After that you have to create the models you named inside the file. I think that you'll know how to do that.
Copy and paste your xmodel, rename it to the name you gave them in the step above, open them with a text editor and change the material to your new pap camo.
If you need more help with this just ask down below. :)


And that's it! I hope you like it :)

Please give credits to:
Harry Bo21
Spoiler: click to open...
Here I learned how to change the models. Thank you ;),8558.msg93051.html#msg93051
6 years ago
FM's Napalm Zombie

I made this boss a while ago and and I would like to share it with you now.  ::)
He has basiclly all the features from the one in Black Ops and one or two new ones.

1. Create a zombie spawner with these kvp's:
Code Snippet
targetname 			- 	napalmboss
count - 9999
script_forcespawn         - 1
spawnflags - 3
script_noteworthy         - zombie_spawner

2. Extract the downloaded files.

3. In your 'MAPNAME'.gsc add this:
Code Snippet
Under this:
Code Snippet

5. Add this to your PreCacheMyFx() function in your 'MAPNAME'.gsc:
Code Snippet
level._effect["fx_explosion_charge_large"]	= LoadFx ( "explosions/fx_explosion_charge_large" );
level._effect["napalm_head"] = LoadFx ( "fm/napalm_head" );

6. Add this to your mod.csv:
Code Snippet

7. Change the values for the Napalm if you want.

8. Compile your map and build mod.

Please give credits to MakeCents, BluntStuffy and me.
I hope you like it. Enjoy :)
7 years ago
I would like to change the run speed of a boss zombie, but it doesn't work. The iPrintLNBold's are working fine, but the move speed isn't changing.

I use this to spawn the zombie:
Code Snippet
...more code...
zombie = spawn_zombie( ent );
zombie.zombie_move_speed = "walk";
zombie thread check_for_running();
...more code...

And this to change his speed, after I shoot him:
Code Snippet
iPrintLNBold("Check run speed");

level endon("boss_killed");

while(IsAlive( self ))
if( < self.maxhealth)
self.zombie_move_speed = "sprint";
wait (10);
self.zombie_move_speed = "walk";
self.maxhealth =;

Any idea?
7 years ago
What can I do to increase the performance/FPS in my map? I've portaled the map already but I think that maps with tons of fx have more FPS then my map with only 5 rooms ???

Any help is greatly appreciated.
7 years ago
Can i use the Modtools with a Disc-Version of BO3 or do i have to buy it on Steam?
7 years ago
Normally the spectators will respawn after the end of a round. But i would like to respawn them instantly after they came into the spectator mode. I looked into _zombiemode.gsc and i find some functions, but im not been able to get this instant respawn to work.

Please help :)
7 years ago
I made a scipt where i use this function:
Code Snippet
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if(players[i] IsTouching( dmg )) players[i] DoDamage( 30, dmg.origin );

Now my problem - if a player goes down because of this script the map restarts like in SP. Hope you understand my problem.
8 years ago
What's the name of the stock grenade fx for the Stielhandgranate?
8 years ago
Project Angle
A Map by favzzombies

Welcome to this W.I.P.-Topic. This map will feature 4 small areas, connected with an area in the middle. Everything else you see in the screenshots below...  :lol:

8 years ago
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

iPrintLnBold ("Delta Manager started");
thread delta_zones_init();

thread zone_hide();
level waittill ("deltastart");
level thread zone_active( "start_zone" );
level waittill ("between_round_over");
level thread zone_delete( "start_zone" );
level thread zone_active( "zone2" );
level waittill ("between_round_over");
level thread zone_delete( "zone2" );
level thread zone_active( "zone3" );
level waittill ("between_round_over");
level thread zone_delete( "zone3" );

zone_delete( zone )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone ].spawners.size;x++)
level.zones[ zone ].spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
level.enemy_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone ].spawners[x]);
level.zones[ zone ].is_enabled = false;
level.zones[ zone ].is_occupied = false;
level.zones[ zone ].is_active = false;
iPrintLnBold ("" + zone + " delete");

level thread zone_delete( "start_zone" );
level thread zone_delete( "zone2" );
level thread zone_delete( "zone3" );

zone_active( zone )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone ].spawners.size;x++)
level.zones[ zone ].spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone ].spawners[x]);
level.zones[ zone ].is_enabled = true;
level.zones[ zone ].is_occupied = true;
level.zones[ zone ].is_active = true;
iPrintLnBold ("" + zone + " active");
Hey guys,
i have another problem. The script on top works fine, but the zombies also spawn in the last zone im in. For example: I spawn in zone 1 and all zombies also spawn only in this zone. After this round i teleport into zone 2, activate zone 2 and deactivate zone 1, so that the zombies only can spawn in zone 2 where im in. But a few zombies spawn again in zone 1. Hope you understand my problem. I thinks it's because im waittill ("between_round_over"): after this notify i teleport the player and deactivate the zone.

8 years ago
How can i get the impact point of a weapon?
8 years ago
Is it possible to delete a zone-volume via script or to disable the spawners in the zone?
8 years ago
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